bedroom decorating ideas modern minimalist

bedroom decorating ideas modern minimalist

hey guys it's danielle with danielle atminnesota vlogs and i'm gonna take you on a bedroom tour a couple areas in myhouse are a disaster 90% of the time my bedroom is not one of them i'm verystrict about keeping it really clean and all the surfaces clear my bedroom is mysanctuary i love it so much so i'm gonna show you my minimal bedroom tour this isdefinitely not gonna be everyone's cup of tea it's very simple and plain therethere's no artwork up on the walls i would like to change a few things iwould like to change the wall color and maybe add one piece of artwork but forthe most part i'm really happy with it i love it and here you go one of myfavorite parts about this room is this

little vanity area and i got this chairfrom an old neighbor they gave me these four chairs i kept one of them up here ilove it it's so comfortable i sometimes put my makeup on here whatmainly work on you to play my day journal here i even sit here and readsometimes and i keep that little candle there and sometimes my laptop sits heresuch a fun area here is my one sad house plant i really want to get better athouse plans i also like to get a stand for it but i'm proud it isn't dead yetand this is my bed i'm gonna show you what that white square is i don't knowif anyone's noticed that in other videos that awkward white square but my bedspread is from target i love it it came

with a couple more pillows but i didn'treally like them so i gave him to goodwill so we bought this house from mymother-in-law my husband grew up in this house my husband's name is phillip andhe wrote that on his parents wall when he was four and she never painted overit and i feel like i can't now so i haven't let me know if you have any tipson what to do the nightstands on either side are from ikea very low and verystill well and these lights are from ikea ilove this light it kind of matches the bedspread so here are some books i'mreading and then here is our dresser i keep most of my clothes in the closet ihave a video on my capsule wardrobe so

those top drawers are kind of junkdrawers what most people keep in their dresser as you can see our dressers werevery open just a few things on here it's winter and it's cold so we need blanketswhen we go to sleep but i don't want to keep them on the bed so i got thisbasket from target and yeah i would like maybe a piece of artwork for this wallbut i haven't found anything and i'm the type of person who kind of like to waittil i find something other than throwing something up here is our view in thebackyard through the screen our garden or deck so that's everything i hope youliked it give this video a thumbs up and please subscribe and i hope to see youin a future video bye guys


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