aussie gingerbread house decorating ideas

aussie gingerbread house decorating ideas

hey guys i'm veronica i'm vanessa and today we are doing the ultimate gingerbread house challenge every year we do the gingerbread house challenge, but this year is ultimate... but before we move on to the video welcome to merrell christmas we're posting twice for the month of december on tuesdays and fridays so hope you guys are enjoying merrell christmas let us know in the comments below also make sure to subscribe to our channel if you are new and if you do watch our videos and you're not subscribed what do you doing? join the twinner family today! call 8100. 8100 i'm a! with only 20 payments of $2 you can join you can

join the twinner family! yay! and become a potato, you get a potato! actually, just please subscribe. that's all we ask nothing else is required. also turn on those bell notifications to get notified when we post new videos every week alright, so moving on, what we're going to be doing today is we're gonna be building a gingerbread house but this is not any gingerbread house because we aren't using any gingerbread. we are using this! we are making a life-sized gingerbread house it's actually cardboard, but you know what you won't know the difference so it is just plain like white it says to color it in right, but no that's not how we do it here on this channel. we are going to paint it and decorate it with

decorations that we bought ourselves so we're going to do the front together. i'll take one side roni will take the other side and whoever side is the best will win the challenge, but the ultimate challenge is to make the house yes, so we actually have to paint it and then assemble it and then decorate it yes and we're going to try and do this as quickly as possible so are you ready to try and do this? yes okay so we are in our painting outfits our working outfits

so we don't get anything all messy and dirty that we want to keep. these i don't really care about alright are you ready to put this thing together? yes, i'm ready. okay. how? there's no instructions. is there really? i don't know. i say we just do it okay, well nessa. i've been enclosed. help, i found a window oh, here's the front. ohhh aha

i'm falling hello there's two ways to get in you're missing the hole completely oh my gosh nessa no, nessa what are you doing? what is going on here? nessa i am trapped is there instructions? instructions! i found instructions!

we were doing this completely wrong, okay, okay, so first we assemble the corners sooo nessa come over here no no no nessa hold this part for me please just hold it. are you sure you're doing it correctly that's what it says to do. three hours later alright so we had professional house builders build the rest of the house for us cause we couldn't do it we we're not smart so now roni has her side. she's going to decorate. i have my side, and we're going to decorate the front together

we're actually going to paint it instead of color in the lines. we'll see how this goes yeah, i'm scared. are you ready? i'm ready yes. can i have a candy cane? ow. that's what you get. it's war. alright you guys so our gingerbread house has been painted we didn't really color in some stuff because we want to make it original yeah, so we're going to do the front first, and then we'll do our sides of the house yep okay, ready and go!

wow hey let's hang them up, okay, all right hey, let's work on the curtains okay, so we have finished in the front, and we did it as a team good job it looks so good, and if you're wondering what we're going to be doing with this after this video we have to have a lot of family coming into town. there's a lot of little young ones who are gonna be here let them play let them play in this alright, so now it's the challenge part boom boom whew we have we were going to see who can make the better side, and we're going to get 10 minutes on the clock

and we got 10 minutes to do whatever we want to our sides and see who has the better one and then will you guys? decide who you think did the best are you guys ready yes one? minute 30 seconds two seconds and done alright so we are now done with both of our sides unfortunately for some reason my camera stopped recording in the middle of it, so we didn't get me building it, but my side is done yeah do you want to cut yeah?

um i'll come over to you after get this glue off my meat close your eyes, okay, and there we go wow what what's wrong with it, it's really good it is yeah yeah, are you joking? he's mine use this really good really yeah thanks, you want to come see mine sure just close your eyes right now i'm ready, okay the roof looks pretty yeah, but then i had a little time to do this so

i think we definitely know who won this challenge. oh is nice runny like the curtains kind of failed tonight you tore it up and put them on their little thoughts oh poor ronnie and that was the gingerbread house challenge the ultimate gingerbread house challenge yes more like gingerbread cardboard challenge, but yeah, let us know who you think did better on their side i think message did the best to be on hand i think we both did amazing comment down below who you think did better so i can't hear myself

yelling okay anyways hope you guys are enjoying a mayoral christmas make sure to subscribe and keep up with our merrill christmas monument thanks for watching if you liked this video give it a thumbs up make sure to subscribe to our channel by clicking the circle button over there to the right all right click this circle button over here this one if you want to subscribe to our second channel and we will see you guys next time bye so that'll be you stand by

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