hey it's abby and today i'm excited totalk about my 10 favorite organizing items from target. now a couple monthsago, i did my 10 favorite organizing items from ikea and i had lots ofrequests from people to do my favorite organizing stuff from other places aswell so today is the day! unlike ikea, all of target's items are not exclusiveto their store so some of these things you could find at other places as well.but like my list from ikea, i limited it to things that i own and use personallyso i could talk about each one from personal experience. if you're lookingfor any of the items i mentioned today i will link to all of them in thedescription below. number 10 is this
little cabinet in our master bathroomthat hangs right over the toilet in the water closet. it's threshhold brand, it'sa newer addition to our bathroom, and i love it because it maximizes thevertical space. we use it to hold our toilet paper which was previously in thevanity so it freed up some space in our vanity as well. number 9 is this towelbar and s hooks that i use to organize my jewelry. i have used this simplesystem for organizing my necklaces pretty much my entire adult life and haswork perfectly for me. it's just a little towel bar that you would normally use tohang towels on in the bathroom and then s hooks that are normally used to hangup a shower curtain. put them together
and it's the perfect way to keep thenecklaces organized and untangled. number eight are these oxo food storagecontainers. i love them because they're airtight, they're really easy to just popthe cap and then get into. right now we are using them under our kitchen sink tohold a bunch of items. they're a little pricey so i kind of collect them littleby little but they're definitely worth it because they work really well. target also has their own brand of food storage containers. they are a little lessexpensive. when i looked at them at the store, the seal didn't seem like it wascompletely airtight so they could be great, a good alternative for holdingstuff under the kitchen sink then i
would just be careful for using them forfood. number seven are these fabric bins for cube units. iuse these inside our ikea units, they work in the cube units that you can getfrom target, and what i love about the ones from target especially is that theyalways have cute colors, a lot of different styles, and they're typicallyreally on trend as well so they are always my first place i look when i'mlooking for fabric bins. right now we are using a bunch of them in our boys'playroom and this one that i'm holding is actually from my office in our lasthouse. number six are these acrylic silverware and utensil trays. they'rejust room essentials brand, they're
really inexpensive. this one is from acouple years ago and it has the teal inserts. i think the ones they have noware gray inserts but either way i love the inserts because they hold all theutensils in place so they don't slide around and i like to use them in mysilverware and utensil drawer. i put a pretty drawer liner under them and youcan still see it so if you had the gray inserts you could always put a colorfuldrawer liner under it and it would really pop. number five i have togive a shout out to the whole wicker basket section at target. i love thatthey have all different shapes and sizes. it seems like any organizing project i'mdoing i can go there and i can find the
perfect one for my space. they add a lotof texture and they're beautiful. i currently use them in my closet, in ourkitchen, and all sorts of different places around our house because they'rejust so handy and they make the space look pretty too! number four are thesetall round bins. they are from the kids section in target. they're the pillowfort brand and i have used these for so many different things in our house.they've held nerf guns and stuffed animals in the boys' playroom, they haveheld gift wrap in my office. right now, i use this one to hold the boys' dirtyclothes. it's a hamper in their bedroom so i've used it for all sorts ofdifferent things and they're just really
fun. they come in all different colorsand patterns. number three are these acrylic drawer organizers that you canmix and match. so they unlatch, they're in lots of different pieces so you can putthem together in different configurations to fit your perfectdrawer. these are interdesign brand. at my target, they are in the bathroomorganization section but i use them, i use them in our junk drawer in ourkitchen. i use them in my desk drawer currently andthey're just really great because you can always fit the exact shape and sizethat you need in your drawer. number two are these by y-weave baskets. i havedeclared my love for target's y-weave
baskets over and over again because theycome in all sorts of colors and sizes, they hold up really well, and they'rejust great for corralling all sorts of different items in our house. so rightnow we use one in the boys' playroom to hold their bioniclesand i use them all over our kitchen in the cabinets, in our pantry. so you mightbe surprised but my number one item that i love for organizing from target isthree ring binders. i put this at the number one spot just because it is sohard to find pretty binders anywhere and target does a great job both in theirschool supply section and in the dollar spot of having really pretty, usablebinders that can organize all your
paperwork and all your school work asyou need it. i'm always grabbing my target binders toclip in notes and different things and you'll also see a lot of them in thephotos of printables on my blog as well. so those are my ten but i'm sure thatthere are other amazing organizing items from target that didn't make my list somake sure you let me know what your favorite items are in the comments below!