
is grant cardone really the real deal? & what you should do to make money now. investing in real estate. hey there tom here flip anything i don'thave very good light here today let's see i do in a pool sight so wanted totalk about a couple things actually i just saw a little video on grant cardoneby some other guys trying to gauge whether or not he's the real deal or notand i just chimed in just to say that i can tell you right now grant cardonehe's the real deal hey you know i barely watched him i'vejust barely watched him but i can tell you he is the real deal but i know thatbecause because on the real deal right because i've done a lot of real estateand you know it's it's funny because
when you don't know when you don't knowreal estate and you don't know deals and you don't know salesmanship you'refooled you can be fooled i should say you can be fooled and you really can'tfool somebody with experience and so the very little that i've seen a grantcardone i know that this guy he's done a lot of stuff he's now not all of hisexperience is necessarily relevant to everybody who wants to do real estateand in mine either you know but he definitely he knowsabout selling that's obvious to me and he also knows eaton he's put he's gotsome experience in real estate in those apartments i do too and i don't agreewith everything that i've heard him talk
about with apartments and stuff but itdoesn't matter a lot of us disagree on different things butbut yeah this guy's the real deal for sure anyways in fact if you're watchinggrant please reach out to me i got something i should talk to you about butwhat i like about grant cardone also he's a little bit older than mei think he's like he's right up there at sixty looks pretty good good shape andfit and that's another beauty about being wealthy as you have time take careof yourself and you know i that's probably one of the biggest benefits toto get yourself set up you know where you have a you know you're we're verywe've got him income coming in that will
take care of you you know not having toworry about you know your kids and stuff going to college and all that sort ofthing but also just being able to take time for your health you know now idon't know how much stress in grant has done with building his well but reallyyou know and i've had my share of stress but i know i know he does a lot of bigpartnership things that you know that could be i'm sure that could bedifficult at times pretty much when i've done partnerships i own 70% of the dealsomebody else they just own a little bit and and usually i bring him in just as acourtesy one of my favorite partners that i had he passed away not too longago and the only reason we became
partners is because i was trying to buyhis property from him and he was actually so impressed with mypresentation and how i was trying to talk him into selling it to me he saidtom i'm not gonna say this my property he goes but if you ever need a partnerhe goes i'll be your partner and and it wasn't six months after that i'dactually it was one of those rare deals where i had more deals more good dealsthan i could comfortably do by myself and so i called him up last really greatguy said hey les you can be a 1/3 partner on this justgot to send me a check for 70 grand that's about 25 years ago and and i madeyou know couple few million dollars you
know with that 70 grand and so so he ofcourse very happy and and he actually just passed away here in the last yearneat neat guy and now you know his kids are now my partner's his kids are youknow because they inherited as well but and we continue to build that wealthwithin that that that entity that we share togetherbut anyways but like i said as far as grant goes like say look grant knows alot about apartments a lot of you might that might be out of your that might notbe within your grasp now i don't know everything about him you know but but iknow he does some big big deals and he looks like he's looking for partners idon't look for partners i like to do
operate everything by myself i likepretty much to own everything by myself i made an exception with less and thatwas just kind of timing worked out for him and it worked out for me too and youknow other than that i got i got one of the partner and he's like a school i'veknown him since elementary school and he's a partner on just a coupleproperties too and but in now and now it's just my wife andkids and you know primarily just family that are my partners on with all thereal estate that i in control etc so one of the main reasons really what istarted to do this video about today was really about what - you know i get a lotof emails you know people ask me you
know can i mentor him what i mentor andi'm thinking boy you must not have been watching my videos because you know theanswer's no i don't want to do any mentoring and the my mentoring consistsof what you see here you know these videos that i share for free and butthat's pretty darn good because it's free right and you know here's anotherreason i can take about grant cardone anybody that's unafraid to talk livelike i do with you guys it's because we can speak extemporaneously off the topof our heads we know what we're doing we're not afraid of any questions thenwe're also probably not afraid you know in general if there's something ihaven't done before i'll tell you guys
oh yeah you know i hadn't done thatbefore yeah because well glad you're glad you're watchingbut what i'm saying is people that that are let me tape when people don't wantto answer questions they'll give a very polished speech and they filibuster thewhole times and they very much will control their audience because they areafraid of questions they are deathly afraid and that goes for also when yougo to a meeting where people are trying to sell you some and in this this goesto a lot of stuff that goes on actually city council's all over the countrythey'll try to ram something crappy down the you know the citizens throats andthey'll make a presentation and boy
they'll filibuster they do not want tohear your questions or they actually have chills in the audience that willask you know like a puffy question that really isn't relevant and they'll callon those people to show that they've answered some questions but they don'twant the tough questions you know like about what's this going tocost us as taxpayers that sort of thing same thing goes with bullshitters thatare running seminars and scams that's why i say if you're gonna you're gonnayou know if somebody's gonna ask you for money for what you know for like booksand tapes and seminars they need to demonstrate to you that they are thereal deal okay
that they have made real money and thatthey're not afraid to be live and answer real questions and because people thatcower from real questions they don't have the answers they don't have theexperience and you can pick up on that okay you can pick up on that and theygot to be careful because they can't misrepresent themselves so because theythey open themselves up for liability when they're taking your moneyand i'm just thinking about something laughs i see as you get older you startforget stuff as quick as you remember it but but anyways oh got a question here yeah lionel there's nothing you can doyou're in line you're in line you're
gonna get it he's asking about the appsyeah listen if you just tuned in ya know that's what i was gonna get it actuallyis when i got into the app business recently no i mean last few years it'sthis goes to my question about you can you know you can when you're experiencedat something you can quickly judge if somebody's inexperienced or if they'reuncomfortable or if they're you know they're not the real deal that's why itell you i know grant is i just listening but little i have okay nowhere's the opposite of that i get into the software business and appdevelopment now i'm lost believe me i am lost i am talking topeople and they can be bullshitting me
and i don't know whether they're tellingthe truth or not that is very uncomfortable and so what do i do i gotto start digging in and start trying to learn for myself and one of the things ido is i start talking to multiple people that are app developers that areexperienced i go to the bigger companies and i say look i want only senior peopleonly senior people and even then they'll try to bullshit you and give you lessthan senior people and and you know what but when you know when you know that youcan be fooled then you become extra sharp on testing in making sure and youknow you have to cross-reference it's the only way you can find out you knowwho's good and who's not and so you know
i've spent you know a few hundredthousand dollars on apps now and and i'm know i'm super sharp okay well i know iknow a lot about apps and app developmentandroid and i know a lot about the backend i know a lot about ios and notthat i mean not that i can write it but it'd be very difficult to bullshit menow as compared to you know a couple years ago and even then though i knew iwas vulnerable so what did i do i was very very careful and i i talked to manydifferent development companies and developers and i cross through and ilook for references and i look for real work that was done that was relevant towhat i wanted to do and that's how i
weeded out the bullshitters and believeme there were plenty and so that's you know i tell you you know you got a testpeople you know you test people by their record right or you test them by youknow you know anybody that's selling you something that stands to gain you haveto be very very vigilant in testing them because you can't trust anybody thatgets money from you that anybody that's gonna be taking money from you youreally can't trust them because they stand to gain and and people that needmoney they compromise their values they'll say things they'll say thingsare better than they are they'll tell you that they're better than they areyou know i've gone through this
interviewing people too you know and imean i have quite a few different companies and i have some businessesthat i employ people that require talent and it's talent that i don't have but iknow enough to ask the right questions and look for okay you know i'm gonna come back tothat question and i will i'll get to it he was asking me what's like the bestdeal would you ask me sir i got glasses tonight the best deal or the favoritedeal that i've ever done you know probably my best deal and my favouritedeal was when i made you know over three hundred thousand dollars in just a fewweeks i made it was a couple months now
but what it was is i bought a piece ofland for one hundred and forty thousand dollars and i sold it for five hundredand ten thousand dollars and part of it i took in a note but that that gave me acash flow of about twenty four fifty was $295,000 financed interest only whichcame out too which came out to twenty four fifty per month and and plus ipocketed about i don't know seventy eighty thousand cash as i remember rightin there and that was on a land deal and but i'd bought it and turned it and andby the time it closed it might have taken a month or two to close so i don'twant to say i found a buyer three weeks after i bought after i bought it i hadalready put it in escrow and sold it
three weeks later but it probably amonth or two i don't remember exactly a month or two went by before it closedbut i was very happy and it was nice but i'd already had already made many manymany deals where i had a hundred hundred and fifty two hundred two fifty threehundred i had so many small notes coming in because i was buying and sellingpieces of land buildable lots that were i was buying it for anywhere from ten tofifteen thousand dollars and i was selling them for like thirty thousanddollars and when i sold them for thirty i'd take back a note for ten to fifteenthousand but i'd recouped my cash back that i put down to buy it and then theywould either assume a first that i
already had in place and then i wouldcarry a second or if i'd already if i cash the entire property when i boughtfor ten or fifteen thousand i would sell it for thirty and i take ten or fifteendown and i would carry the you know a note in a first in a first positionmeaning i would have a note secured by deed of trust so they owed me ten orfifteen thousand dollars and meaning it's on a first meaning if they didn'tpay me i could foreclose on them even if there was a second it wouldn't matterbecause i had priority videotape so losing track here cuz i gotta took aquestion but back to grant cardone a little bit sharp guy now look he's doingbig big deals now does it mean
look i'm listen i'm doing bigger dealstoo but i steve so i mean i'm but i'm buying a lot of stuff that's affordableto a lot of you i don't know if grant does that anymore i just haven't watchedhim enough i'd love to talk to you granted for watching but but i likegrant because an older guy like me and but he seems young you know he seemsyoung and i think i do too right i hope anyways but i have a lot of fun and andand i see he's having a lot of fun too and that's probably like the best thingabout being a real estate investor a successful one anyways is that is thatman life is fun i mean it's all fun you know and that's like people say you knowyou know what's your favorite deal i
mean you know like this i mean that wasone of my favorite deals but i've had a lot of favorite deals and a lot offavorite deals you know it's exciting in fact one of the reasons i startedanother company i was a real estate investor but what would happen is i buysomething and then i'd be broke and then it would just be like you know i take mycash flow that's coming in from all the other properties that i've already mademoney on i'm taking that monthly cash flow and i'm putting it into fixing upmy current projects right so it just keep me broke it would keep me broke andthen i'd find something i've always looking for a great deal andthen i'd find another great deal and
then sometimes what it would force me todo is to sell one of my other deals in order to buy the current deal and whichis not a bad problem right that's a good problem yeah okay do i feel the same wayabout robert kiyosaki dude i don't know i don't know i can't say anything goodor bad about robert kiyosaki i think if he motivates people that's greatwhat i don't like is people extrapolating their success in likebeing a good internet marketer and all of a sudden saying i'm gonna teach ityou know tai lopez comes to mind on this i don't think tai lopez knows anythingabout real estate to be quite honest but i think he could teach me a lot aboutinternet marketing i do i think he good
it's certainly in this venue becausemanny's got a hell of the following and so and i think that's probably grantcardones attraction to ty it's certainly not real estate experience that he'slooking for from ty that's obvious to me but but i'll tell you what i like tylopez i think he's got a great it's got a nice he's got a nice he's kind of guyyou don't mind hanging out with and listening to and talking to and andactually i eat he's hungry for information and i appreciate that he'sfigured it out how to make money the way he has and that's a wonderful thing andbut i don't think he's gonna be teaching anybody how to make money in real estateand i saw him talking about not renting
you know or any ins better than buyingyou know yeah i mean yet but he's renting themansion you know i mean to me that doesn't sound like that doesn't makegood sense to me i think that's just part of the appearance for doing whathe's doing and that makes sense to me but certainly saying i'm renting thisyou know thirty two million dollar mansion because it's cheaper in the longrun than renting that you know i don't think any of us can really relate tothat right it just doesn't make any sense nowon the other side of that what i can't relate to is this look if you're singleand or maybe you're you know you're just
married couple and you don't have anykids you can live anywhere right i mean you can but but listen when you got kidsyou want to put them in a neighborhood so they can ride down the street andhave their buddies come over and they can walk to each other's house and youknow that's not an option you know renting is not an option for mefor that i mean i i want to give him a nice fixed home in a safe placeand you know and i like my place to be the place then that's the unis see thepool i got a real nice place here and it's it's always want to make my placethe fun place because when i was a kid where i lived wasn't the fun place so iwas always going somewhere else to have
fun right and so i decided early on thatfor my kids i was gonna make my house the playground right and that's whati've done and so so anyways point being is yeah when i was single i did i keptmy overhead low let me tell you i'll tell you i had a house i rented a houseif you can believe this one hundred and twenty five dollars a monthmelina that was cheap that was cheap even when i was young you know thirtyyears ago i'm a little more than that right thirty-five years ago but thishouse was so small you walk in had nice little living room sitting in wassatisfactory and then it went straight through the living room there'd be alittle kitchen just a little corridor
kitchen and then and then to the leftwas my bedroom well the bedroom was so small that i had a waterbed back thenand my waterbed was bigger than the width of the room so i had to cut mywaterbed down about six inches which made the mattress even thicker whichreally made it horrible on my back but anyhow i i didn't want to give it upso i cut my water bed down the frame down and let it touch three walls andyou couldn't even open the door the door had to permanently stay open in thatbedroom because that the length of the bed stuck into the doorway so you wouldif you need to use bathroom you had to just walk by my waterbed and thebathroom the bathroom was within the
bedroom and just a shower and toilet youknow it's nothing fancy but it was just like an auxilary home next to some to mylandlords place that ever in from and and i even took it a step further rightafter that i was living next to a construction yard that little house wasnext to a big fence construction yard and to make matters worse there was aguy living in the trailer next to me right or in the trailer on the on theacre or so next to me and there was all kinds of heavy equipment there well thisguy had tourette's so i'd be sitting there and all of a sudden this guy wouldbe just going in buzzer screaming and yelling it nobody's there but he's youknow he's screaming and yelling and
swearing at somebody in his mind i guessand i listened to that for about six months and that guy eventually he wasgone he disappeared and but i looked up i thought well i wonder who owns thatpiece of property next to me and so i called on it and got ahold of the guythat actually owned the lot turned out it was his son that actually lived therethat had the problem well i rented the trailer from him for $100 a month so isaved another 25 bucks and i lived in this trailer which was actually muchmore comfortable than the house i lived in and i liked that it was on a fencedyard but i mean i had you know heavy equipment he was out of the businessthis stuff was just sitting there but he
liked the idea that i was like acaretaker on the property so i rented that trailer from for a couple years andi act i bought a jacuzzi and i bought a jacuzzi and had laddus put around andthat sat outside my trailer and this is on dirt this is not thedesert on lancaster california and so it was pretty funny you know because couldwe be sitting there in the jacuzzi and then all assembly somebody would driveby on the road you know going way too fast let's say on the road outside myproperty heading down the road it was a dirt roadi lived on a dirt road and all of a sudden so we'd be drinking a beersitting there in the jacuzzi
and then a cloud of dust would go by usand you know that could be at midnight that could be at 1:00 in the morningyou know or you know it could be 3:00 in the afternoon but usually wasn't in thejacuzzi that early in the day but but it was great times it was fun times and youknow like i said i i kept my overhead low i was building a company and i wasbuying and selling real estate and i didn't care about i thought i was kindof actually i was kind of doing kind of with what ty and i think that even thegrant cardone said about it's not always wise to to buy which i would agree withthat but when you have kids in stuff you can't avoid but like say when i wasyoung and single you know look i was
living in a trailer a i didn't spendthat much time at home to be honest it didn't matter that it was just a traileryeah you know i mean we're talking a crappy single-wide trailer on you knowon an acreage er but cuz i worked all the time i was hungry i was out makingmoney all the time it didn't matter i wasn't gonna buy mewasn't gonna be bringing anybody home that i planned on making any money withour from so you know and that's the beauty of real estate if anybody wouldhave saw that you know the weather i was living maybe you know they'd haveprobably never sold me their property they probably wouldn't think i'd haveyou been able to get alone let me look
at some questions here oh you alreadymentioned okay we're just talking about ty look i don't think ty knows anythingabout real estate that's just the honest truth i'm just telling you and i doubtty's watching but if he does then you know you know i'd be happy to talk toyou about it i think i could learn a lot from you back about what you know aboutinternet marketing and that sort of thing but i could probably teach you alot about real estate type so that i know but anyways so back to grantcardone a little bit so i know grants doing the big multifamily apartments andto be honest i haven't read this ten times i'm not even sure what it means is10x no though i guess it's mike work ten
times harder make ten times more i don'tknow i'm guessing i don't know so i don't know anything about that step butwhat i can say is little that i have listened to him i know he is the realdeal he does he's been there done that made money in real estate you know heconcentrates on apartments i don't think that'siiiiit right now i would never tell you just buy apartments never i think hesaid that but i don't know for sure but i think he has but i'm telling you i buyanything and everything that i can make money on that is it you know peoplegenerally fall into this habit of oh i want to buy a house or i want to buy aduplex living one side rent out the
other it all sounds good but really thebottom line is you want to buy stuff under market you want to buy somethingthat's worth more than your pants worth cuz that's where the money is and idon't care if it's a little hot i don't care if it's anchorage i don't care ifit's an ugly dirt you know lot where some guy has equipment stowed on it oror it could be a crappy little house that i wouldn't want to live in it couldbe anything i went through probably five houses before on the fifth one was theone that i bought and then i moved in and lived in and it was awesome and iwas not again this was i bought a 3,000 square-foot house made 145,000 had anenormous kidney-shaped pool had like 45
cypresses around the perimeter of theproperty jacuzzi spiral stairway outside they went up to an upper deck that wasoutside my master bedroom it was awesome and i was 20 i think i was 25 when ibought that was 25 years old and so i had this awesome pad and i put a littlebit more money into it over the years you know fixed it out and every once ina while i'll look it up you know from the sky and look at it and drive by itif i happen to be in that town and i had some brickwork done had grapevines inthe back and had a i had like a sport court basketball hoop in the sport courtyou know so i was i was feeling pretty cool at 25 i was pretty happy and i hada porsche carrera sitting in the
driveway and and i had money and i wasmaking more but i didn't waste it and even though i had this big beautifulhouse i mean and that was when that was when interest rate was like nine and aquarter percent imagine that a nine and a quarter percent interest rate on145,000 that's like today be like probably buying a three or four hundredthousand dollar home i mean the payment would be the same at 3% is what i waspaying at 9% for one hundred and five hundred and twenty thousand dollars onthis course had put money down but that's what it was and the bottom lineis it doesn't matter and see i would have never bought that home but it was afantastic deal even it was a beautiful
big home it was worth not twice as muchbut it was were probably 6070 thousand more than i was paying for it just madesense so i bought it and i enjoyed it and and this like thelake house had bought with you since i started this little blog it's it's fun imean it's it's there and i'm gonna make money on it i'm holding it for onereason i'll pay less on it in the year i'llsell it and i'll the taxes are gonna be reduced by half because that's just howthat's the laws we have on capital gains so that's what i'm gonna do with that sooh hey by the way folks please like this videoiii don't ask enough for people to like
them please like my videos helps me goup in the ratings and gets me more attention which is all i'm really afteri'm not after your money i also don't forget i have an app thati've made and it's done now i have it for both android and ios but i want morepeople signed on for it before i give it out so that's right me at tom flipanything usa.com tom at flip anything usa.comit's on some of my other videos and you'll be among the first to get it ipromise you you're gonna like it your bill to make money with it and you'regonna be able to be organized and you can build to business more like me andbecause it's exactly the way i do it
yeah so what else can we talk about whatwas the i gotta go back to my question that computer keeps turning off here iapologize for that it's okay when you say broke do you meanyour personal money look i'm broke right now okay tom brokeright now when i say i'm broke okay when i talk about being broke when i wasyounger i mean i had a job or i had a business that i had my own business buti was broke i was making you know i was making a living i was making a living broke relative to buying real estate iwas broke i didn't have money for a down payment i didn't have stuff like that inthe beginning but i'd built up my money
a little bit by little bit you know ifound a partner to partner with flipped it made money now i had a chunk of moneybought another one with a partner again because he had more money he had themoney that i needed i still didn't have enough did that on the first couple twoor three deals and on the third or fourth one i had another one that we hadand he wanted to keep it i said okay buy me out and i took that money and youknow i bought another one by myself and another one by myself and then i boughtthat house for myself and then i just then i started buying land and i startedbuying you know that's it you just got to get rollingso i know i'm talking to people that
have zero and i know that i'm talking topeople that maybe a couple hundred grand but in like right now i say i'm brokeright now i mean i spent friday i rode one hundred and eighty eight thousanddollars just in property tax checks on the properties that i manage for myselfbut i have almost twice that again to write again by the companies that aremanaged by outside companies that manage properties for me and so so that's whyi'm broke right now i've you know i've been at the end of the year i in thelast quarter of the year i start saving most of the my rental incometo pay the taxes that are coming okay and that's what i do i pay the taxesnever horse around with your taxes man
make that that is got to be the priorityyou got two things you got to always pay your mortgage and your taxes you don'tpay those you're in jeopardy mortgages are gonna take it away fromyou taxes they'll take it away from you toobut also the penalties are horrendous horrendous you know never want to paypenalties so i always pride myself on paying my bills i never hire people todo work that i can't pay them for immediately i never hire people that ican't pay don't ever do it it's a horrible thing to do is to hire somebodyto do work on your property and not have the money to pay them i've seen ithappen to people and you know i mean i
you know in the cabinet shop so i've hadit done to me too as a cabinet maker not very happy some builder has me build hiscabinets and now he can't pay me and it doesn't happen more than once i'll tellyou that but anyways so what else anybody got any question let's talkabout let's have some ages who what's the age of people for watching right nowi'm curious about that i know i got a lot of young people and then i get someguys you know i know there's some guys that are 30 and 40 and 50 you know ifyou're in your 20s if you're under 30 let's say or if you're under 30 andyou're not making much money let's see what we gotyou got 20 23 24 40 okay good so if you
got a really good job okay then you wantto cut your overhead you should always cut your overhead anyways but startsaving money start saving money okay good we got 20s to 40s cool that's greatthat's great so look on the younger end when you'rein your 20s when you're 20 21 22 you know you know i'm guessing you couldbe really you could be doing well i don't know but i can tell you thehighest-paid profession is sales okay so if you don't have any particular talenti was a carpenter okay so i could get paid 15 bucks an hour as a carpenter andi could make you know and i made good money that was good money you know andyou know if i did a side job on my own i
could make 30 bucks an hour and you knowit's not even a whole lot different today than it was thento be honest wages have not gone up like they should so i can save money right ican make a little more money from if you've got a talent like i don't care ifit's drywall or framing or you know with that i don't want to get too personal onhere i wouldn't you know but if you've got a talent and a trade like that thenyou can do side work to make money and save money right but here's somethingall of you can do you can all look for a great deal and even if it's not on realestate you can buy something for less than it's worthand recently in fact and i gotta show
you this i'm gonna do this i'll justgonna do this we're gonna take a walk all right so check this out all right soi'm gonna take you guys here for a walk i'm gonna show you something that i justdid because i like to tell you guys this is totally impromptu did not plan thisat all so i tell you guys keep your overhead low and always look for abargain look for a deal right okay so this last friday i guess i don't knowless than a week ago i decided my boys have been taking an interest in dealbear with me here i'm taking you through the dark here but i'm taking you to mygarage here okay see my dartboard tv on thewall okay
salut i'm taking you in my garage hereright okay look here that's the motor side we see that that's actually amotorcycle i bought about fibers about seven eight years ago only had fourhundred miles on it it's an enduro i wanted something to take my boysoff-road on take them for a ride i love goat you know i just write a little bitmotocross when i was younger and and this is kind of in between a motocrossvehicle and a it's an enduro it's like street and boat and right after i boughtit i tore it my owner and my wrist and i haven't written had since hardly justbecause but i bought it for about half of what it was worth and i can stillsell it for probably almost $4,000 or
$3,000 at least and i only paid about$2,000 for it so in other words i got a dealer right now take a look at this somy boys and i we want to take up mountain biking so i just bought thesebikes i said look i'll give you guys your christmas present early so we canplay and have some fun so i bought these trek bikes right these are like they'relike $500 mountain bikes you know they're pretty cool i been a while sincei've bought a bike they're really cool okay so we went we've been riding thebikes and we went to a bike trail the other day and we wrote you know forabout three or four hours and then on the way back i see like kind of a newweird kind of a thrift store and by a
church a big church store and i go heylet's stop in there cuz i mean i'm always looking for a bar you never knowwhat you're gonna find but i stopped in okay and what do i findlook here it's a trek bike see just like these right it's a trek bike about afour or five hundred dollar bike not only that there's another one righthere this is italian this is a blue they're bothwomen's bikes well i have they i think you know what there anyways that's abouta $500 $600 bike there that's like a 4 or $500 bike and here's another onethat's kind of behind this is also a trek bike see that that's another trekbike right
you can see this one i paid $199 for andit's probably about a six hundred and fifty dollar bicycle still like newsomebody like me that bought it like that bike there and never use it and nowlook here here's another one look here can you see that $99 right $99 i boughtall three of these bikes because they were all less than a third of what theycost brand-new and they are just like brand newso just because i'm rich doesn't mean i waste my money right and so it's funny itold my one of my boys i said son i go ahead in looking at those bikes outsidei go i go man what happens i was inside i found the first bike i bought it andthen i had my son i said go look at the
rest of the bike see if they gotanything else good around here and he's yeah there's nothing good out there andi go out there i go what do you mean there's nothing good here and there's atrick bike right here for a hundred bucks and he goes i think he said ohyeah that's a girl so i goes son son you're missing the point that by cos youknow five six hundred bucks and you can get it for $100 so again like i tell youthere are no bad properties there's just bad deals right and so just like thisbike ya know i'm not a girl i don't need a girl's bicycle but that is a greatdeal and for a hundred bucks i can give somebody a a $500 christmas present andit only cost me a hundred bucks or the
other one i can give somebody a $600christmas present and it only cost me 200 bucks right so or i can just sellthem for more money now listen i'm definitely i don't need to be making acouple hundred dollars on a bicycle but i did it because it's christmas timei'll give somebody i'll give them to somebody okaythat's not a problem but it was a bargain and i like making a bargain andand so anyways i think you guys get the gist where i'm going right but this issomething if you're if you're not where you want to be financially maybe buyinga bike for a hundred bucks and selling it for 300 bucks isn't a bad way to make200 bucks right is there anybody here
watching they could get into that youknow buying a bike for 100 bucks and selling it for 200 or buying a bike for200 and selling it for 400 because that's what i've got there actually i'mkind of curious everybody got to see that all right so anybody anybody everybodysee that i can't tell i was in the dark so much walking through i assume we're still connected okaythere we go okay there we go thanks guys so so look you know i'm not a guy thatgoes around buying junks and reselling but looking i got you know whatever igot you know what it's a 12 i got
probably sixteen to eighteen hundreddollars worth of bicycles for 500 bucks or maybe it's even worth a little bitmore than that what are they two two and three yeah five hundred bucks they spendand i probably have got a better deal but i'd already bought the one and thenmy my boy says now there's nothing good out there then i walk out there and ifind the little townie bike and the other trek bike and i go what son whatdid you miss anyways so it was good lesson so we knew how we end up pilingthose bicycles we didn't really even have room for the three that were in theback of my truck now we had six but that's what i'm saying there's a there'sways to make money there so and look it
no matter who you are watching right nowaged 22 to 45 any of you could have put out five hundred bucks for thesebicycles and resold them the next day look it's just before christmas i couldprobably get a lot more money from just cuz it's near christmas somebody'slooking for a trek bike and they're looking at buying a brand new like ijust did last week and i paid you know more than five hundred a piece one theycould pay you $300 right and have almost the same thing and they'd have itcovered and they save 200 bucks they can buy somebody else something else ormaybe buy two things yeah it's right natural yeah it's always fun finding agreat deal and you know i it's rewarding
it's rewarding you know it's likethere's a girl i know and she dresses great and and she's like always thrilledto go yeah check this out and she you know shows a belt you know that she paidfour bucks for that looks great and or she'll get some designer jeans it youknow or something you know that you know she got for six bucks that probably cost150 bucks so yeah it's it's fun it is fun making a deal and and see i evenlike making a deal still even on these bicycles only because i'm gonnai'm gonna give these way i'm not gonna probably i'm not gonna put him oncraigslist and so on that i'm not gonna do not that i would not that i would shyaway from doing that i still do that did
that with a desk that i showed you guysthat i bought and whenever else i had that stove and i pulled out of the housebut i bought these because hey you know if nothing else i thought i could put acouple of these bikes at the lake house and i just keep at the lake house forguests that i see you know that want to use the place or if i'm up there i canuse those bikes too that way i don't have to haul one in the truck when i goto use the lake house so the point i'm getting at is whether you got a good jobor not folks that are watching age twenty to forty five and you want itdoesn't you can make money other ways and and and and you know maybe youalready have a hundred grand or two
hundred grand or maybe you have somecash that you can get at that's substantial you get a play with biggertoys instead of bikes you get to play with land and houses and and you knowthat's what i do you've got options the more money you have the more options youhave to play with to play with money to play with deals and that sort of thingand and here's the other thing is you know you know one of you might be adoctor making you know three or four hundred thousand a year in somebody elseyou know might be makin you know thirty thousand a year you know doing somethingelse you both are equal in as much as if youfind a great deal you buy these bikes
for five hundred bucksbikes don't know who you are right you can begin by these bytes resell them ineither one of you would make the profit so it's the same with plan you get agreat deal on a piece of land or a great deal on a house you know you can flip ityou can make money on it and that's why i say really nobody's at a disadvantagewhen it comes to real estate i mean everybody's still got to put in you knowyou have you like you're learning from me right now you learn how i think ithink that's as important as knowing how to fill out a contract is having thiskind of thinking think in terms of dollars and centsprofit and and you know what you can
make on something you know just you knowlike don't don't pass out long i'm not looking for a bike right now you knowit's like i said from the very beginning i buy tools and you know i'm looking andlooking and looking i find a deal and really this just happened it's justfunny that they would even be talking about this is the only reason i knewwhat those bikes were worth right just because i just been shoppingi just been shopping for bikes and i bought the ones that i bought brand-newso i knew immediately that these other bikes were valuable we're much morevaluable than the price that i paid for them and so that's that's the work yougot to do you got to take time to
educate yourself on the value of thingsthat people use listen people do burn through bicycles and cars i mean cars ohmy good cars i keep telling you i'm thinking i get in the car business anupdate on the i've got things going on i shouldn't know tuesday well i alreadyknow for sure i can do the the food trailer park that i'm talking about andi'm moving toward that goal beginning tuesday and so that'll be interesting tosee how that works out and even like that so look on let's talkabout the the food trailer park that i plan on putting in food trailers that'swhat i'm looking at doing not me personally i'm talking aboutaccommodating food trailers with a
property that i have i already have abuilding on the property that makes money my options are maybe tear thatbuilding down big in a big new building you know have a few million dollars indebt and have income coming in that sounds good that sounds fun but it'sgonna be time-consuming well the other option is keep thebuilding that i have you know clean it up a little more maybe or it's not badalready probably spend a hundred grand on a new roof to be honest but i cankeep it and then i can put a food trailer park or food court i don't thinkit's probably cost me less than 10 grand to do the things that i need to doto accommodate the food trailers so i
kind of like the idea that i keep thecash flow coming in on the building that i got put out 10 grand and nowpotentially maybe bring in another 14 thousand a month income just on and i'mtalking about clear it would be more than that but that would be the clearnet would be about fourteen thousand a month from what i can gather so i likethat i like that i like the idea of making you know it's a high return on my10 grand and utilizing an asset that's just sitting there already right that'sthat's what i'm talking about you know you want to maximize and optimize yourincome so that means look around i mean if you have a boat that you don't useanymore that's paid for our jet skis
that you don't use anymorethat are paid for or you know are not paid for whatever get rid of them sellthem cuz they're going down and value every month that they're sitting thereyou know and when really you get that seed capital that you could be taken toturn right it's the dilemma you're gonna have to even me you know i like propertyi like real estate and sometimes i think man you know i like the lake house ilike it and i'm justifying keeping it right now to be honest because i waitedfor the text i know that after i hold it a year the taxes will be less capitalgains so i justify i rationalized hanging on to it but a lot of stuff icould just turn and burn you know i mean
i could just turn it a little more taxeson it yes but you know but anyways for me it makes sense to keep it but a lotof times you're better just to turn it turn it turn it get the cash i shouldprobably evaluate that someday you know because i showed you i made you know youknow almost three million dollars well actually i take it back on that on running out of power here sorry he's soscattered there what i was gonna talk about is always think in terms ofnumbers getting the most for your money you know when i was a cabinet maker wehad a thing called a panel optimizer optimizer and that was your optimizingthe cuts that you get out of the square
out of a sheet of plywood and and out ofdifferent things and i'll tell you something i didn't just come to mindabout you know you know like say the harder you work the luckier you getthat's what i always say and so this is kind of this is way off topic going totell you about anyways so when you got wood and you're cutting up wood forcabinets like a cabin shop like i did you know so you look at the width ofhard wood and you're going i can get a 3-inch piece and a 2-inch wide and ainch and a half rent we measure the whole width because what you want to dois you want to cut your threes and your two and a half's and your twos and yourone and a half you want to cut just the
right amount so that you have the leastamount of scrap whatever that you want you want to have left maybe a quarterinch wide strip at the end or maybe a half inch at the most and then you'regonna cut that up in the end for your trim the trim that shoots around thecabinets what you don't want to do is is cut your smallest narrowest pieces firstand then have you know an inch wide piece if you don't use stuff that's aninch wide you don't want to burn up an inch wide piece or an inch and a halfwhite piece for trim in other words you're optimizing the wood that you haveand that's kind of what you need to do with your money optimize your money ifyou have assets sitting around that you
don't use anymoresell them get the cash and go do stuff like like the bicycles i just show yougo buy some bikes or whatever go to a thrift shop and whatever you identifyhere's a beauty about going into a thrift shop you go in there and this isone of the things my apps can help you do go into that thrift shop and you seesenton and maybe you identify it as something of value but you don't knowexactly what it's worth but you can see what they are asking for it you can getout of it that's what i did on these bikes to pick grab i pulled out my phoneand i google the models of the bikes to make sure that they were worth as muchas i thought they were and they were
you've got that benefit but utilize yourcash optimize it and just build it build it build it keep your overhead low andyou'll get rich very very quickly and and you'll enjoy it it's fun making adeal like nacho said thanks for saying that nacho it's so trueyeah it's it's i mean i everybody likes a bargain anything right everybody likesa bargain and like you know i'm looking for a porsche cayenne a gts i want 440horsepower i want a very fast but i want a deal andi kicked myself because that one i missed because i didn't i found a dealbefore i knew exactly what was worth which can happen sometimes and here itjust happened to me
i share it all with you because i wantyou guys to learn to make money and you know learn from my mistakes too right soi guess i'm gonna call it quits guys the phone is getting dead or i've got alittle bit of time if anybody's got another question i'll take it but like isaid it you know here's something all of you can consider go get a real estatelicense if you get a real estate license you're immersing yourself into thebusiness and you can make money in real estate as an agent too but you'll beimmersing yourself into the business and you'll start to learn and get aneducation and you'll be you'll meet guys like me right you'll meet guys like methat'll be fantastic mentors for you the
guys that are that you can that that aregonna be examples and you know and just by being near them and talking to themyou can absorb and see what they're doing because you know every area is alittle bit different i mean in general everybody you make money on real estatebut keep your ears open and your eyes open and you'll identify it you know ohyou know they'll tell you what they're looking for and you think well if thisguy that makes all the money is looking for that maybe i better start lookingfor that too you know so let me see what i'm thinking thequestions here hey that's great angel that's awesomeyeah man get a license get a license
listen just by having a license you'llfind somebody that you know that's a friend then probably lets you list theirhouse and and you know and if they tell you if they were they're worried aboutyou not have any experience you just tell them look listen i see guysadvertising all the time they're not advertising your houses for sale they'readvertising for listings that's the money the money isn't gettingthe listing you want to list property if you're an agent just list property talkpeople into letting you list it because somebody else is gonna sell it andyou're gonna get half of the commission's that are paid so that'swhere the money is being a listing agent
and then once you you know you get yourmoney give to get enough money going then you can take what i consider thestep above being a real estate agent and that is being an investor the investorswere the big money is and ultimately that's the funnest stuff too man it isthe funnest and so that's what i would say for a lot of you seriously considergo get a real estate license i get a lot of questions they're not very goodquestions to be quite honest they're kind of like i'm thinkingdid you watch half a video and then ask me a question because they're not verygood questions so let's see my koi i got my first maybefrom a seller this week i've got about
eighty nose so far yeah that's it manlet me just taste him like what i would do after work after work okay and i worklong hours after work i would sit down and i would pick up the phone and iwould start calling people to ask him if they wanted to sell me their propertyand it took tons of work to get the phone numbers of people that ownedproperty i built up quite a database but i'm tiny after the day was done and i'mtired i go ah i gotta make a hundred calls i gotta make a hundred callsbecause i know that it's a numbers game you knock on enough doorsyou're gonna finally meet somebody that likes you that'll make a deal you makeenough phone calls
somebody's gonna finally make a dealwith you and and believe me i've had it i've contacted people they've said noand a week later they called back something changed something changed andthe only reason they called me back that's because i was the most recentperson that showed interest so keep it up michael you're gonna you're gonna winman you're gonna win all you guys are gonna win but you got it you know youcan't win the lottery unless you buy the ticket right you have to do somethingand so listen even if you are just don't if you feel broke i've been there let metell you i'll tell you a story about being broke really being broke i wasstarting my cab shop yeah i had my
building but i was broke and i was likejust making it just i mean the money wasn't coming i didn't have enough jobsit was tough times and i was making a big mortgage on my you know thousanddollar payment or whatever it was on my building at the time well i went and imade a flier saying you know just on cabinet shop saying tom's customcabinets and add a nice little logo of some cabinets and i went down to aprinting company at the time there was noand and i had these flyers printed up and then i man i think i wrote a checkthat was really marginally hot but to be honest i wouldn't let it bounce but iwrote a check for like my last money was
for the printing company and i think forabout 30 bucks for the stamps and and i and i folded these flyers in threepieces put a staple through you know each corner that was the envelope andthen i just wrote the address of the builders i sent these all to buildersstuck a stamp on there put it in the mail on a friday night like about maybe4:00 in the evening you know it wasn't very late and i mailed about 30 or 40flyers i think and the next morning before noon i got a phone call that mailwent out that friday it got delivered locally saturday before 10:00 that nextday a guy called me and said hey i've got some cabinets that i need madelisten i'll be right there i couldn't
believe it i thought how did he get myletter i mean think it was possible to get a letter in less than 24 hours butthat's what happened jeff davis was his namegood guy nice guy i really liked him as a builder he was an interesting guyhe'd say talk about me bad talk about me good just talk about me that's what hesaid but i really got a kick out he's a really nice manand i hope he's still alive it's been a while but anyways and so i told him isaid man okay and he gave me he was like i don't know maybe there's a thousanddollars worth the cabinet's need to be built maybe even less than that but hewrote me a check for a couple hundred
bucks as a deposit he like me talk to meand i'm talking about long hair and you know but he knew by talking to me thatyeah you know you you know i was good for it and so he wrote me the depositman i put that money in the bank it covered the cost of the fliers itcovered the stamps i was like hot and plus now i had a job and man i got in iprobably built it all that you know probably worked straight through 20hours and built whatever he needed made because i wanted to get it done get itdone you know that's the difference between business people and non businesspeople when we get handed something and it's about making moneywe want to make
profit build it get it done close thedeal resell it get it done make that money and you really want to be that youwant to have that mentality don't procrastinate just get it done just getit off your plate and start making money so anyways you know glad i got to sharewhat i shared with you guys tonight i'm having trouble getting back on mycomputer name but if anybody's got anything else man bring it up now andand that's michael mann really glad to hear your news and but guys go to thriftshops go to you know you can be salvation army it can be any of theseplaces look at craigslist but probably one of the easiest things to do is isyou know either come craigslist and look
for stuff as soon as it comes up if youwant to do small stuff okay yeah if you want to do land we've already got tonsof videos go watch my videos on land there's all kinds of i've already done alot of that but just start looking for bargains start looking for bargainsi don't care if it's garage sales or whatever look at when you're there firstyou can identify a deal in your there you'll get it first and it's allrelative and i'd like to say sometimes i assume i'm talking to people that don'thave much money and i probably shouldn't always make that assumption but itdoesn't matter if you have money it's the same thing get out there and go youknow go find properties i mean if you
got the cash you know and you can pay ahundred grand or you know two hundred thousand dollars cash pay for it go buya big chunk of land it's worth you know half a million dollars buy it for two orthree hundred thousand and flip it there's all kinds of opportunities outthere it's all relative but if you don't have that kind of money and you're theother end and then go find bicycles or go find something of valueyou know go find something whenever you're interested you probably haveknowledge about stuff that i wouldn't even know about you know i didn't funnytoday i wouldn't got a massage this morning and next door to the massageplace that i go to was a bookstore and i
thought man how does this bookstore makemake any money but i wanted to go in there was actually gonna see if i couldfind some old real estate courses i was gonna look at some of the old old guys iused to learn from and so i walked in and they didn't have any of that stuffand very small bookstore and so i walked over and i took an old book down thatlooked interesting to me and i looked at it and i thought 36 bucks i go why areyour books so expensive he goes oh that's a first edition i go a firstedition and i go what's that mean the first thousand he goes oh yeah and ishowed me the inside the front cover that there's a number and if it startswith the one that means it's from the
first printing and i may have this wrongbut this is what he was explaining to me but that was their niche it didn't haveto be a big book store any you know this looks like a book that would be self youknow three dollars or something but it was a first edition it wasspecial and i would have never known that but see you can make money on booksyou can learn a little bit about books i mean maybe go do that you guys that arewatching right now you know you might have grandpa's books you know sitting inyour house right now that you inherited or who knows what but look up on theinternet just as an exercise i'll do the same thing because i don't know but i'mtelling you a little bit of what i know
let's look up first edition books okaylet's look up first edition books and in and learn what we can i'm not gonna stayon and do it right now i'm gonna do it right now but i'm not gonna stay on withyou guys but look up first edition books and find out what that means find outwhat that means because like i said this book looked like something that if i hadit i'd probably throw it away you know but it but it was a first edition andthat's why it was worth thirty-six dollars that's probably three times whatit was but somebody paid for it when they bought it in the eighthor however old this book was so like i say there's a book called acres ofdiamonds i haven't read it in a long
time so that's a book you might want toconsider looking forward to and you look at books acres of diamond that as iremember the gist of that book was there's money right in front of you youdon't need to look somewhere else for money the money's right in front of youand i believe that's true and in fact i'm gonna go find that book and i'mgonna read it again so remember that acres of diamond i remembered 100% butit seems like there was a guy that was actually he would walk through a walland he'd rub against a rock every day and he sold the farm that he was on butit turned out he was sitting on a diamond a diamond mine and didn't evenknow it but he kept going somewhere else
to look for property and actually he'dbeen rubbing on a rock that actually exposed the fact that there was diamondson his property because the wall the rock wall that was made was was madefrom the aggregate that was from the property he lived on and somebody thatknew saw the rock knew that it was built from the rocks that were around there onthe property identified it as being you know the kind of ore that would havediamonds in it or something and that's how i remember the bookunless i'm confusing it with another but so anyhow let's do this tonight guyslet's look up first edition books and let's see if we learned something andand who knows if you got some little
books laying around your house you knowmaybe you can take the information you learn by looking up what a first editionis and go look at your book maybe i've got some gold in your house and youdon't know it but and i'm gonna do the same i know i did cuz i've told you guysi found a steamer trunk full of books from the eighteen hundred's about 25years ago i still have all the books maybe i'll do a show and share thosewith you guys sometime but hey that's it flip anything usa please like the videosguys it helps me go back and like the last ten that you didn't like andthat'll help me have you don't mind and but you know be sure to share share thisout tell people about the app tom it
flip anything usa.comand you know and you know hit the notifications button if you want andwe'll do more of this together because that's the only way you gonna know wheni do this stuff is when the as if you get notified because i don'thave any set time i do it when i have time so i really appreciate everybodyhanging out and watching and sharing information you know the the more themerrier you know you've heard that beforei believe that's true i think we can help each other so uh you know alex will elmo j ali i don't know how to say yourname michael angel jerome
ricardo lionel and alex and the restyeah thanks for hanging out man and we'll do it some morehey we're all handed together man let's make some more money it's all relativeright this make some money and and you know and just share it out it's fun it'sfun helping people it's fun i like the camaraderie you know let's make somemoney together you know let's do it so that's it and and grant cardone ifyou tuned in please look me up we should talk thanks you know all thatyou guys go