decoration ideas for 90's party

decoration ideas for 90's party

it doesn't need anything else skements for delicious ingredients. we'll get things together in just a bit. brendan: do you wish you could step back in time -- i think i stepped back in time to puberty be that voice crack-shf

then you've come to the right place. here is a thriller for you guys. the two white chicks are back. heather and amy from lite rock 105 to show us how to throw a rockin' '80s themed party. nice to see you. oh.

himents brendan: all joking aside, this is a great idea to have some fun. your '80s show saturday night. what do we do to have the most awesome night possible? you need your staples for an '80s party, which is the beads

t neon bracelets, the clothes. the clothing part of it. you are going to wear the short shorts or something like that. you need the socks. [laughter] brendan: i get the feeling you want to see me in some of these items.

went there for a second. you know, you could put this one on. it's not meant to hold up pants in the 1980s. right. absolutely. and you have -- here, do you want to put one on?

brendan: ok. this is going to be fun. brendan: here we go. the fish net gloves. there you go. and want both of them? anything that you can think of. like i say -- oh. you can --

brendan: just like in 1989. you can save money by doing a thrift shop. i didn't buy these new. i bought these at savers or wherever, salvation army, the belt. the beads you the get at the party store or by the way i

don't know if you can see this on -- brendan: i got these at lenscrafters. the buttons light up. . after you have wine coolers, everything lights up. brendan: absolutely.

let's talk about the pac-man cookies right here. i've been buying these since the 1980s in barrington. they are still making them and still taste delicious and they're there behind this kiosk when you walk in. brendan: seeing this

ensemble is just -- i of it. absolutely love it. and then try to figure out the rubiks -- i really mess it up. you can't give it to him all cleaned up like that. brendan: you know that guy that can do it in six seconds?

i'm not that guy. heather brought her old swatch watch. anything that you might have saved from the '80s. brendan: a lot of people don't want to throw it away and they keep it and do the hording.

i have another watch that i wore on my wrist that was set to london time because that's what duran duran was based. brendan: oh, yeah. hungry like the wolf. and the candy is great. you can fill a table with -- remember jolly ranchers and now

'n laters. they still make them and you can still buy them and a wine cooler table is definitely recommended. brendan: what do you think it is about the '80s? is it the nostalgia aspect? what makes people still in love

with it? the music was awesome and it was so colorful. we could really project some more color on you if we really wanted to. the range was great because you had the fleur resent and the capris.

brendan: and the madonna shirt. and then you also had the hair spray bands. brendan: of course. this is great. here we go. brendan: all of that work. just call me the material girl

of the rhode show. this is the most embarrassing moment of my life. let's talk about your saturday night. every saturday night from 8:00 to 10:00 on lite rock 105, tune in and we play all of your favourite songs, you can play

trivia. the '80s mystery tv show. brendan: and you've had cool guests. we had jordan knights to kick off the awesome '80s show. doc from the "love boat" was on last saturday. brendan: a pleasure to see

you ladies. fun ideas of things we can do. you are the expert on the '80s. all right. you earned your cookie. brendan: just an adjustment being made here. i earned the pac-man cookies.

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