i'm brent shelly with expert village and weare talking about lighting designs today. keep in mind that when you are sitting atthe table, you want to have enough face light to be able to see the person across from thetable. so have your chandelier or wall sconces or your down lights up at a level that allowsyou to do that. not up so bright that it distracts from the mood and that candlelit feeling thatyou are trying to create. we all have kitchens, we all have particular things that we do inthe kitchen from preparing the food to cooking the food and just hanging out and talkingwith friends. those are very different tasks. when you are preparing the food and cookingthe food, you need a high level of light in those cases. a good way to get that is fromdown lights in a ceiling. the best way to

do that is with recessed cans in the ceiling.there are a couple of common sources that you can use for lighting your kitchen. onebeing incandescent and one being fluorescent. fluorescent is a much more energy efficientsource and it has a lot less heat. so when you are in the kitchen and you are cookingfood, it is probably a good source to have so that you are not adding to that ambientheat that is coming from your stove or oven.

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