fall and fireplaces just seem to go together.here are 3 simple ways to decorate a fall mantel. one, pair up natural elements likegourds and crabapple branches. find a couple of gourds that have nice shape and texture.put them directly on the mantel and use a rustic phase with branches to give it height.two, use pops of orange to perk up a mostly white mantel. try heart shape chinese lanternstems and a pumpkin engraved with an elegant monogram. finish it off with a couple of sparklymercury glass containers. three, display fall leaves. you can mount a graphic collectionof them on a canvass using glue dots or wire a few artificial leaves to a ribbon stretchedacross an empty frame. select one or two stunning specimens to sandwich between glass insidea simple frame. natural elements make it easy
to decorate your mantel for fall.