so just how big is big? well, this'll comein handy and i'll show you how. you know, if you find yourself designing anything likea house or a building or room, decorating a space, understanding square footage andcubic footage can come in handy. so i thought it might be interesting just to take thisroom, which is under construction, it's gonna be a little powder room in the house, andjust talk about the square footage and how that will help as we begin to accessorizeit. so come on in. so, basically, when you're talking about square footage, you're talkingabout the length of the room, which in this case is 7 feet, by the width of room, andin this case it is -- ta-da -- 5 feet. so 5 by 7, we have 35 square feet of room here.alright, now, if i wanted to calculate the
cubic feet in it, you would just go with theheight of the ceiling. comes down to here. and we're at 10 feet. so what we have hereis 350 cubic feet in this room. now this is important, particularly on the square footagepart, because what we have to do in this space (we only have 35 square feet), we have tofigure out were's the lavatory gonna go, where's the door gonna go, where's the medicine cabinetgonna go -- and that's where a scale like this comes in handy because you can take ameasured drawing that's scaled and you can take this 1 foot rule and it will tell you,based on the drawing, exactly how many square feet you have to work with. alright, so let'sstop with the abstract and let me take you into the house and talk about using squarefootage in a real situation when we're talking
about size of room, size of rug, and sizeof area rug. come on, let's go. okay, so this is the guest bedroom in the house. basically,what we have here is a room that is 17 feet long by 15 feet wide. so that's 221 squarefeet. but let me tell want i've done in the way of rugs -- this comes in really handy.this sisal rug, which is bound in cotton canvas, has held up very well. and this rug is 10inches smaller than the room itself. so the offset from wall to the rug is less than 10inches. now, i've layered rugs on rugs because i really like that look -- and look at thesetwo american hook rugs. now these aren't old, they're reproductions, and they're 40 inchessquare, and so they're perfect for both sides of these beds. now, this is not that big ofa room, but there are two matching beds here.
and these beds are 6 feet wide. so if youthink about it, the square footage is simply the length times the width, and this comesin very handy when you're trying to measure the size of rooms, where the furniture mightgo, the scale of the furniture, and the flooring, particularly the rugs in this case. if you'refinding these tips helpful, make sure you're sharing them with a friend, and subscribeto ehow home.