here is an inside corner and what i want to talk about is this mosaic if this mosaic is cut here lets say it cut strait here and i am going to add (install) another mosaic here (left side of the inside corner) it i(the mosaic ) is not going to look like a flow less thismeans the mosaic pattern is repeating itself. in order to repeat itself properly the same you really have to add proper (mosaic) pieces ( means you should cut a mosaic pieces in order to aintain the mosaic pattern. hie easy way to do it is to cut it here if i cut it in the center in some place here and i am taking this two pieces, the cut pieces and i put them together here (inside corner) as you can see when i am going to install it

it (the mosaic ) is going to look flow less this is what i would like to achieve here and in order to do it i have to calculate the size of this (bathroom) room to address this issue properly in both corners. so that is what i am going to do when i install them (both mosaic pieces) i will show you that i actually have two pieces here. that cut from one piece of mosaic and then i am going to put (the to mosaic pieces) them here (on the inside corner) together. and really where i am going to start, i am going to start from the corner and not from the center because i really want to address the corner first that everything going to flow with the corner so i ordered (organized) the mosaic here

exactly the way i want to put (install) them on the wall as you can see the way it is going this is very important thing to peeper before you put a thinset to cut the mosaic and put them together to see how it is going to look what i want to talk about is something else i want to talk about the inside corner here and the inside corner here how do you actually address these corners here. and where you actually start putting the mosaic because usually what everyone will do is to start from the center but i want to talk about the inside corner and what is the importance of it

in order to achieve a very nice installation if you look at this piece that i will like to put in the inside corner you will see something interesting i just cut it with a wet saw and a good wet saw can cut easily glass, stone, and porcelain with no problem just need o be (the wet saw) good one just look at it this are the two pieces and these pieces i intend to put in the inside corner

let me show you how it is going to look like i already put this piece (temporarily) the cut (piece) and the other (cut piece) here and i just want to show you how it is going to look like when i am going to put it together. they (the two pieces) will stick to the wall they are going to look flow less which means this (stone) is continued the glass (piece) is continued etc. so the pattern is continued (maintained) with no propblem and it is going to look very nice

this piece is cut to two pieces this piece is inches and this piece is 4 inches it is done in purpose let me show you why if i take this piece, this is the 8 inch piece and i esigned to put it here i put it here you can see it is actually fit very nicely here now if you look at the other corner here this corner you can see

the remain is between here to here and it is exactly 8 inch because it is symmetric that the way i designed it i caulculatet that isf i put a piece here you can see that this piece is coming until here to this space so i have to cut it here exactly 4 inch and what i achieve with it, i achieve a one piece of mosaic setting in the corner setting in this corner here and i am going to have a flow less pattern that going around this bath room with no issue

the first thing i am doing is spreading the thin set on the wall properly (with trowel) 30 degrees. this is the most important thing remember i am starting from the corner so i start to put thin-set on the corner now i am going to use the 1/4 of an inch v notch o level it (the thinset on the wall) 45 degrees and i can use the other v notch just to level it here

and here the same thing i going to do here 45 degrees and the small (trowel) v notch here which is 1/4 of an inch also after i level it with the v notch according to the manufacture instruction i have to flat the groves (flat the thinset) to flat the grove i am going to use the flat side of the trowel and just slightly i move it like this as you can see that is what the manufacture recommended and i believe the reason for it is because of the glass

and it is probably better to flat it. i will try to flat it from here with (trowel) in 30 degrees you can see i am fating it it is quite easy and i can use the other notch let see now the challenge is to put the first two pieces here that is the most important to put it properly everything (all the mosaics ) are going to go togethe with them (the two pieces in the corner) (they used) as reference to them (the other mosaics) so that installation is the most important piece the i am going to put in this corner

and i really do not need this piece of tap anymore this is the first piece i am going to put in this corner. i push it all the way (to the right side) i am going to little bit push it in the second piece is the small piece here that i will put in the other side of the corner and i really want to make it sure that is going to be level so this is a first

most important part to go that is the other piece that i am going to put (install) here. remember what i really did here is 1/8 of an inch bed mud which is thin-set i going to put this one remember that (the yellow roller) plays as 1/16 of an inch (spacer) i need to give it a little shift here press slightly

that is the most important pieces you put because everything going to reference to this mosaic i just want to make sure it level excellent i am going to put more thin-set here and i will continue to do the stuff (mosaic installation ) here this is the other place that i am putting (thin-set) .. spreading the thin set

this (wall section) already has thin set to 1/8 of an inch so i can level it from here i am missing a little bit of thin set here i just remove that tap that i have here i do not need this tap anymore now i am going to flat it i really need a little bit more thin set here ok now i can put the other piece the other piece is going to be here

and i nee to maintain a space (between the mosaic pieces) 1/16 (of am inch0 mow what i have to do , i have to attach properly these two pieces to the wall with piece of wood i am using this (flat 2x4) piece of wood this will attache the mosaic tightly to the thin set now i think it is proper i can use this flat rowel (to press the mosaic to wall)

ut i think the wood is better i just want to force 1/16 inch (space) between the pieces check for level.. just to make sure everything is level as you can see it is extremely level exactly cleaning excess i can also use the level here just to make sure everthing is level flat perfectly just remember to clean

sometimes when you think you need to clean, but i clean priodically otherwise if you do not clean it is going to be very difficult to remove (the thin-set) it after that (installation is completed) if you see from close (distance) you can see that this and that is actually the extension of the same piece so you have a continuation of the pattern so it (the pattern) does not (look like) stop but continues

and that is why i started from this orner and i cut one piece of mosaic to two (pieces) and attached them together here and that gives you the impression that this pattern is a continuation (pattern)

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