this is the how to plumbing channel myname is claude taylor to all my friends and subscribers welcome back and if youare new to this channel i hope you liked the video and if you do give it a thumbsup and become a subscriber also hit that notification bell find out the latestvideos that are coming out thank you this video here is going to be all abouthow to unclog the bathroom sink in your bathroom and the easiest and best way togo at it okay what i'm doing here is of course i'm filling this sink up with alittle water actually i'm not trying to fill up it's actually partially cloggedso you can see that it is going down slowso usually before i try to clear align

with a sewer machine which we are goingto do in this video i like to try some of the simple things first and that'swhat we're gonna do right now we're gonna do the simplest things right nowand normally what i do is i will take a rag and i'll wet the rag and if younotice on almost every bathroom sink there's a little small hole at the topof the sink itself here i'll show you right now and that small hole is more orless like a overflow and in case the water starts to get too high some of itcould drain out you see the hole right there though the water drain out andthat hole right there and go around that's what someone leaves the water onand has to stop her in there so the

trick is we're going to plug that holedup and we're gonna use a plunger first we're gonna try to use it working with aplunger before we go any further and first we're gonna get a little waterin there so that with the plunger have something to push down through the drain now you see as i push down on theplunger the water comes out that hole right thereokay now that's the problem what we're gonna do is we're going to cover thathole up so that when we do plunge the water go the pressure will go throughthe drain rather than back up through that hole and create pressure to clearthe line and usually this turns out to

be pretty simple and it will work butsometimes if it's difficult there are other procedures that we would need totake and we will on this video now if you look a little closer you notice thatthe water is going down a little faster a little faster that may be pretty goodfor some people but that's not gonna be good enough for us so on to the next onei'm gonna take you to another bathroom sink and we're going to come back tothis one and i'm gonna show you how we eventually clear this line and have anice fast flow now this is the next sink and this is another place and ninetypercent of the time especially in newer homes homes no more than ten years oldninety percent of times it's going to be

here and again before we go to anymeasures we're going to try the simplest things first before we move on toanything that may be a little more complicated so what i did here is igrabbed a small plastic container and this is the place that i like to startthe the most the first before you know i even after plunging because i know ifthe issue is most more than most likely right here and you can see right thereall the hair that's down in there okay there's even more hair than that down inthere but you can see the issue and you notice i pulled the the pop-up plug thelever out that way that can have a straight shot from up top down to thebottom up under the sink so now i'm

going to remove the p-trap and by the way if you're wondering whata p-trap is the purpose of a tepee trap is okay you see some of the gook inthere the purpose of a p-trap is to hold water and that water prevents sewer gasfrom coming back up into your house that's the purpose of a pea trap okayall it is took a little bit of tissue and a wire coat hanger and just pushedit down through the drain to clear out any other access debris that may be inthere now keep in mind if you did and were tocall a professional drain cleaning service company from what i understandfrom a friend of mine now it will cost

you up to four hundred and twenty-fivedollars to have this here done to clear your laughs sink and some of them may belenient and if that's all they have to do is take the trap off they may notcharge you much but if they have to actually pull their machine out and runthrough your drain you're looking at around four hundred and twenty-fivedollars at least if not maybe hopefully less independent where you live whatpart of the country could be more and throughout this video i am going to showyou how to use the drain cleaning machine and the service that they willgive when they come out okay now that was all to this one andnow we're going back to the other one

and you could say that it is draining alittle better after plunging but still not good enough now listen real close okay you hear thatthat's an indication that there's a partial stoppage in your line so i'mgonna take care of that partial stoppage and me when i do go to a home oranywhere to do something clog and i like to bring my my sponge my town lock abucket and some nice clean cloth to clean up and keep water off the bottomof the cabinet on the floor now in this video here you're not only going to seeme of clear the line with a drain cleaning machine this is a bonus this isgonna be a bonus video actually it's a

bonus video because we're gonna go to alittle more in depth of what could happen and you will see why a lot of thecompanies really can't give you a estimate over the phone on how to a onclearing your line and again the first place that i startafter the plunge is to go about removing the trap this one's not too bad so it'spretty clear so we know that the partial stop which is not right there and we dohave a little hair there but that's not enough to make it make that bloop soundthat's going to be a little further in the wall and back going towards the ventbecause the bloop sound is the sound of the drain trying to gasp for air andwhat i'm gonna do here is just like i

did with the other one in the video toclearly hear that's coming out to drain and any other debris that's up in thereis i'm gonna also run a rag down through that but first i'm gonna have to removethis lever right here and that lever is the lever thatoperates the pop-up plug to plug the sink when you need to or unplug it andthis one's actually not collect connected at all anyway because of theslow drain it's been pulled out and a lot of peopledo that to try to get it to drain faster and that water you see coming out wascoming out from the hole where i removed the lever and you can see the rag ofcourse coming through clearing out any

of the rest of the debris that's on theside of the drain so that we have a nice clean drain and i had to run the wateron the rags because they were actually too dry and it was really hard to kindof push it through i probably put too many in there but that's why thatwater's there okay now that we've done that it's abouttime that we pull the jbn off the j-pin is the part that looks like a j andwe're going to pull that out so that we can start running short machine and then you probably didn't see it buti noticed something that that may create a problem and this is where the bonusvideo comes in the drain was actually

disconnected behind the wall so we'renot they've run a machine to that so we're gonna have to do is we're gonnahave to here we are on the other side i actually measured it out and rightbehind the microwave is where that pipe is so i'm going to remove the microwaveand we're going to cut the wall and get access to the drain pipe so that we canmake the necessary repairs this is just a small template that i made up i gotquite a few in different sizes if you're doing something like this a lot it makesit quick and easy now along with the four hundred andtwenty five dollars that they from what i understand they're charging now chargethat they would charge you for clearing

the bathroom sink this part here is notincluded in that price so you can expect the whoever's coming to a clear line togive you another price or have a plumber come out and give you another price andquote you a price so that would be another price along with the fourhundred and twenty five just something to give you something to something youcould think about and if it looks like it's an odd spotwhere the pipe should be it's not this is like a bi-level house so the secondfloor is actually probably no more than three to four feet up and so it's like asplit-level and that's why the pipe is where it is

and if you're wondering and curiousabout the tool that i just used to cut the opening in the wall that's called amulti-tool and as you can see it comes in very it's very handy before this iused to use a keyhole saw and i mean that was that work that was prettyeffective but not as easy now we can see where the drain pipe was disconnectedfrom in the wall and the damage that it kind of did to the wood and probablycould have and would have gotten worse so we're going to do is we're going tocut part of this drain pipe out and put a new 90 and new piece of pipe and justglue it back together and prior to me cutting this if younotice that i was in the half a hand in

the wall feeling on the pipe and shakingit and moving it i just wanted to make sure that there was no other issues downthe line that that piece of pipe right there would come out and it seemedpretty sturdy and strong so we should be pretty good here just cut this piece outand we'll be fine and once again but once i get this out i'm gonna check itagain wiggle it try to roll it back and forth and see if we can okay so i actually cut that from the otherside up under the sink itself you see i'm testing it again to makesure that's strong up under the sink itself because i didn't want to pull itthrough that hole and make the hole

larger than what it was i want to try touse that exact same hold so that we don't have a gap between the pipe andthe wall from up underneath the cabinet this is uh here's the 90 it'sinch-and-a-half 90 and these are two inch and a halfcouplings one is a standard coupling and the other is a slip the one without thering is a slip coupling that's just that's just for tight places where youreally can't get to they kind of help you just slide it down the pipe andslide it back up something you couldn't do with the standard coupling and ofcourse before we glue anything up we're going to clean it and this is our primerto clean the pipe and the primer

actually heats the pipe up also and thatmakes for a good adhesive once it's pushed together and the piece that i put in the inch anda half ninety is not glued it's just a random piece random meaning just arandom piece that i grab to hold in place so that i can get a measurementfor the piece of pipe that's gonna go right here and i know you can't see itvery well i know you see the numbers but it's gonna be a 3-inch piece so i'mgonna cut a 3-inch piece i'm gonna squeeze that in there along with thecoupling and we should be pretty much on the money

and i'm putting that pipe in the holeright now because it's gonna line me out with my inch and a half ninety so thati've know that i'm aiming straight for the hole and it won't be glued right nowthe piece that's in the wall but i will glue it from the other side once i getthis in place and it's always good to once you push the pipe into the fittingand the glue is to turn it so that if there's any voids and it get the voidout now you can see that that turned outnice and it's a nice and pretty straight with the hold so now i have to do isjust go on back on the other side up under the sink and pull that piece backout prime it and glue it and push it

back in and like i said it's a randompiece so i'm sure i am going to have to cut some of the pipe off on the otherside because it's a little longer than you need okay back on the other side as i saidthis random piece would be a little too long i knew it would so we're just gonnacut it enough off so that we can fit the p-trap assembly up under here and the tool that i'm using here is asmall reciprocating saw i know a lot of these tools if you're ahomeowner owner or be a do-it-yourselfer you may not have these tools layingaround but for those of you do or if

you're interested in getting somethinglike this at least you'll know what i'm working with and could make your job alot easier especially if you're gonna do it quite a bit you can also use ahacksaw to do the same thing that i've done here but you can see the tightspace that you have to work in it's not going to be as easy but just giving youideas also whenever using the glue and the primer here like this this is tightquarters it's a good idea to have some kind of air circulating through the roomthis stuff can't overwhelm you at times and this is the trap adapter this iswhat we call a trap adapter this is an inch-and-a-half trapper adapter thatwe're putting in here and trap adapter

because it adapts to the trap thislittle lever is kind of in the way of the using the drain cleaning machine soi just kind of put it up enough out of place out of my out of my way and thisdrain machine if you notice the head on it it is a drop head and that shouldmake this job a little easier because once i get to the vertical part of thepipe rather than the snake going up to the vent it will drop down and go to thedrainage system and again this is a tight area to work in and this is a milwaukee sink drainmachine it's battery-operated lightweight you can get one you can getokay

using the drain machine is really notthat hard if you've noticed the first thing i do is push it in with my handand basically all i am going to use is my hand the machine i'm hardly puttingany effort into it so i just push until i feel the area of where it's gonna stopand i feel that there may be the stoppage or it may be a change ofdirection meaning a elbow or something that i need to get past okay this wasnot a serious stoppage but it was enough to restrict a lot of the flow of watergoing through there and this is a 25 foot of cable machine and most cases inthe lab sink you're not gonna go much further than 25 feet we've already madeit to the main line the stack going down

so this line is pretty clear so nowwe're going to put the treat p-trap back on and we're going to fill the sink upor we let it do water run and we'll see how quickly water goes down now and thisis a new p-trap that i purchased i probably more than most likely couldhave used the old one but once i made a trip to the store i wasn't making thesecond trip so i'm just making sure i had everything that i needed and if youknow plumbers we usually get two of everything just in case there's alwaysthat plumbing is murphy's law anything that can go wrong will we buy two cansof glue one to kick over and one to use this is what i'm showing you here is ainch and a half by inch and a quarter

washer because most laughs things alllaugh sinks is gonna be inch and a quarter the drains coming down from thelaughs sink it's gonna be inch and a quarter back in the day they used to runa lot of inch and a quarter pipe actually traps up under the sinks butyou very seldom see that anymore now everything's inch and a half which ismuch better that gives you more flow and more of opening and i like to just putthat there to hold the trap in place so that i can line up the drain but i seethere is something here i forgot i forgot to put the other nut on that goesdown to the j bin to the trap okay now you can see the difference bigdifference again i'm claude taylor

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