>>julia: hi there. my name is julia with uniquevanities.com,and in this video i wanted to talk about how to determine the appropriate materials, youknow, what have to even start on when you have made the decision to go ahead and remodelyour bathroom. the very first place you need to begin isyou need to think about what is the overall use of the bathroom. is this a bathroom thatis going to be used very seldom such as a powder bath as an example or is this goingto be a master bath or a children’s bathroom that is going to get a lot of use and a lotof wear and tear. the reason i say that is because you need to really take into considerationthe usefulness of the materials you choose to put in the bathroom.a great example are vessel sinks. i personally,
i love them, i’ve got one in my powder bathand the powder bath that it is in actually gets quite a bit of use. it probably getsmore use than other bathrooms in the home because it is get used throughout the day.we have a vessel sink in there and by far a vessel sink is not usually the best optionin the bathroom; it gets used a lot. because there is a lot of splashing from the waterand it just requires more upkeep to maintain the bathroom looking at its best.another thing would be the stone countertop that you choose. there are definitely stonesthat are more durable for a greater wear and tear than others and an example i think ofis marble. marble is a very popular countertop for bathrooms but it is not going to be asdurable long-term as say something like granite
or quartz. with marble it is easily stainedor etched if there is water marks left on the countertop, and also has natural veiningin it which requires sealing more often so the more you use the bathroom gets, the moresealing you’re going to have to do with it.begin asking yourself, how is this bathroom going to be used? how often is it going tobe used? and take that in consideration when you are choosing your materials, that wayyour overall bathroom design will last long-term for you.hopefully this helped you. at least i know there are a lot of decisions to be made inbathroom remodeling and this is just one small tip that you can think about upfront, it shouldhelp you. if you have any questions, you can
give us a call anytime at 866-526-1843 orvisit us online at uniquevanities.com