in order to stay out of debt, there are severaldifferent methodologies that you can use. some of my favorite ones are do not shop fora pastime. don't make shopping your hobby. another one is, you need to separate yourwants from your needs. sounds easy to do but sometimes it's a little more difficult ifyou don't have a budget, so the next one would be develop a budget. and you also need toincorporate your savings plan into that budget as well, because you do need to be savingas well as staying out of debt. then you need to be sure that you include your entire familyin the plan. it will do no good and serve no purpose if they're not involved with stayingout of debt as well. use coupons, but use coupons only for those items that you trulyare going to use and would ordinarily buy.

also, when you go shopping use a list andstick to that list. it's also a good idea to resist the superstores and the mall salesevents so that you won't be buying things that you wouldn't ordinarily buy and haveno need for. another thing and sometimes the part that we forget is that our friends wantto be helpful as well incorporate the help of your friends to help you stay on may want to consider brown bagging your lunch instead of those expensive meals spentoutside of the lunchroom.

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