decorating ideas for living rooms with brown walls

decorating ideas for living rooms with brown walls

hi, this is ann myrick, and i'm going to showyou, today, how to choose colors to set a mood. every room is different. the playroomhas energy in it. the kitchen -- there's a lot of food, you want to have an appetizingcolor in your kitchen. bedrooms -- you want to be calm, you want the children, you wantto be able to sleep, you don't want a vibrant color. so you want to pick the color thatwould work for that area for that mood. one way to begin is to just think what colorsmake you feel a certain way. when you go to somebody's house and they have a great colorand you just feel so calm and good in that color, take note of that color, whether it'sa green or whether it's a blue. take note of that color that this color is a great makes me feel this way. another way is

to look through a...magazines are a greatsource. you can go through different magazines and just go through the room colors, and alot of times, there will be a certain feel that you'll receive in looking at certaincolors and certain styles in a magazine. another way to work with your colors is to...onceyou start thinking of colors, go to your paint stores, pull colors that you like. and ifit's just a ton of colors, then pull a ton of swatches. and put them all over your house.tape them up, and put them all over your house and look at them for a period of time andsee how they make you feel. i did this with my kitchen. i had four or five different greensi was working with, and i had them all in my kitchen. and every day, i would pull anothercolor down and then i would realize what color

i ended up with that i just felt so good play with your colors, and think about what activity is taking place in that color,and then work with colors and see what really speaks to you. this is ann myrick, and thatis how to choose colors to set a mood.

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