hello guys! this week we are in san gimignanoin tuscany italy and we're checking out this tower it used to be a storage towerand a defense tower and it was built in the 12th century now is converted intoan apartment and it's eight stories high so let's check it outthe footprint of this space is obviously very small so every little nook andcranny has to be you life let's start in the kitchen. you have to be careful notto bump your head! look how cute this kitchen is,there's things that you need for cooking over here they installed all this greatlighting and they added this amazing window. down here storage.

plenty of spaceand this size is very similar to what you would find in a lot of europeansapartment so it's very basic there's everything you need. there's a fridge andfreezer the square footage of this place is very small but we want to show youguys that you can use old structures as well so some people might live near anold industrial building you might live close to a tower like this or windmillanything and it's just a lot of fun to try to repurpose the structures insteadof tearing them down

let's move on to the living room this is the eating area and there's enough space for a table to seat four like this andyou can even scoop it out and have six seated i'm betting that you can move itover here and they make this kind of bench windowseats and there's an amazing view from here the whole space is connected by thisreally cool iron staircase it's very very small it's super cool i love itwhen the new iron is paired with these old walls it looks amazinglet's check out the next level here's a little place where they used toshoot outside at an enemy

let's move on up! welcome to this tiny little bathroomthere is actually a big mirror in here and a pretty good size vanityfor a small space if you notice they use these copper pipes everywhere ofcourse they can't hide the modern installations inside the wall becauseit's historic and they can't really do a lot to it so they just have to use verynice materials and just expose it so we can all see it and i really like overhere in the shower stall can you imagine taking a shower andlooking at these really old rocks these cracks here are amazing they're so cool

of course in italy they have a bidet andthat is over here see you might be like "well where's my toilet?" it's really coolbecause when you close the door you do like this now you have privacy from the outsideand that opens up to the toilet look at how much spaces there is in here! from the bathroom to the next level welcome to the next mezzanine. this is a little place you can hang out there's a table you can read and it's funnybecause it feels kind of like you're in a cave but you're on the 5th floor. butthere are not a lot of windows they have

these small little shutter holes they goout through the walls and there are about meters thick so it's very littleday light that comes in here when you have a small footprint obviously everystory and every little nook and cranny you can cram out of your space has to dosomething and this is a dressing area so you have this mirror, and inside there'sspace where you can hang all your jewelry and stuff little shelves i'venever seen a mirror like this i'm really liked it it's a cozy little place andyou can be sure one thing the neighbors can't peek in and see you bunk beds, they're amazing they're kind ofscooted under each other. so you have one

person sleeping here then one personsleeping on top and then you have storage underneath. i'm guessing a phone is really handywhen you have eight levels you don't want to be running up and down all thetime! now you reach a level of the master bedroom there is a cute little kind ofterrace thing over here and you have chair you can sit down and over here's the bed this bed is actually a wall bed and whenyou flip it up there's a nice picture on the back but you don't want to do thison the daily basis because this bed weighs a ton! it's a lot of stairs to climb in this towerso you don't want to forget anything at

the top before you get out of bed in themorning if you get down to the kitchen you don't want to come back up and getit! over here under the stairs is another little toilet it's a very small andintimate built toilet room under the stairs but it's very nice if you'resleeping up here you don't want to run all the way down so it's handy to havehere and this is some kind of elf door too. i think you have to be a hobbit to use this bathroom! it's so cool, we're opening the hatch so we can get up and see the view! this is the best view in the world! i just had to run down to get maria this lens that's way better when shooting out in the

landscape from up here -but man! it's a lot of stairs! you don't want to forget anything on the first floor becauseit's a long way up here. she told me that there used to be 72 towers insan gimignano and there's a total of 182 steps from the ground all the way to thetop. that's a lot! thank you for watching this time guys! we'll see you guys nextweek. bye!

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