hi, i'm jeff patterson with home repair tutor,and kitchen storage is something we all need more of, right? or maybe we just need to throwmore stuff away or not buy more stuff. well, regardless, if you need more storage, i'mgoing to show you how to build sliding trays that fit underneath your kitchen sink cabinet.so these are really awesome for finding stuff that you need quickly and for optimizing thespace that you already have. so let me show you how to do that. i think you're reallygoing to enjoy this tutorial. let's get to it.okay, so here's my kitchen sink cabinet—pretty typical, messy, unorganized; maybe it looksfamiliar. and we need to get three measurements. the first one is the width, and that's determinedby the distance between any hinge and the

center slat—if you have a center slat. mineis 17â½" wide. the depth is determined by any shut off valve or p-trap—so in thiscase, the shut off valve. the height is determined by the height of your disposal in your p-traps.again, the right-hand side, the head that determined the depth based on that shut offvalve. so you get your depth, width, and height measurements. that's what you need.you need about 4-5 pieces of 2x2' â¾" plywood. that's where you set the circular saw—toâ¾"—and you're going to rip cut the base using the measurements you just took. so inmy case, that base is 17â½" wide by 22" deep. and then you'll need to rip cut the sides,and that side height is determined by those p-traps and disposal.huh, i had a slight rain delay so i had to

canopy up.and then you'll want to glue and pre-drill—so you have to pre-drill—the sides of the base.and then screw the side to place using 2" wood screws and a rafter square to make surethat the side is exactly 90â° to the base. here's what the base looks like. it's u-shaped,and the tray is going to slide in and out of it. i used 16" soft close drawer slidesand had to account for the width of the slides. in this case, i have to make the width ofmy tray 11/16" less on the sides to account for the slides. then i also have to accountfor the â¾" plywood on the sides and the back. so the new drawer width is 17â½" -- 1 /16"for the slides -- 1â½" for the plywood. so my new width is 1415/16". and then the newdrawer depth to account for the â¾" plywood

is 16".so i cut the base for the tray, and then i cut the sides—again you have to accountfor the â¾" plywood on all four sides like i'm doing here—and then had to measure theheights to cut the sides to the right height. so there's the base, and i'm going to glue,pre-screw, and drill in using the wood screws—again, the rafter square to make sure the sides areperfectly at a 90â° angle. and the front—you don't have to do this—but i tacked themin place using a brad nailer just for a cleaner look.so here's what the tray looks like, and all i have to do next is—well, i did this, iactually made a nice 1/8" rounded edge using a rounder. you don't have to do that. i dida roundover bead using the rounder just to

make is smooth—that's optional. but afterthat, i mounted the slides. i set the depth of the slide about 1/8" back based on thedirections, pre-drilled—and a nice tip here is if you don't want to go the whole way through,you can put a piece of blue tape on your bit to make sure you don't go the whole way throughthe side—pre-drilled and screwed them into place. you'll notice the â¾" space are there.i used that so that the drawer is lifted up off the base a little bit.and then finally, if you want to, you can add a protective coating to the base and thetray. slide the base into the cabinet at an angleso you can avoid the p-trap or the disposal. and make sure you dry-fit it, and it's whereyou want it to be. pre-drill some holes about

5-6" in so that the screws aren't noticeablein the overhang portion of your kitchen cabinet. then drill in two 2" wood screws down throughthe base and into your kitchen cabinet—that should be enough to hold in place. and thenyou can place the tray into the base. so i did the exact same thing on the right-handside where the disposal was. as you can see here, the trays slide out,and you've got great kitchen sink storage now. so this is what it looks like, and thedoors close; everything is good to go! okay, so this is a really awesome kitchenstorage solution for you. but if you think that it can be modified and made better, pleaselet me know in the comments section. i really appreciate it, and other people would, too.and remember, if you haven't already done

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