just a little hardcore.... mirojig, maker of the grr-ripper. work safer, work smarter. i'm finishing up my small bathroom remodel this week with this: lighted in-set cabinet. super miniamal construction on this box. just glue and screws. i'll use my shelf-pin jig to help me drill holes for the adjustable shelves. i'm going to use this cheap, ugly, scrap of plywood for the back, since none of it's going to be visible. and there's your basic box.

can't get anymore basic than that. yes, sir, that's pretty basic. four sides and a back. glue and screws. why over-complicate things, am i right? i saved this scrap of mirror from the demolition, from when i busted it off the wall in that bathroom. i may, or may not be able to cut this accurately. oops maybe this level won't slip.

seems to be a good score. this always makes me nervous. hey! there it goes. yay! lets see if that fits. yeah. i'm going to use solid lumber instead of plywood for the face frame so that the edges look a little nicer when i paint them. i'm ripping this a little wider than i need it for now. i'll laminate these aluminum strips to the boards using contact cement.

you put contact cement on both surfaces and let it dry before you stick them together. you only get one shot at this, so once it's down you can't move it around. now i can cut these face frames down to their final sizes. i'm going to join these frame pieces together using pocket screws. i'll sand the aluminum down to remove any scratches. and after painting the edges, i can polish up the aluminum. i just happened to think, the little bit of this back, inside, edge will show because of the mirror inside the cabinet. so, i need to paint that too. i'll hold this mirror into place with a few spots of epoxy.

ok, now i can drop the frame into place, also using epoxy. so what i'm doing is, i've got an overhang the two sides and the top, and the bottom is flush. the way the old cabinet was in here was not very good. the frame of it touched the top of the light switch plate, making it kind of hard to use. the new cabinet is going to come to the same height but i want it lifted up a little bit so it doesn't interfere with that light switch. so i just made this little platform that's going to sit in here. my hardware store sells these little squares of drywall. so i'm going to see if i can patch this area and then this spot here that's busted out. drywalling is not one of my strong skills.

but i think this will work. we discovered the miracle the of patching drywall is this wall texture stuff you spray on that gives it that bumpy look. this is called "orange peel", and once you spray that on it really helps disguise it once you paint it. well, i hope this paint blends with the existing paint, because i don't have enough of this to paint the entire wall. i've got the power shut off, i'm going to run this wire through this hole that i've drilled in the top of the cabinet. while hopefully, getting it set in here. this wall is just, so, not straight. this is an led, strip light. ok, i put the fuse back in, now lets see if this works.

whoops, turn it on here. oooh! i had these glass shelves cut at a local glass shop. the lip on the front frame of the cabinet will keep them from sliding out. hey everybody, it's that time again to talk to you about the sponsor of this weeks episode, audible. by the way, i wanted to show you really quick that i'm not just a spokesperson, but a huge fan of the service. these are the actual books i've downloaded and own. this month i wanted to recommend "american gods" the 10th anniversary edition. this is a challenging story, where the classic gods of myth appear for a showdown against the modern american gods such as, television.

it's really a bizarre road trip story and a long psychedelic odyssey. in some ways it reminded me of "fear and loathing in las vegas" by-the-way, "american gods" is being made into a mini series by the same team that made "hannibal". so if you got hooked on that amazing show, "american gods" should be awesome. don't forget you can download this or any of over 180,000 audio books free, by going to and this concludes the major projects for this small bathroom makeover. hope you've enjoyed the series, please check out all the videos in the playlist. when i have some time in the next couple of months, i'll shoot a tour our bathroom makeover so you can see all the changes we made to it. if you have any questions about this project please leave them down below in the comments and i'll answer some of those, early next week on more minutes

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