40th birthday decoration ideas for her

40th birthday decoration ideas for her

so you are looking for gift ideas for yourboyfriend for your spouse for your dad for men in your lifewell you've come to the right video let's check out some awesome gift ideas for menalright rosie and you are gonna help me out in this video rightlook my wife helps me to look appropriate to look good on videoproduction assistant hey whats up sean here and im back with moregift ideas for men and so lets jump into this by the way i put links more information someextra gifts extra ideas and just everything in show notes and in the youtube descriptionso check those out as you are watching this videolets get into it

so the first gift idea is camo stuff now camostuff goes in and out of trends but we are talking about men here and men always likecamouflage 'cause it makes us feel manly this is a cool neff watch one of my favoritebrands is neff camo kind of cool and also you can do like a camo hatin this particular case this is a 5 panel hat and so that another kind of gift ideadefinite maybe kinda younger generation its definitely the 5 panels so you can getthe camo one or something else in the 5 panel arenasecondly every guy has technology and their always losing their cables losing their chargersand losing stuff for their device so definitely i recommend getting your guycool cables now these aren't super cool but

these are the amazon basic onesthey're a lot betters than the ones that comes with it they're for my iphone that i use theseare very durable so you know you always have something like that that you can use alsoyou always need that charger in that car like a usb charger for the cigarette lighter andso think about getting one of those my favorite one is adual one i got it in my car right now i'll put a picture on the screen of it it's awesomeit has you got enough power to charge a tablet and a phone oryou can have one for his and hers so you are driving and you can both charge your phonesat the same time in the car which for sonya and i is often a point of contentionand erupts in massive fights if i forget to

have the dual chargeryou best be having two chargers for us great gift ideathe next gift idea for the man you are shopping for is a tablet now tablets are going to beof course a little bit higher end high point wise but if they don't already have one itcan be a great gift so this is an ipad of course you can go with ipad mini ipad airsome of those things are coming out but another way you could gois a kindle fire i got one for sonya once so i've been hands on with one and they continueto be cheaper in price great to watch videos on colorread books social media surf the web and so the kindle fires is pretty hot i really likethose as well

and those can be a little bit more affordablefor a tablet that you guy is going to love if he doesn't have one yetso the next gift you can get for your guy is toolsnow here is the thing men like we love it if you speak in give gifts to our egoeven if we are completely modernize suburbanize if you get us tools we are like man stuffthis snap on multitool is cool because you can work around the house get stuff done andthey will love that something you can keep in the caralso this is a cool exacto knife great for just getting stuff done around the housesonya my wife actually got this gift idea for a man she got this for her dad a completeset

i think there was another piece and she gotit for me as well and you know how i felt ? i felt manlyso you do have tools to use around the house and kind of a long the tool line is a supercool ideas for guys that we are going to be gifting this yearso hopefully none of our family members see this stuffand that is the bear grill survival stuff that we picked up at amazon.comnow this is a killer one is multi tool but you also have a fire started which you mightneed your led light a case and then a pocket guidefor situations and how to use everything in therethere's also a pocket knife with cool things

in it very small fits in your pocketsurvival guide and then you also have the pericord bracelet so not just something towear but then you got that practical use a whistlein case you get lost and then you can take the pericordout and do all kind of things so of course bear grills personal hero of all men becausehe just is ripping it in the adventure wilderness surviving no matter what and since this ishis autobiography its kind of another cool ideaa super cool kind of like branded set of tools that will really speak something that yourman can travel with and remember he is going to be like that's right you think im manlyim getting dirt on my face im a man

and then you can go to the complete otherside and of course you've heard of this idea beforeyou can get the man in your life a tie now just a thought is that a lot of times youget them like christmas ties with like reindeer on it kindacool but think about maybe looking for something that is going to look freshin the corporate arena just bring him up a little bit so you can go classic with sortof more standard tie or if you want to get your man a littlebit more progressive move into the skinny tie arena this one came from h&m and thosecan be very affordable and then i think i just got this one onlineof amazon and just a plain black nothing better

than a black suit jacket black skinny tieand a white shirt underneath it that's always going to looksleek and clean so consider maybe getting them a tieand this gift idea is think about getting him a tie clip this one is pretty rad allkinda black matte finish tie clip that you can get or just a standardkind of you know chrome this one is like a brush steelfinish and so you might be able to up his style game a little bit the man in your lifemaybe he's already got some ties but he hasn't move to that tie clip arenadefinitely a cool gift idea for men nice tie rosie you are looking sharpthe next idea for men is pretty cool and it's

called the mantry the modern men pantry sothis is a subscription service we just check out one boxand the theme around this and it's kinda like a lot of other stuff you probably subscriptionwise but it's like men's food for chefs and kinda even if they are not achef men that like to cook men that like to barbecue and i know thisall men like to eat so this one was cool it was themed like a camp fire cookout and itcame with like bacon which you cant go wrong withit came with some rub for meat and it came with meat you know you got there and thenyou got some finest bourbon barrel aged chocolate and sodefinitely some chocolate in there and there's

some other stuffsome salsa and kinda like fuego so its going to be some hot stuffso check out mantry this maybe something like what you get for the man who has kinda likeyou know just the hardest to shop for like dads aremantry could be a subscription service that you might want them to check them outi'll put some other details about manty in the descriptionso you can check those out now the next gift idea that you can get foryour husband boyfriend man in your life father is a watchnow here are some of my personal favorites i know styles and preferences can go all acrossthe board

but the first favorite brand kinda a westcoast thing and kind of a surfer even though they got very sleek watchesbut kinda originated in the west coast is nixonand this is the nixon the sentry i like this watch so much i got it in different colorsand so this is polier theme band very cool clean kinda dress up and dress down styleon it so nixon has a lot of cool watches you can definitely check outavailable all kinds of places online in different stores neff is a second kinda brand that camowatch was neff this is kind of a younger vibe a more kinda like skater but this is the neffnightly very cool kind of nylon band meets sort of that gold vibe on the watch it selfand the last on is g-shock you know very well

known watchesthis particular one is definitely something guys would be into because is durable youcan get it wet you can take them underwater this one is solarpower so you don't need to replace the battery and stuff pretty cool stuff so just a fewwatch ideas but definitely figure out the type and style of watches that the man inyour life is into and then lastly just a gift idea if you don'tknow what to get the guy in your life get cologne now this personal preference is acool la cost cologne i think my wife found itshe liked it but here is the idea of what you can do for this is you of course go shoppingin any retail store but what i like to do

is take out your dad or take out your boyfriendor take out your husband or who ever and go and try different ones and see kindawhat they like and take notes then you can potentially go back and get it later or youcan just you know grab that online and there can be some really good affordable reputablebecause sometimes there could be kind of scams with cologne and weird stuff but just lookfor like on amazon just read tons of reviews and make sure its solid and there you go so cologne is a great thing that you knowannually may be a christmas and for a birthday you know men are always running out of itand you cant go wrong when it comes to that well hey thanks so much for checking out thisvideo just a remainder you can check out links

to all this stuff plus additional notes andthings we thought of in the youtube description bellow and make sure toleave some gift ideas comments for men in the comments 'cause we love to hear any giftideas that you have and other people can read the comments and get some of your ideas aswell hit the like button if you liked this video and subscribe to this channel we doothers videos like stuff with our dogs sometimes video vlogs other gift idea videosand we also put together a play list 'cause we shot just kinda different categories andsonya did some videos this year as well so good luck shopping looking for those giftsand we will talk soon rosie show the tie off come onyou guys are the models - you are so beautiful

it's so hard to get the models to - i knowto cooperate and you paid them big bucks to be in this videowe feed you everyday may the odds be ever in your favorman is like gifts is like gifts adios muchachossofie and rosie say goodbye bye

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