40th birthday decoration ideas for him

40th birthday decoration ideas for him

hiya friends welcome back to my youtubechannel evadeva4eva and this is day 5 of vlogs! this week i've already done avlog i did a hair vlog when i got my hair cut, the reason why i'm vloggingagain the next day is because something amazing gonna happen tonight and i'mkinda nervous how it's gonna turn out kinda freaking out a little bit; hot flashes... could bethis big furry thing also i think it's because i'm nervous. so here's what'sgoing on today: tomorrow is joe's birthday, i have to be honest i am notalways the best for birthdays for him! usually we'll go to disney or do somelike that which is amazing because we usually already have annual passes orwhatever but it will be like an "us" day

instead of a "him" day because i'm aselfish rotten brat like that. so i am trying to make up for the fact that i'ma spoiled rotten brat. today we are throwing joseph a surprise birthdayparty at cheddar's; one of his favorite restaurants and um, he has no ideahopefully he has no idea about it. he's told me he didn't want a surprisebirthday... as a good girlfriend what am i making him do? socialize! but we havequite a few friends that are coming tonight i know he wouldn't like ahundred people, like it's just like a few of his favorite people they're comingtonight! i'm gonna go to publix get a chocolate cake for him cuz he loveschocolate cakes. and then monica is gonna

be helping me orchestrate this wholemission so she is gonna meet me at our church and gonna drop off the cake to her.i'm gonna then go and wait for joe to get out of work. she is gonna go to thereservation at cheddar's and basically wait until people come and tell them theplan all that stuff so she's gonna be like my secret agent through out this wholemission. so while she's doing that i'm gonna pick up joe i'm gonna give him hisgift: i bought joe a really cute mickey mouse shirt that he had been wanting.at the time we thought it was sold out so he was a little bummed he's like okaywhatever but then i foundanother disney website also sold the

shirt and i have his size and on sale soi bought the shirt and i have it i still got to wrap it because iso behind and everything in life then tell him that we're gonna go to targetto get him a whole outfit and then i'm gonna just take him to the restaurantand surprise him! i know he's been really wanting to go back, we've beentalking about going back and he does not know that's where we're going so that isthe plan i'm hoping he's gonna smile i'm hoping he's gonna have a good time iknow he's gonna have a good time i think once he's there he's in the moment it'sgonna be great so that's what we're gonna do and i see how it goes!

hi! so we had a little bit issues whatjust happened to my car? oh you let your battery die. i did let my battery die, because i'm stupid! no your not stupid. so trying to get over that,you notice so we are our favorite place target! and you're wondering why we'rehere right? yeah. back here i have one of your gifts it's not wrapped by the way you probably wanted to, but i'm sure you like this better than just plain paper.

a cool star wars shopping bag open it that's cute do you remember that shirt vaguely you don't remember it do ya? not as much as i'd like to. you've been wanting a new mickey shirtright? and so i saw that one online asked you like what do you think of that one?you're like i like that that's really

cool, but then they didn't have your size and so you're like oh it's okay it's all good. and i found it in your size awesomethank you baby you're welcome, so i figured to finish your outfit we can go to our favorite place; target and get you a new outfit a new outfit?... shorts? whatever you want onthe bottom... and try some stuff fun have okay! do you want to know all of today'splans?

i'll figure it out as we go okay but when i had to tell you we got to go then we gotta go. there are some things thatare scheduled, but theres some stuff i could tell you if you want me to nope, that's okay! so what did you find so far? i found these red shorts, i found an awesomet-shirt show me oh my gosh i love you wait wait oh my gosh this is whywe're a couple

its a tour shirt. just marry me now! you look good!... you like them? *nod* oh i like that one, looks good! wish they were a little shorter though why? i like the ones that come above yourknees they are above my knee though. well, they're not short enough. you just like my legs? *whistles*

all right birthday boy we found ouroutfit for the evening right let's get going to the car for our nextdestination you ready? okay all right so at the mall right what do you think we're gonna eat? cheddars! all that fancy place? no we're gonna go to the food court! all right i'm just kidding we're gonnacheddar's! so were gonna go in, i love you love you too!

say bye just in case! bye just in case! suprise!!! surprise! *sings happy birthday!* and many more! so are you surprised?? very! i just wanted to say thank you everyonefor coming!

thank you for having us camera! thank you for all your love and thank you for not ruining the surprise adam was like i was gonna text him birthday today and i was like no!! don't!! well was gonna text you happy birthday, but facebook didn't tell me it was today, i better ask monica just to make sure and then i never texted you... but i will tomorrow! you have a good time honey?look at you and your balloons well i just wanted to say thank you so much for helping, as well as you. he didn't do anything! yes i did!

i was about to say!! he helped a little bit! what did you do? what do you mean? i drove you here... and i recorded! part of this video! and i sat there where they could see me and nobody else oh junk! we didn't take a group picture! it's okay i have on video it's a moving picture! alright guys, well that was joe's birthday celebration! i think it went pretty goodi think he had a really good time, and he even told

me afterwards that he was totallysurprised he did not know anything what's happening i think that's missionaccomplished i want to say thank you to monica and adam and also thank you toall the friends that came out tonight we had such a great time and thank you forthe gifts and everything it was so sweet question for you my friends have youguys ever been surprised before for a birthday or anything like that leaveyour comments down below tell me your story i would love to read before weleave guys i wanted to announce our shout out friend of the week which it's going to be allison switzer! thank you for all of your love and appreciation and thank youfor being such an awesome friend if you

guys want to be a shout out friend of theweek, all you gotta do is the following: leave acomment down below answering any of the questions of the day as well as like thevideo if it was your jam and share the video to any of your friends who arelooking for an awesome vlog to watch! and if you haven't already subscribed to mychannel for more awesome content as well as ring the bell for anynotifications of any future videos coming out alright guys well i'm goingto bed i'm exhausted i have work in the morning and i'm going to see you and i'mlooking at ya! alright bye guys!!

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