today we're wettingour appetites with fresh farm tofork fare and harvest. [music]this organic and locally sustainablerestaurant is known for its commitmentto minimizing its carbon footprint. harvest is a brand that startedabout eight years ago our owner davidgrogan

was friendly passionate aboutsustainability from our decor, the chairs,everything in a restaurant. thisis a recycled glass bar cut. look atthe different colors, there's green,there's brown it's one of the thingsthat a lot of our guests really notice whenthey come in.

from the recycled glassbottle counter tops, to the localingredients, everything at harvest hasthoughtfully chosen with sustainability inmind even the bathroom partitions. oursustainable design flows right into arestroom areas also our petitions thatwe just put in are made from recycledplastics which is just neat

because afterwe're finished with it can also you knowbe recycled again. it'ssomething we believe here that you know a lotleaving it that carbon footprint it'sreally important. when it comes to therestrooms scranton products understandsthat privacy is paramountwhich is why they created these

partitions. the basic functionof a bathroom partition is to provideprivacy. with aria, we're using someunique systems like a shiplap edge sothat when it closes they fully overlapmaking no sight line at all. the other interesting thing wehave here is an edge mounted hinge so whenthe

door is mounted on this youcan't see through again blocking yoursight lines but you also have a hidden hingeso you're getting a betteraesthetic. forover 30 years scranton products has ledthe industry and bathroom partitions andlockers constructed from premium american-made highly engineeredmaterials. their products resistdents,

scratches, corrosion, graffitiand mildew. because we're using solid highdensity polyethylene this material ismoisture resistant so we were able toeliminate the shoes that you would see ona traditional bathroom partitionsystem and that has two realadvantages. one isit gives you a much cleaner aestheticbut to those shoes typically

gathermoisture now you have a nice cleansystem that you can clean right upagainst to make sure there's no bacterial growth. with scrantonproducts the sustainable design plansshould extend well beyond the diningroom walls. they're gonna walk in and bereally impressed with the aestheticsbut then

most importantly is they'regonna be impressed with a high privacydesign. inhere once these doors are closed thereare zero sight lines so anywhere you gothey can go in there and really have aprivate experience which is ultimatelywhat a bathroom partition is designed todo. when it comes to customcolor options

and designs they've got plenty,there's tons of features and benefits with ourpartitions you're getting tons ofdesign options they're scratch resistantthat resistant their microbial resistance so you're reallygetting all these great features andbenefits of a durable product but now gettingreally a high aesthetic value as well. and they'reall made from recycled plastic

the acp material that thepartitions are made of are fully recyclablewhich means once you take down the petitionsyou can bring them back to our facilityand what we do is we grind up thatmaterial and we'll put it back into ourmanufacturing process. and the great thingabout hdpe is it doesn't lose any of itschemical composition during that

processso you can regrind it up thousands oftimes and you'll still get the samedurability as the first raw material usethat it started with. let's goover the scranton products factory to seehow it's made material. we alsorecycle our raw material in house, theres apercentage of

engineered scrap also the strapthe prop factor on the scranton businessunit recycled the process. behind me isthe largest extruder in north america. they need the biggest onebecause of the size of the amount of productsthey produce. and here we have theseed extrusions the plastic that'sbeing put

through the process. here we have the engineered edgetrim coming off and into the dumpsterthen recycled back into the product. we can'treveal all their secrets but restassured scranton products keep sustainability at the top oftheir list. [music]everything else that belongs with the joband then it's off the packaging.

thefinished product will take that down tothe shipping dock here we are at theshipping dock and the partitions are ontheir way to their final destination[music] today we witnessed how scrantonproduct stays ahead of the curve when itcomes to both reducing their carbonfootprint and in their designs as seenwith their aria partitions.

onceagain proving that when it comes tomanufacturing the key to sustainabilityis often rooted in the process itself. much like sustainability isimportant to harvest sustainability is alsovery important to scranton productsand we want to make sure that we'reusing the best materials for theseapplications

that really carry that storyout. twocompanies making small changes creatinga greener and brighter future foreveryone. [music]

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