bedroom decorating ideas nautical

bedroom decorating ideas nautical

hi everyone and thanks for coming to my we’re doing three hawaii and beach inspired easy diys for your room!all these items can be found at the dollar store or any craft store. the first diy is inspired from my trip toa sunflower maze on oahu. what you’ll need is floral arrangement foam,a jar or a vase, blue marbles, scissors, and of course, the flowers. the first thing you’ll want to do is measurethe foam to the size of the jar or vase you’re using.with that measurement, make a smaller version of it that will hold the flowers in should be small enough to be hidden but

big enough to stabilize the flowers. cut thesmaller measurement out and arrange the flowers by poking them into the foam. afterwards,fill the marbles into the glass and you’re done! this next sea glass jar reminds me of so manybeaches! you’ll need some glue, a mason jar, flatbottomed marbles and either real or electric tea lights. for this project, any type of long lasting,sturdy glue will work. again, make sure your marbles have flat bottoms. starting in anylogical arrangement, place a small dot of glue on the jar. keep doing this until finished.after, press lightly on the jar so the marbles

will stay in place and then leave it out todry. i used a real tea light and it looks so nice!turn off the lights for it to take full effect and it is gorgeous! obviously, be carefulwhen using a real candle, but other than that, enjoy your new candle jar! maui is what inspired this next’ll need scissors, twine, a jar, and any long lasting glue. the sand and rocksyou use can be from a real beach or a craft store. this diy is better done outside to avoid amess. take your sand and fill the jar up with it just about ⼠of the way or ⽠way if youare only using sand. make sure to put the

sand in first to avoid the rocks getting covered.tie the twine in a bow and use a few dots of glue to hold the twine in place. and thereyou go, a beautiful reminder of the beach in your room! thanks for watching and i’ll see you soon!

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