
i love that show too. hey, if you'd like tobecome a zombie without being bitten, you need to listen to what my friend les galushasays. so, les, how long do you think it's gonna take to zombify me? well, everythingwe're using here you can find at walmart or in your kitchen. this here is a little gelatinappliance made from like knox gelatin, a little higher grade than that. but i've pre-paintedit, and it's a sculpture here just a little tooth bite. oh, look. so the first thing tobecome a zombie is to get infected in some way. ah. so we're gonna say zombie bite. ah,infection. and earlier today we created a small army of zombies, about six of them inan hour. and we used anything from oats and latex and tissue paper and latex and moretissue paper and latex. so what we're gonna
do is put a bite here, probably on this larynxarea. so i'm gonna use some adhesive -- it's very sticky. it comes off with special removercalled napalm. ah, so i get to wear some napalm. and, again, this is gelatin. it can sweatoff, so it's not foolproof that it's gonna last all day. and this stuff is like contactcement. so i put it on one piece here and i put it on the other piece. and it will -- oncethe two pieces are dry they will adhere to each other. so now, we're gonna see here -- let'ssee kinda how this fits here. so we gotta bite. and depending on how much time you havewill depend on how much these edges can get blended. if the mold has thick edges thenyou can't ever blend a thick edge mold. so we try to get these as thin possible. so they'repaper thin at the edges? right, right. it
smooths all the way down to nothing, and thenyou can use what we're gonna show in a minute, some hot witch hazel, which you can get ata pharmacy or walmart. right. so now i'm gonna take this piece here and i'm gonna get underthe edges as close as possible to tie a few of these down. if you leave these on the ground,one of these dogs running around might eat because it is edible. it's made of gelatin.and we'll end up painting this with -- you can paint it with rubber mask grease paint,which you can get at halloween stores. there's also alcohol activated paints, which are waterproof.the good thing about wounds and zombies is there's no -- they're not pretty. the edgescan be torn. if it's an old age makeup or something like that, it needs to be perfect.whereas what we're looking at here, you can
always add a piece of goo, and it can justlook like another wound. so it's holding on here, so you've got a good, solid bite. ican feel it. now these edges, what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take witch hazel, which ihave here, i'm gonna heat it up in the microwave for about 12 seconds. you don't want it toget too hot. okay, i'm removing the edges with witch hazel to kind of smooth them out.so does it dissolve… it dissolves the gelatin. it does when it's hot. if the edges are thick,though, it still won't dissolve. it'll still be a thick edge. so there's a few places -- likethis looks really good over here. i haven't got to the other side yet. it's secure andit should last for awhile. and then once we're done with this, i'm gonna slightly powderit. and then you can use any kind of baby
powder, talc. so this is just some talc i'mgonna kinda put on here to keep anything from not sticking to itself. and the good thingabout gelatin is it's translucent like skin. you can make it out of foam as well, and foamis not -- it's, you know, opaque. it's too opaque. correct, so you can't see throughit. well, this is the same color as skin if you can put a little makeup, just normal cakemakeup, and it'll kinda blend to your skin. so this is just a little bit yellower thanyou are, not too bad. but we'll just paint it here. it just means it's jaundiced. soi'm gonna find a good color. and you can use rubber mask grease paint. again, alcohol.i'm just gonna put in some. i've already sort of tinted it that red color. if you're gonnamake a makeup piece like this, first, you
need to have a place to sculpt the bite on,which you can use a slab of wood, anything, and you use clay, then you need to make anegative of that clay so then you have a negative of your mold. then you fill that up with yourgelatin. and i'm gonna put some purple. wounds and things aren't just always red. that'sthe thing, a lot of times less is more, no pun intended, in make up. a lot of peoplejust cake it on. and this morning, we were putting on makeup on their faces and on oneof them used simply latex and toilet paper, and on another one we used oats. you can usesandpaper, anything to give texture. and then you can add like scabs and stuff. so, here,i'm just adding some subtle layers of paint. so now, get a little purple to give kind ofa bruising color. and so like now, if i wanted
to, i could go up here and create kind ofsome darker kind of purple, veiny, depending on what kind of zombie it is, you can do somereally subtle bruising. it's really just how much time you wanna spend on each area. i'mgonna fill this up with some blood gel. don't skimp on the blood gel. looks like the justgot bit. so inside each tooth… it's feeling that way. like, if you look at it, insideeach tooth mark i'm gonna put a little goo of this. i'm not just gonna fill up just everybit of it or you might as well throw on a mask of jelly on his neck. and in the endwe can always, you know, if we wanted to, get a brush and splatter like it's sprayedand spewed up everywhere all over his neck. but you can see, it kind of blends here, andlike at this little edge here it doesn't quite
smooth, we can add just this little bloodpiece to hide that. so now he's got a bite. you know, pretty good little hole in his neck.this is a good example of a quick and dirty makeup that you can do with anything out ofyour kitchen and scare your dinner guests. i love it. there we go. so we can do littleabrasions. it's like i fell off my bicycle while zombies where chasing me. that's a goodpoint. so he's got a little chin abrasion there, maybe where he fell off a bike, andthen the zombies attacked him after he couldn't get up fast enough. say you conked your head,then there'd maybe be like a slight pink. again, makeup, you don't wanna add too much.this is just a subtle layer here that's giving him kind of a burned look. then we're gonnaadd little bit, a little bit more red, but
not much. a lot of times i'll use q-tips ori'll use sponges or the ends of fat brushes. so now it looks just a little irritated. soto make it actually look like a bruise, we need some blue. and one thing you can do witha bruise, to make a bruise look like it's sticking out further, is you can always adda lighter ring around it, and it gives you the illusion of depth. so we got a littlebump there. let's take a little of this kind of purple here. this is a similar look youcan do for someone who's cold. so now he's got kind of this like allergy nose, as we'llcall it for the moment. and i'm gonna add some vein, litle blue veins. if you wannaclose your eyes, i'm gonna do a little bit here just in the eyes. and this is more ofa red tone. and one thing we wanna make sure
we wanna do is not stop with a hard line,we wanna kinda get it smoothed out or it'll look like makeup. now i'm using the greasepaint becasue we're going around the eyes. i did not wanna use any of the alchohol stuffbecause alcohol around the eyes isn't good. and we tested this beforehand to make surethat there were no allergies because some people do have allergies to different things,so. was it it stage one of zombie, just sort of getting sick. you just got bit, so we'regoing too far with this. right now i think that's a good look for your face. but, say,what would happen if we brought up the diease from the neck that's going to this area. soi'm gonna take this color that we started down there and kind of start bringing it up.following the path of contagion. now if you
wanna follow some of les's tips, make sureyou have plenty of time, you don't wanna rush the process. and get creative, look aroundyour kitchen. you can't imagine what you'll find in there where you can become a convincingreal dead zombie. and makes sure you subscribe to ehow home.