- [announcer] previously on can we cure. - i mean, i am going away for two weeks, essentially just lara and i, on what's supposed to be a life-changing trip. ninety-one dollars. just to be comfortable. (upbeat music) - [woman] alright so, we are here at the is it just the carmen laser?
- carmen care laser. (drum music) so we treat pain. the laser companies arejust putting out there, yeah just treat yourpatients six or eight times and if it doesn't workafter that, it doesn't work. well that's not truewhen it's chronic illness and chronic pain. - i've been to i mean every
kind of therapy you can imagine for this. - i've had so manypatients that come to me that have been to several physicians. they're great physiciansbut they're limited. it's like surgery or medication. - i've been told sincei was like 19 years old to just get a hysterectomyand i think that's insane. - unfortunately we thinksurgery is an answer. that's not always.
- a cure, yeah that is not the route that i ever choose to take. - with this, we canthink out of the box and if you think out of the box andthen there are other options for you, there are natural options. i'm really excited toshow you the t3 protocol that we've developed. the t3 stands for treating the trauma, the toxins and the thoughts.
so we the trauma that'shappened to the body, toxins that can be involved andnot being able to get better and the thoughts as well. let's set some goalsthat would be realistic that we could say, you knowwhat, i can do this versus this when i came. - right, right. - let's say drinking and eating. - yeah.
- [leslie] so every time youeat and every time you drink, you have pain. - yeah, my goal kind of just be, to be able to go out todinner with my boyfriend or go out with friends and nothave to go home immediately afterwards because ofhow uncomfortable i am. i used to be reallyhesitant to date because i would go out, you knowhow there's all these memes about girl's who eat saladsinstead of eating steak
and it's like, i alwaysget so mad cause i'm like well some people havefucking dietary restrictions, like sorry i don't wantto have extreme diarrhea on my date because i'm eatingsteak just to impress you. - my therapist told methat i should try and write a letter to thedoctor who did this to me. i haven't spoken to him since the surgery. we tried to sue and we couldn't because of the statue of limitations.
so my therapist suggested,write a letter that i could burn so i'm going to do that as part of this. - yeah and what we'll do in the psyche is we're just gonna forgive him. i know how hard that is. - i'm gonna cry a lot. - so will i but you know what,it's just the only way to go. - right, it's the only way to go. people are skeptical becauseit's just not out there
and that's why i'm soexcited about this because this will change the world. this can change the understandingthat laser can help you with pain and let's hope we can do that. so this is the detoxarea, which i love doing. - [kelsey] we love the word detox, that's like our favorite word. - [leslie] i have thesevials back here and they have a specificfrequency of the toxin.
- [lara] okay. - this is a signal enhancer. so i'm just gonna put thison your stomach because these actually transfersthe signal as well. so i'm gonna ask you to hold your arm up so you don't want to pushback or push forward, you just want to really have a steady hold and i'm always gonna say hold for me and i'm gonna push down andyou just hold your arm
in the position. when you feel something that's weak, you're gonna feel like in the muscles like you're not going to be able to hold it up then just let it go down cause that's the way we're gonnacommunicate that your body has a toxin or it doesn't. what we found is when wedo this muscle testing, we can find substancesthat have a toxic overload
in your body. so just put your arm up for me please. - i can hold my arm upfor every freakin' thing. for every sulfate, for every chemical and then the second she put thattrigeminal one near my hand my arm collapsed. - hold for me. so you can barely hold right? - [kelsey] do you know what that is?
- [lara] no. - [kelsey] it's the dioxin. - we can find dioxin intoday's food, in the milk, in meats and it's really a herbicide that is sprayed everywhereand it's just coming and showing up in all differentareas of our life. - there are some studies that link dioxins to endometriosis. - everybody that i treated with a dioxin,
they all had fantastic results. - [kelsey] it's like not banana science, it's just like simple. - simple, easy.- [kelsey] testing. - it's so awesome. - [kelsey] like when you weretalking about doing testing we were like is she gonna take blood. so all this shit you'reholding in your hand is the bad stuff.
- [lara] yep.- [leslie] yes. - like look at the differencebetween mine and yours and it makes so much sense to me. - [lara] yeah, whatever. it's not a competition. - i think you would win.- [lara] but if it was. - you got everything. - so what we're doing hereis we're taking a pulse laser and we're putting that toxin that we found
through the laser. when you understand how itworks, you're going to understand that it doesn't matter what you have. that vibration matchesthe vibration that's on your cells or in yourcells and it released. that's all we are, are cellsand the laser goes directly into the mitochondria of these cells and stimulates theirregeneration, their growth. that's what laser's all about
it's just you doing the healing and we're giving you energy to do that. - [kelsey] so like we haveseen so many people that have tried to heal us andin a weird way being here is like we're healing ourselves? - yes. - i want to believe so badthat in a month, two months from now, i will be better. - sometimes i'm like really positive and
sometimes i just getinto my head and i'm like is this a waste of time,am i just buying into this the way people buy intolike pyramid schemes on facebook and startselling you leggings, like i don't know. - [leslie] day two. - morning. so this is the newest machinethat we have the velashape and what i really love about this,
this you put on like a nice suit. - what the fuck are we doing? - this has very specific,patented technology where it sucks up your skinand gives laser and light and it stimulates your lymphatic drainage. - [kelsey] this body suitis very 2017 fashion. - yeah, i would wear it. - if you were to likeput that on my nipple, i would like have an orgasm.
(laughs) - it's interesting being with kelsey cause you never know when she'sin pain but with me, you know when i'm in pain. - so this is the other roomthat do treatments too. - we're gonna have a treatment that stimulates your immune system. so we do the carotidarteries, the adrenal glands, the heart, so we're justgonna give your body energy
to start healing. - my body always tenses a little bit when anybody gets near that area. - of course, that's understandable. - it's very hard forme to feel any sort of like touching around thatarea because it will just my body only remembers pain. - so on a scale of 0 and 10 being extreme, what would you have that as of today?
- if i actually tried to havesex, it would be like a 10. people just like, theysay they're understanding about like oh you have pelvicpain i won't do too much. but like even touching me with like a q-tip is doing too much. i'm spending like four hours a day minimum at this treatment centergetting treatment and like i'm still having pain. - this is the easiest treatment i've had.
- [lara] like one eye ishigher. it's so funny. - make me beautiful. this is the area i'mmost interested in seeing what's gonna happen with it. am i sexy? - [lara] very.- [leslie] yes. - thanks guys. i want to feel what it'slike to have my face back. - so this is a laser with amassage ball, a glass ball,
so as soon as i mess thisthe laser goes off and now you're getting the double. you're getting the massage andlaser and it feels amazing. - this is incredible. it's just like a waterbed but irl. see now only does this treatment not hurt, it feels good. - the massage was amazingbut now i feel like shit so who knows.
- that's what's trickyabout this process is we're just laying thereand then you go home and you're like, why doi feel like i got hit by a fucking truck? - yes, you're just having a light on you. - [kelsey] but it's doing so much. - i am swollen. - [kelsey] can you turn to the side? - as fuck.
- [kelsey] it's also,you're detoxing still. - i'm detoxing dioxin todayso i think by body is just - [kelsey] so totallylike flaring up like crazy cause all the shit. meanwhile, pepper just me and her, this is the true love story. day four. we never wear our pantsanymore when we come. that's how close we have become.
- i don't even wanna get too excited but i'm not having any bad burning in my chin, which is where it alwayslocalized all the time. ahhh. i can't even tell you how good this feels. - i'm feeling a littlebit better today but to be honest, i'm still not 100 percent i'm still just very sad andi'm just kind of burnt out. - so what we're gonnado in this segment is
addressing your belief system, addressing the emotional part. if you're a person thathas had such chronic pain, you've seen so many doctors and i'm not putting doctors down at all. but you've seen so many physicians. you're researching, you'reseeing i can't help, there's no help, i have toomuch pain, nobody can help me. so your belief system becomes weakened and
every time you see somebody,every time there's a result where i thought this wasgonna help and it didn't help now what's the belief system? (sighs) this didn't help either. when you say you have a hardtime forgiving the doctor or that you don't even like going there. would that be okay if we go there? - yeah, i mean i'm sure all that comes up is anger and sadness.
- so can you just imaginethe freedom you'd have if you forgive him? right? - yeah, i just don't knowwhat dumping all of this back onto him would make me feel. - [leslie] right. - like i don't know if i'd feel better but i also am like, he deserves to know. like that's why i shut down cause i go.
- [leslie] is there atime where you remember being pain free? - i don't know if i really truly remember, it just feels like so bad now. i remember being happierand that makes me sad. - it's hard to explain but oneof my biggest fears is like letting the pain win. i kind of feel like i'malways teetering on the edge of just complete darkness.
so i guess my fear is justfalling into that darkness or letting the cloud overtake me forever. on my bad mental health days,i see myself as like a monster who's just this like reallydifficult person to deal with, who's always sad and alwaysin pain and always depressed and i'm just like this elephantthat goes into the rooms and just like knocks everythingover and just reminds people of like sadness. i don't know.
i just convince myself that, i don't know. people just don't want tohear about it sometimes. - so the best would befor us to find a statement that would let you deal with it. - you know, that would. - like even just like, i forgive you? - right, that would be the easiest. - it's just i forgive youeven add whole heartedly because it really wants tocome from a place of love.
- and like even you saying that, i want to vomit justthinking about saying that because i almost don't believe it. - you're afraid of the darkness. - [lara] mhmm. - so we say, i am light. - i am light. - do you think it'sall just like bullshit? - i do and i don't.
i don't think it's allbullshit but i also do if that makes sense. - what's her mantra, iforgive whole heartedly. - i don't even remember mine. - fuck. - something came in the mailfor lara and pepper parker and i have no idea whatit is and the only person i think that would send itwould be my boyfriend, patrick. - [kelsey] um, let's talk about patrick.
- dating someone who has achronic illness is not easy but he's just a greatguy like i don't know how i got so lucky. sometimes i don't feel like i deserve it. aww, you know what they are don't ya? he is like my, what is itlike your safety blanket or whatever, like he is that to me. my favorite chocolate. i just wish he was here like
i wish i could just have a distraction. i wish i could just hug him. - look dating is alreadyfuckin' hard enough. there's so many conversationsthat need to be had about like intimate shit, thesame way endometriosis does. just like kissing or like blow jobs and it's embarrassing and it sucks and i don't want peopleto feel sad for me, i don't want people to feel sorry for me
and i feel like as soon as i introduce tn into the relationship,it becomes like this aww. - it's important for us toshow people in our lives that we love, what we actually go through. otherwise, they're justnever gonna get it and we're gonna get frustratedat them for not getting it but we're refusing to show them, so. - i've just been wakingup every morning and like my face is really red andeverything feels locked.
- she's been laseringlike all around my vagina, my lower back, my pelvicfloor muscles and stuff and that makes sense to me but in order to have the insideof my vagina healed and be able to possibly do all the things that i can't do right now likeinsert large tampons or have penetration, likeit makes sense to me but it needs to go inside to do the work. i'm not going to try this baby.
yes, this will be going inside my vagina, if i can get it there. i have my handy dandy coconut oil here to help get this mother fucker in and we're just gonna see how it goes and i'm obviously not going to film it because this isn't a porno. (beep) - [lara] guess who the fuckjust inserted the probe
for 20 minutes. - you bitch. 20 minutes? - [lara] 20 fuckin' minutesand it didn't even hurt. - it didn't even hurt? - i like regressed somuch since i got botox. i hadn't been going to physical therapy, i get lasering 15 treatments and it's been ten minutes still in.
two weeks ago i triedto insert my dilatator and i couldn't sosomething's fuckin' changed. i don't wanna say it,cause i'm scared to jinx it but i think the lasers work. i mean the proof is inmy vagina right now. - i'm so excited for you. dude, that's crazy. - [lara] i know, but you're next. - next.
- just imagine if i couldinsert super tampons without excruciating pain, if i could orgasm withoutexcruciating pain, if i could have sex. i've never done that. i've never done that and imight fuckin' be able to now. that's fuckin' crazy. - [narrator] next time on can we cure. - how the times have changed.
- i just started my period and it will be really interestingto see how this goes. - we leave tomorrow andi still haven't written this fucking letter to the doctor. i don't wanna. - i'm hoping that this is the new normal. (jazz music)