thanks to corsair and synergy for sponsoring our coverage of computex 2017. you can check them both out in the link in the video description! all right! guys we're here in the corsair suite wherethey have i would love to say one of the most over-the-top pc case concepts thatwe've ever seen but that would be a downright damn lie because this is themost over-the-top case concept we have ever seen this is the concept slate, andi'm standing close to the camera intentionally why is it so quiet andhere you guys can keep talking it's fine and i'm standing so close to the cameraright now so that i can hide a little bit the utter scale of this freakingmonstrosity look at it this thing is 120

liters of volume of pure enthusiastgrade pc goodness to put that in perspective compared to the gigabytebrix vr which holds a quad core core i7 processor and a gtx 1060, this is idid the math ahead of time but i apparently didn't write it down but it'sa lot more times i think it's like 48 times the internal volume so what onearth would you do with that kind of space well corsair clearly has some ideawhat you would do so the first thing you do is put in two motherboards because duhhright so you can put up to an e atx or ssi ee b motherboard in here up on thetop and then get this it comes with pci express risers so you can either put allof your you know graphics cards and red

rocket accelerators in you knowhorizontally like some kind of stone age chump or you can turn four of themhorizontally so that you can see your sli graphics cards and all theirwater-cooled glory oh yeah of course there apparently makes custom watercooling parts now so that's fascinating then you go ahead and you put anothermotherboard in here so the itx motherboard which still manages to havetwo expansion slots that's how big the back of this case is. goes right down here at thebottom and they've even got a bunch of hardline tubing in here showing how youcould potentially water cool both

systems now in terms of radiator supporti'd love to say this is where it gets more ridiculous but everything about this case is on a scale of ridiculous that you can't really measure it anymore so we've got slide-out radiator trays for the topand the front you can either put uh i think it's up to a quadruple 120 orquadruple 140 on the top by getting that right and then you can put up to twoquadruple 120s here in the front it's got reservoir mounting completely up thebutt so you can put a reservoir basically anywhere you want here oranywhere you want kind of at the back in

there so it can hold up to 34 fans ifyou were to install push-pull configurations on every radiator and tobe clear that does not include the power supply fans because of course youcould need up to two power supplies so there's an atx one here under the miniitx motherboard mount which you can take off if you want to you know gaze uponyour power supply and all of its glory and then there's an sfx one that you cantake out a reinforcing bracket and cram in at the back speaking of theback that's where you put all your drives it takes up to five three and ahalf inch drives because that's how unimportant hard drives are these daysyou could have 120 years of space and

you still don't want more than like idon't know there's five hard drive no big deal and then they've got room for ithink it's up to eight two and a half inch ssds at the back and of course it'sgot all the latest features as well so it's got full rgb integration withcorsairs new what is it commander pro something along those lines yeah i'mgetting the nod as well as an rgb logo at the front two usb 3.1 type c's forusb 3.0 regular sized connectors and curved tempered glass yes my friendseach of these side panels probably weighs about as much as i do between thegigantic pane of glass and the aluminum kind of you know whatever we'll callthis piece so there you have it does

this make any sense i'm not sure butwhat i do know is that when i made that comment corsair helpfully pointed out tome that while it may or may not with a hundred and twenty liters of internalvolume they could cut me up put me in a blender and literally pour me into itbut that's probably a coincidence and we're back okay so thanks forchecking out this video here in the corsair suite and a huge shout out toour sponsors for computex this year corsair actually who now i think aboutit this is sort of ironic our coverage is brought to you by the corsair one apc that's sort of not that much less powerful than this but is literallyone-tenth the size you can check it out

at the link in the video description isavailable with a gtx 1070, 1080 or upcoming a 1080 ti with a quad core core i7 andit's also brought to you by synergy which works perfectly with this as wellbecause synergy allows you to use a keyboard now seamlessly between two computerslike oh i don't know say for example if you went crazy and bought a tower likethis that fits two computers inside it so check out the link below to save 25%off synergy don't miss any of our computex 2017 coverage by making sureyou're subscribed and i'll see you guys again at the next booth!

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