decorating ideas for living rooms cottage style

decorating ideas for living rooms cottage style

key element in cottage home dã©cor that youmust use cottage home is liked by a lot of people todaybecause of its simplicity and comfort. that is why you might want to use cottagehome dã©cor inside your home to create the cottage style in your own room. it is easy and fun as it is very simple soyou can apply it anywhere you want. the old with new mix and match can make anice atmosphere inside your home. design element in creating a comfortable cottagehome dã©cor. 6. bronze fixture.

your home must have a lot of fixture, whenyou want to use cottage style then you must replace your old fixture using bronze fixtureinstead including the faucets and sinks. another perfect choice is to use claw footbathtub as well. bronze is an element that you must use foryour cottage home dã©cor so if you have to choose any metal items, then try to opt forbronze instead. 5. display shelf. shelf is very useful to store a lot of thingsbut you can also use it as display. in kitchen you can display a lot of spicesinside glass jars which makes it more interesting.

or you can display arts, pictures, and craftsin other room as part of your cottage home dã©cor. 4. wood shutters. wood shutters are another key signature ofcottage home dã©cor that you must use. of course most of the time, people will placeit on their window as it is the most common use. however these shutters can actually be yourinterior decoration as well when you place it on your wall.

or you can use it on your closet door in bedroomand cabinet door in kitchen. 3. built-in seating. even though having this kind of seating inyour home might be difficult as it need a crook in the corner of your house to buildit. however actually you can actually fake thisand build it in your window if it’s located on a small corner. with this you can add some informal styleon the room which also very comfortable to have.

you can also add a small table with rusticstyle and some chairs with vintage style around it if you want to create a seating area. 2. tile. tile is needed in every house for this cottagehome dã©cor, it is best for you to use subway tiles as it is the signature tile especiallywith its white color. however you can actually use any ceramic tilescolor (or wood) that you want even using glass tiles will make a nice contemporary touchon your house. 1.

beaded board and other pattern. there are some design element that all ofyou should have if you want to create a cottage home. beaded board is the signature design elementwhich you can apply on your furniture, walls and even ceiling as the accent of cottagedesign. woven material on the window treatment isanother design element to have. next is the small stripe or flowery patternwhich you can apply throughout the house. done,because you’re still watching, help this video a bit by comment it, like it or shareit with close people you have in your social

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