hi i'm amy abraham's on by presidentcontroller for a local credit union and be finishing i had three estimates thoseestimates were roughly in the forty five thousand dollars range fee i had forestimates come in all of which were through the email initially where i gavesides and just general description of how i one in my basement finished two ofthe estimates came back to email thirty thousand dollars no problem we'll beokay of the 133 they came out saw the basement got back with me forty-seventhousand dollars to finish the baby i was shocked so i call this other companythe current company i went with and they said no problem we can probably do itfor 30 let me come out and look at it i

see no reason why we can't do that theycame out 28 670 they didn't even come in to the the certain come up to the thirtythousand dollars in addition to that there 28 670 included a lot of featuresthat the other estimates did not it's rollins rollins factory i'm in thebasement of my home and then a basement came out they did an extra meant for usis by far the most for the least amount of money we had other inspectors are notinspected but other contractors come out and they wanted all this money theywasn't going to do any of what we got here from a lot of basement we got aquote from a guy and high about fingering one in judea he had somesomeday yes but um we got him as a

reference and we there was a lot of upcharges at the end after the quote that was even high was what charges for anykind of change that was made was underway one that there was up chargeshi my name is dr. natha i found judy through an online search right when iwas in need for couple of more quotes because i wanted to get more than onefor it obviously actually more than two quotes i got three votes and finallyjudy came by judith came by and basically blew everyone out of the waterwith though with the information she provided and the detail of detailoriented she was and basically not just gave up a basic plan but also threw insome design aspects of making the

basement look better and also thought ofit in terms of potentially selling it so it was a great it was a great match whenever i would ask us and saytotal that first i would say oh dude can you do this can the others she wouldalways say no problem we can do anything you want another problem she didn't sayoh oh i don't know if we can do that now she just always said no probably can doanything you want and it was done it was not add on it a unbelievable price itwas done for the materials and labor and very pleased with how it's moving alongin ideas are just great we have to do a radon gas system in the house i believein our inspection to inspect the toes

that we needed a real gas system but weunderstand the system you should cost about five six thousand dollars juke perday for us for under two thousand dollars i think of my eighteen hundreddollars or less which is very very good if so there's also 24-page documentationyes yes so frank so that was a good deal as well so it wasn't like had to spend awhole lot of mind you do that although it wasn't in the budget it was veryinexpensive and there was able to put it in the budget about how you know iexpected to have this low drop ceiling like every other basement but with whatthe designer recommended was just simply rerouting a couple things that were inthe way into these trays and then bam i

have a ten-foot ceiling it's awesome i'mdidn't you everywhere to talk about homewise calm oh yes so uh you know theplan was ah well how much is it going to cost to get this high ceiling wow once iheard that design that's definitely what i wanted but may that might be a littlemore expensive people got a rear out we had some gas line we had hvac lines wehave plumbing lines and the designer gave me sent me straight to a websitewith all gave me all of my square footage and said here's uh here's thecalculation on how much it will cost to frame up a lower ceiling versus you knowgetting the price from the hvac guy in the other hand practice on how much itwould be to move everything and it

actually worked out just as easyif not better to move it was less expensive less expensive and then i havethe higher ceiling soul yeah that works out good right right maybe because it'sbecause this is an expensive basement per square foot because it's so smalland so we're trying to do something to jazz it up a little bit with a with afun spin yeah you know and then we had the bar we were able to work the bar inright i said when i had the budget and they came down here i was on tight tighttight budget i mean i wanted that's why i figured with everything that wasalready here let's just frame it in and go she came down had the idea of openingthis up i didn't really make a huge

difference in the price and then i toldher from the start this is where i would like to have a bar but a bar is my uhluxury i guess my wife didn't care if we had a bar or not my kids don't care ifwe have a bar or not but i said if it's any way possible this is immediately shesketched out showed me exactly how she would do it if she was going to do a barback here said you know according to everything else that's going on itreally won't make a big difference in price so we were able to still get thebar in there also again the cost didn't even change it's still it's a bettersystem and it all everything keeps fitting into the budget somehow so it'sgreat thank you and do you want to just

give people an idea of how you know thecontract runs in basically that you know everything was laid out in excel or yeahinitially like home judith came to me and then like not explained everythingand then lekin home and then she can i laid out everything in the ledger bookand then she step by step like no she won't initially on the framing and thenlike no electric girls and then plumbing and electoral and then all these thingswere been like broken down into different different items and then theprice was like norm very minimal and thenshe was very flexible like to change the plans and accommodate let anotherbreakfast whatever i had like a with the

same budget plan and it was great likenobody would jordan like not she's awesome hospital here miller georgia and4k some dream of my job and i have time to hunt anybody down in charge of theproject find instruction people myself worried about payment etc so we foundatlanta basement and they've been wonderful joseph are our options arebuilder who was an opera sniffing at lee left yummy right and i did the lastvideo because my husband travels a lot but he's back this is scott so afterthat we went on the internet and called judith up and had her come out gave herthe estimate that we were given basically she did a review call me backimmediately with information on hey

here's where the cost is let me come outlook at your job site it's a good deal but let me see if i can help you out andhave her come up the house did a review helped design some new room encouragesome expansion on a movie theater room and price was right where we want itneeded our budget to be to be able to get this basement done to our likingwithout charge about up charge it good hey my name is john vanara physicaltherapist i live out here in villa rica with my wife and three kids i just wantto tell you a little bit about our job that we had done here on our basement byatlanta basements and we'll just kind of go i guess around the basement here tolet

what was done and what we thought abouteverything the thing that i was most impressed with or part of what i wasimpressed with was all of this was done for a reasonable price on everything weweren't again we weren't looking for anything fan extra fancy we wantedfunctional but nice and we know we were laid out with the contract of whateverything was going to cost and along each step of the way and each step ofthe way that's exactly what it cost you know even if there were some change somesmall changes we needed to make somewhere or something that needed to beredone or something you know that ended up being a little bit more troublebecause of existing problems with the

basement it all came out the same sothat was that was great you know again my wife and i both work we got the threelittle ones we don't have a ton of time we don't have you know we didn't have anunlimited amount of money to spend so that was great that everything was rightas we expected one who engaged another contractor i hada friend who had his basement finished off job was done really really well andhad him come out a bid our job the big issue after having some bit i fucked myfriend is that when he came out him he did the job correctly but there were alot of stuff where was he didn't know what was going on he didn't know some ofthe add-on cough that we're gonna be

charged and what they kept abreast ofthe the whole process and when he was done in the water looks good it was alot higher than he was supposed to be and he also um just felt like he was notkept up to date with what was going on the prop that you were out of town whenthe labor took place and that's a good thing i should bring up to this projectstarted right around christmas and we had to go out of town you know just tocelebrate with family and but judith and her crew were on site and every day i'dhave a pictures at the end of the day to indicate how much progress had been madeyou know so she kept me up to speed with everything that was going on and therewasn't a day i was wondering oh what's

going on with my basement i was alwaysattuned to what was happening right one of the things i love about atlantabasement has been their communication i email them in the middle of the nightthey respond first in the morning i talked to my solemni probably contact them once twice a day sometimes two once or twice a week andour communications very smooth and probably the biggest slut everythingloaded up a standpoint with media miss me being out of town has been gettingemails and or was the projector or fun with email today what's going on withthe project so as you can see what we're up to right along with over the entireperiod and emails about what happened

today what's been completed today whatto expect tomorrow so that everything has been flowing very very well hi thisis dan allen this is video 24 hour diary and from what i understand the lastvideo was cut off a little bit short and what i was trying to say in the lastvideo was that we may have had some problems with judith as far as trying toget in touch with her having her make appointments and stuff like that in thebeginning in the bidding phase of this but now that she's here she's here she'sdevoted to our site emails phone calls everything is returned promptly peopleare here things run smoothly and she's devoted our site which is what we wantand she wants to have the basement done

so we had basically shown her how we haddone basements or projects for people that were out of town and we sort of ranthrough some of the videos i guess that we did and so on and that was how weended up her sister veronica here is staying at the house while we work hereand it's turned out his first communication and everything i'm verygood alright let me know it'sit's there's been no miscommunication fromjersey to here to um do what's going to happen and i want to say this aboutjudith is a very good design designer and and she works well with you and shelets you know what's going on from point a to point z she let you know and shecontacted

my sister by via email as well as takesengineering center vidya yes we can we keep her up to date with her being invideos everything still on budget great i'm and then do we want to talk aboutthe you being out of town when we were able to communicate the idea we had thethe design pretty much set this is going to be the bedroom area office bedroomand the plan was to have a wall here in the door and then of course when i wasout of town only a designer called and said that dock she had a great idea andof course once she said the idea it was obviously a no brainer i told my wifeawesome great everybody loved it and that was to instead of having a you knowa wall the whole way across here put in

a nice size interior french door goingback here great awesome i was out town called up and and had that completed ahand then also the french doors going to be sitting just a little bit behind thislittle archway it's gonna really kind of uh make an entrance yeah yeah it's gonnait's gonna look more like an interest a little more for and then two sconces onthe side for just the regular basement so great because it's because this is anexpensive basement per square foot because it's so small and so we'retrying to do something to jazz it up a little bit with a with a fun spin youknow and then but anyhow so far everything that yousee around me including the hvac right

behind me has been basically along withthe framing of the walls let's walk with the hvac but the hvac system and theframing and the electrical spotlight everything that you see is done like ina week and one day it's one weekend we started one week ago on februari the21st is now february's 28 and as you will see there has been a lot ofprogress we have electrical that works can lights off and on we did not havethis previously we have an open basement with recesses that are divine finishesthat were not included in some of my other estimates as you walk you're hereagain we have some lighting going on and in one week's time as you can see we'vegot sheetrock delivered going up

tomorrow we've got the framing completethe plumbing is complete everything is ready for sheetrock in a week it'sincredible today is april the fourth it is one week and more today since thelast video and what we have accomplished so far is all of the electrical he'sdone we're going to start testing some outlets and stuff like that once we wrapthat up and all the lighting fixtures are in all the housing drop which startputting some bulbs in test some of those the plumbing is almost complete andwe're getting pretty close to being finished with that and they've done anamazing job there's different contractors shooters plumbing going onthe electrical going on everybody's

working together and you know helpingone another out getting the job done in it but i don't know whatever obviouslyyou can see everything has progressed unbelievably fast and efficient all thecontractors have come in they've all worked together the electrician was hereat the same time as the framers the hvac guy was here atthe same time as the plumbers putting in these trays which that's a whole otherthing right about how you know i expected to have this low drop ceilinglike every other basement but with what the designer recommended was just simplyrerouting a couple things that were in the way into these trays and then bam ihave a ten-foot ceiling it's awesome

okay ready we're gonna do camera allright today is april twenty-eighth three weeks into the project and as you see weare now for work everything frame we are going to be today there to be doing trimwork but they on the frame then we got it i'll always now complete got doors upeverywhere got the door frame everywhere so we report everything ready to rockand roll without installation babe it marks 23rd and it is a little past fourweeks when we initially started however this is the first time you wereavailable to get together to the video to be free of the contract version ofthe construction the basic construction was completed a four week time frame andups now on a couple of things as we walk

through all that is left other than thatget the paint and this is one of the arches this is the other arts it existedpreviously but we filled it in and i see something will hug it was ever there andin here you can see how we have a column which all turned out everything has beensprayed prime and all we're waiting on is the paint which we've had a littlebit of issue is getting some of the paint mixed but i'm happily for spain inabout two hours that i've asked that they not be here my mother home honeytaking care of my kids here so that she'd have to worry about that they'regoing to come back in a week and paint and we really does this project and isan incredible experience from start to

finish it works very well very seamlessvery quick and it's going to look outstanding it already does lookoutstanding sup in the colors engines really going to be pretty standing andthen that and put it back we had just drywall and then drive up and down bythe front desk or you can see how this bear has been done so nice and thenelegant and then i look it's obvious that grows as contracts and open andvery very great and symmetrical and then you see thee sir i justit's love doseand that really it is a sharp and then you can see those tough little slice andthen brands and all these things they're perfectly to the precise and thenthere's no gas or anything and then this

whole thing has been done in like anidea are you guys making a half a day and other that came in the upright themodel is death that makes you so you're assisting your very pleased francisco'swhere the user fantastic guys all of this edging is very very very precisehe's quick and he's very responsive when he think it's gonna be here monday atseven thirty he's here it monitor right and then now we're doing everything isitemized okay and we're right now at the conclusion of basic construction weshould be about 22 weeks and six days or so ahead of schedule great yeah one of those things is actually movingthis back remember we're going to be

moving this wall completely over aboutfour feet additionally none of the other resident taught anything about openingup this stairway and moving the drain lines back on this bathroom the drainlines were originally right here they inside the concrete push the drain linesover open up the stairway and we're very conscious about replacing the vaporbarrier and making sure that everything was done properly as mother of threesmall children we were very concerned about all the construction going on inthe house making sure it was safe for our kids and our kids would not bedisturbed because of it when they did the incision on the concrete it therewas a terrible gas smell but i was

prepared for it just let me know that itwas going to happen how long it would last it was going to be just fine judithis the only one who mentioned the cutting of the contacts who had aconcern with which if not was not going to be hugebut she has some really great ideas i'm trying to get us a biggest possible cutthe concrete i moved the bathroom a little bit comes in a horrible locationthe only one who mentioned it and when we mention it to other people lazersreally kind of freaked out and said oh it's not worth the cost and you just getanother foot he doesn't make the deal so um i think he's just not afraid to gether hands we did have the concrete in

size there's no jackhammers my muffin onsite they guys came out and they cut the concrete eight hundred fifty dollars wasgreat price that came out and moved his reign probably 20 feet or so dougeverything up cut the vapor barrier put everything in and then filled it back inand took pictures of everything and cleaned everything up nice they did avery good job well i thought we would have to get one of the san flow santaflow toilets and so awkward you're ugly well you know what i'll do a googlehangout with you chris and i'm going to enter i'm going to edit this and put inthe santa flow toilet because about it i wouldn't need a toilet and then theshower and the sink everything would

have to go together exactly right soeverything goes into the one pump then for the bar i'd have to have anotherpump to pump everything up because we're down below silly line below the sewerline so everything would have had to pump up including the bar so and thenyou can't remember we were going to have to have the configuration you rememberhow santa flush was laid out you got dark in there i remember how santa fleshwas laid out santa flow is laid out where the the toilet connects to theshower the next to sink and you don't have the you didn't have the freedom ofwhere you went for the shower thing had to be exactly in a yeah they would allfeed into that same little pump right

then another pump for the bar hey thiswas cut out one hole i mean it was a lot of work i suppose with the jackhammerand uh intending that in concrete cutter but the contractor got that thun theplumber got that done just in one day basically no problem sothink it it all fit in its a better design i talk to actually i talk toother plumbers which i didn't mention to you and they said that if they weregoing to do it on their house they would rather have the law yeah i got everybodythat had again so i didn't mention to you but once they told me that then ifelt a lot more comfortable going ahead and busting that up in it worked outgreat and again the cost didn't even

change it's still it's a better systemand at all everything keeps fitting into the budget somehow so it's great thankyou we had a charity model year before itwas supposed to be honest with me this book report on time so and they didn'thave a portable towel inside and we had it upgraded to the travertine marble andit was no change in the price so in fact it was quoted for that was a great thingthe bathroom is all bad we have what kind of entertaining cream to face stillmarvel in the bathroom top of marble on the ceiling in the floor and it looksgreat too board knows aging on the walls and on the floor and i justi looks realgood we're very very satisfied with it i

make marks in a merger position jude'shelped me kind of view our toddler here in the four area again into thebathrooms will show you a minute before this project we kind of went throughsome different ideas on what kind of tile with style we're going to use i wasunder a budget of about 3400 i wanted to do that in this amount and she workedwell with me in that regard we laid out the tile on the ground we picked thepatterns that he wanted and went throughout her travel team or just theseuh putting the plates and we picked a nice tile and now i'll show you thebathroom develop this is a bathroom in relatively smallbut what we did is we resection this

area out for the shower did a nice jobof putting in the bench it's very sturdy it with no wood anywhere this the showeris also cinder block underneath she's got she picked out and shows a nice tilenose edge as you can see all around initially i just wanted a basic kind oftiling but you have recommended some axes which is a nice addition to thebathroom it's finish up with this exterior wallit's hard to get an unconscious huh okay excellent i really benefited from fromthat it looks incredible with marble tumbled marble trim and tile floorshower i'm here with our finisher tony torresand our homeowner mr. jackson and we we

were on a budget of about was it wasabout seven six yes seven thousand six thousand something like that we haven'tlooked at the numbers in a while but it was somewhere in that and we wanted alarger look and you sent us the picture of what you want you wanted some pubsome granite some kitchen experience some guys so we went with an oak whichis not something that we normally do and we've done this before we've done videoson before because we are very pro oak from a budget standpoint but what do youthink of the finish sir i think finished eighth i've heard at first i was alittle skeptical but uh as it's not a coming together it turned out perfectespecially the finish on that religious

book finished the dark brick slip theygive us a like tony city oh post out and that's what we're looking for but wantto be the bar stats kitchen and look and that's what we receive them we are veryhappy with this tony can you tell us how this was done i'm just how we arrived atthe color and how you toned the finish we started with a commissioner andconditional hood after after five and ten to twenty sandpaper we put acondition this thing which is a life in spain allright and what was the role of the conditioner the roller conditioner thisis intended to reduce and kind of watching us and they stay involve otherand then how did we get the green to

come out in the finish basically what ifi the oil-based wiping stained glass ngr alcohol these tours to it what do i dothat is you raise the grain you dark in the frame okay that's that's the mostimportant step right and what we're looking at here it's the raising of thegrain yes i can go right after the fact we sealed it twice and a vinyl see whereand then we topped it with the combination of all my love see why thisday as well as a combination of ngr stains in the sealer put a coat of thatof that far down and then two coats of taco okay and then one of the thingsthat that finishers and all of us have a problem with when we're doing a hardcoat clear coat is environmental

contaminants whether it could be dust inthe air or it could be and you can see it in the finish how is it that you'reable to make it so that it's absolutely clear oh the way that we did that is weare hanging out the substrate before we put a coat on come on anything we'll usea very efficient spring technology on a stair system such as a very small amountolder spray typically the amount of cash that you see on the substrate it has tohave to live with me over spring may comes from your spray equipment my sprayequipment is very efficient as we have ninety percent treasurethe only about ten percent of going itself a year so therefore you minimizeall that trash and buy plenty of

substrate in the spring of that springtechnology you producing a kind of trash alright well that's how you can make aquality control expert happy with your finish on your bar so i have some moreinspections to go through and they're gonna be painting my bar this weekendstaining your finishing standing finishing it's not painting please okayi'm gonna be finishing my bar this weekend out of town so that's gonna bereally naughty on him and it's here with her bar i am and it has taken himactually just right one day of prep and one day of staining and one day offinishing i'm in iono how do you like the color i love my bar it looks like abrand new bar totally looks different

than anything else i love it it'sawesome and how would you rate him as far as the finish goes as far as thequality the work you did quality work i would definitely raises a 10 um i justdidn't have any expectations i didn't know it would look like this it lookslike a total different bar from after they built it and before they fade itlooks totally different looks like something in a in a pot and that's likesending in a pub wonder if i love it okay and if this was right under sixthousand dollars yeah right under six grand okay yeah excellent and here'swhat it is coming around here right just get the sink and this is all whacker soit's all until oil-based lacquer so it's

all gonna this is what it's going tolook like 10 years from now this is an oil-based lacquer all right i'mhere we go i stopped picking my own please do not please do not okay we'rehere with tony torres our kitchen cabinetry finisher extraordinaire andour homeowner alfred alfred i'm can we just talk a little bit about the kitchencabinetry finishing we were on a very very tight budget right towards the endand so we bought what you would call very affordable cabinetry from one ofthe large home improvement warehouses which could have come out like not sogreat but tony here did it finish we pick the finish from there's a pictureright at home depot's yeah we gonna do

nothing off what am i gonna my mothernatural like not on the combination again like everything that i've doneprofessionally and then they're really cool and then that can i need it like ina day like you know morning to evening and then where were you alfred when thisis going on with the city starting extreme enough okay this is businessyeah this is our our new little design for the stairs this is beautiful this isfantastic the difference between this and the cabinetry is the wood type weused a fine solid pine wood on on this design which was so more complicated toget that same color depth and exact color which he wanted mashed um we tooka way where we used 32 front steps of

color to give it that color dead in thatcolor intensity that's pretty good right and we were able to eke out a an extrabar i'm the original budget that was how it went we originally went with certaincabinets that were pre done and what happened was alfred really wanted thisextra bar area and it wasn't in the budget and so what happened was one ofthe home improvement warehouse has had that's very what we would say ismarginal cabinetry at best oak which is not normally our firstchoice of wood ok and then can you just feel the door for the people that areviewing and what is it is we have here is an ng are staying right you knowdon't give away all our secrets now

hoping don't get cell in the barn hereso so all we know it is an alcohol-based ain't it is our home based thing and weseal and tone and shave that so as i total we have three different colorsteps as well here right angry do the same what the front of the bag and it'sjust it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful if you're on a budget right ifyou're on a budget with this with this and will be well used here will saysemi-gloss top coat which is actually pre catalyzed lacquer well pre catalyzedmeans is it basically means that has got an acid catalyst in it which allows itto last about three times as long as conventional acrylic and nitrocellulosecoatings so this steven doyle was an

economy a setup project it should i'mout where it's something that's going to last them right it you know and we'revery we're all i'm pleased he's pleased everybody's pleased with the outcome onthis everybody was a winner okay okay all right tim and cheryl what doyou think of the black trim in your basement we love okay did you want itinitially no no you hated it his audience would be horrible we just loveit right yeah i would never thought i would like it yes oh each of our pot daywe're very excited about over is it's on time everything was according to thespecification in the contract no changes again she just very helpful with pickingout all the flying the fans to the floor

and everything just turned out realgreat oh whatever ragazzi out a bit of chocolate all the trim work the doorstraditionally will go with my quiet but judith's objected that we go with citochocolate to turn ugly pretty so we will satisfy that and she did a great jobtoday they go good to work with we were very very pleased with her work in herservice thank you you

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