hello everyone and thank you so much fortuning in to my channel today i have for you a completely different video ihaven't seen anyone else do this one but i thought i would do it since you guysenjoyed so much my water of too i thought i would do a tour of my bathroomwater except my bathroom cabinet and i would show you what i have in there it'smessy kind of skincare stuff i don't usually store my makeup in mycabinet but i have one here and one down below with all my hair cast up so ithought i would go through it with you show you what i have this is the stuffthat i used to run a daily basis all the stuff that i really love and i'm kind ofalways reaching out for it i do have

more stuff but it's not stored in thebathroom because i just don't have enough space and so these are like myreal favorites but there might also be some stuff in there which i don't reallylove that much anymore but it would be a good opportunity to tell you about it aswell so i thought i would get into it with you guys so without further adothere's a lot to get through so let's get started but before that don't forgetto hit that subscribe button if you already haven't i uploaded it twice aweek and i would love to have you back on my channel okay guys so we're here inmy bathroom and actually this mirror that you can see here is actually abathroom cabinet if you want to see a

full tour of this bathroom and the restof my house i will link a video that i've done recently on the screen as wego and have a look basically this is all that i poured in my big bathroom cabinetthis bathroom cabinet is actually quite large because it's very tall but itdoesn't have a lot of depth which means i need to be really organized to makesure that everything fits and so i'm just going to run you through what ihave in here this is stuff that i use mostly on a daily basis that's why ikeep it here so that it's kind of nice and easily accessible but i'm also goingto tell you about a few products that maybe you're lying in there that i don'treally love that much anymore so we're

gonna start with this awesome shelf andhere i have my ob trucks hydrox and i absolutely love these i've mentionedthem in like a favorites video before and they're like these giant rocks forreally dry eyes and i'm contact lens wearer so my eyes getreally really dry and i love these to put them on after i've removed my makeupso that they just rehydrate my eyes and also get rid of any makeup that couldhave gone inside my eyes and i really love these you can get these at boots iwill try and link most of the stuff that i'm talking about in the infobox belowso that you can get access to it if you want it next time here i have thesemasks by mass spa and these are the i

treat dark circle reduce masks and iabsolutely love these you can never find them in boots so actually and when ifind them i always buy a few and i've got two in here plus i've got two andlike my storage but these are really amazing i've got really bad and drycircles um if you want to see my video hi correct my dry darkness i will linkit on the screen now but basically these are amazing especially when i've got anevent or something they're super hydrating makeup glides on reallybeautifully after you put these on they're basically like gel pads and youjust put them underneath your eyes leave them on for about 20 to 30 minutes andthey honestly make a difference like i

honestly can tell that the darkness isreduced it isn't gone completely because that's really difficult when you havereally dark under-eye circles but they definitely definitely help i also havethis cute x nail polish remover i don't generally do my nails myself i always gofor a manicure to marcella such as a brilliant place in high streetkensington but if i ever do to myself i always have nail polish remover and it'salso really handy to clean stuff around the house like the kitchen counters inmy kitchen stain really easily and i actually find that the nail polishremovers gets rid of all the things if you haven't tried that guys try it onexcept if you have wood on your

countertop then as you can see i have ahuge stock of eyelashes i absolutely love wearing false eyelashes and i havelike different sizes of different shapes but you can see they're all from a lawand the flood force range i always try to keep a stock just because i use themtwo or three times but you know eventually i will throw them out andit's always good to have a few in stock just to make sure that they don't everhave no eyelashes left but basically i have these ones which are the flirt andfabulous and these are the likes of really dramatic one she had but eventhough they're really dramatic and really thick they're still not very verylong so they didn't kind of go over my

eyebrow because my eyes are not verywide apart in this bit here so some eyelashes can look overly dramatic andthey you look like a bit ridiculous on myface cuz they literally go over my brow so these are really good when i wantlike a really dramatic smoky eye rate with the eveningthese ones are her flower loves which are really nice they're half lashes andi actually love half lashes i find them the most comfortable because when theygo all the way into the inner corner sometimes they really hurt and my eyesare not too large so the half ones are actually like 3/4 lashes for me theseones are really nice very natural um you

can hardly tell that you're wearing thembut they do look very fluttery and a little bit longer and i'm winged on theend so they're very very nice and actually these are the ones i wear themost and then finally i have these which are the petit fleur which are the onesi'm wearing right now and these ones are really nice for daytime they just add alittle bit of thickness but they're not very long at all they literally don'tshoot dramatic they just add a little bit of thickness to the lash line and ireally really love these especially for daytime like i said and i would saythese two are definitely my favorite ones i also have here these of volumelashes by eye law and this is a really

good but again they're very long i haveto trim them and if they go into my inner eye they really hurt and to befair they're a bit too long and they sort of look a bit too exaggerated on myeyes so i don't use these that much but if you have really large eyes seasonsare really nice as well they're kind of similar to the flat ones they're notsuper thick they're just kind of nice and full but not extra dramatic but forme they're just too long here i also have this a blackhead eliminatingcleansing lotion from neutrogena and i've been using these ones for years asyou can see i stopped up into this one right here at the back as well andbasically this is like a toner i've done

use it every day but i do use it sort ofmaybe twice thrice a week and basically this is like a blackhead removalsolution i have a lot of blackheads especially down my t-zone and i findthat this kind of doesn't get rid of them but it definitely helps to kind ofclose with the pause a little bit and cleanse them a little bit it is a littledrawing so i only use it on a cotton pad just on my t-zone but i find it'sactually really good and it definitely helps and especially when i've done likea really deep cleanse like i've sort of steamed my face and i've done like twoor three miles i like to use this to kind of close my pores and make surethat nothing else is going to get inside

after i finished all my treatments herei also have my tangle teezer and this is my favorite hairbrushespecially when i wash my hair at home it's really nice to comb through a wethair because i find that it kind of doesn't pull and tug on my hair so yeahi really love this one and i've been using it for a long time and i stillkeep it in the box don't ask why but i still do i think it's easy to kind ofstack stuff on top when it's in the box i also have this chlorine dry shampooand this one is the one for really hair i really like this one although i haveto say that ever since i've tried the leaving proof dry shampoo it's soamazing i love the smell even my hair

this one cleanses really deeply but i dofind that it leaves a little white residue you can't fully get rid of thewhite residue it sort of comes out but you do leave it's looking a little bitgrey but if you want something that's deeply gonna cleanse and this one'sreally good you can get it in some independent pharmacies in london now butyou can't get it in boots anymore but definitely there are pharmacies thatsaid it it's just that boots don't have this anymore then next up i have thistellurian which is my cleansing lotion of choice for a long time if you haveseen my cleansing routine video if you haven't i will link on screen nowbasically i do double cleanse with this

although now i'm trying something alittle bit different but i still do my fast cleanse with this derma kansa it'sreally good it's great for sensitive skin and i find that it doesn't break meout but it's really nice and creamy and gets rid of all the makeup and you canuse it on your eyes as well so i don't use a separate cleanser for my eyes ialso have my idea here and i've been using short this linen ultra dry one fora long time it's actually quite good actually i never used to use suredeodorants but they're actually quite good and lasts all day keeps me dryquite a good one next up i have this moisturizer by kp gg i will link thisbelow it i basically have a condition

called keratosis pilaris on the back ofmy arms and basically that just means that i get like extra keratin productionand it causes like these little brown rough spots so you use an exfoliantin the shower and then i use this i should use it every day but to be fair iforget half the time but yeah it's like a daily moisturizer and i only use it onthis bit here which is where i have the dermatitis and yeah it's reallyit's really hydrating it has like a chain westernizing therapy for the skinso it's really good it's a little bit exfoliant and it's also really nice andhydrating so i've really been loving this one for a long timenext up i have this oil that i got from

sephorait is a illuminating bronzing oil and i got this when i was out in madrid andbasically just shake this and as you can see it becomes like a beautiful glitterybronzy oil i really love this one and i will be featuring this in a favoritesoon because i've used it a few times and it's so nice it doesn't feel veryoily it sort of dries very quickly into like a dry oil sort of texture but itleaves the most amazing beautiful shimmer i love to use it like down myarms or in the decollete area i think this one will be a real winner forsummer and yeah i really love it i think it looks really nice especially whenyou're kind of showing off your

collarbones you can use it as sort of aliquid highlighter to be honest but yeah it's really nice and you can sort ofspread it and it doesn't look too glittery like you don't look like adisco ball it just kind of illuminates in the right places next up i have thischamomile water again i each of this in my cleansing routine video i've beenusing this for a long time i get this from a brand in spain called paquitaores and basically they do all kind of natural cosmetics and this one is fromcamomile water and it's basically a toner but it's also really calming andsoothing on the skin so i really like use this after a wearing makeup becauseespecially this area here on my face

it's really sensitive and i find thatthis definitely helps i next up have this serum which is a vitalizing serumfrom camera i actually got this from my dermatologist in spain but i will linkit down below if i can find it online basically it's a double energy q10 andprotein serum and it's supposed to have a lot of kind of hyaluronic acid andvitamin c and it's supposed to be like lifting and hydrating and brighteningand i've only been using it for about two or three days it has broken me outthough so if you have right where your skin i don't know if this is right foryou but if you have mature skin it's really really amazing and it has kind ofthe properties or very kind of high-end

skinbut it has quite a reasonable price i think it cost me like 40 euros so that'sactually quite reasonable for quite a lot size it has 50ml so if you have moremature skin this one is a definitely an amazing hydrating serum you can use thiskind of morning and evening and you can use it under moisturizer or you can useit just by itself but for me i think it might be a little bit too oily so it hasbroken me out but i'm gonna give it a try for a little bit longer and see howi feel about it finally here i have my beloved elnettsatin extra-strength hairspray which i cannotlive without as you know i back on my

hair a little bit to get a bit of volumeand lift on the top and i also you love this it's a great hairspray because youcan literally just brush it out and your hair's looking puffy and it doesn'treally tie to my hair but it still has quite good hold so i've been using thisone for years and i really love it okay moving on to shelf number two herei have this cream which is an on denote cream basically it's a brand you get inspain it's similar to jolin here in the uk and it's basically a bleaching creami have like very small faint facial hair around here and i also use it to kind ofbleach my eyebrows and lighten them a little bit so that they kind of match myhair color and do you have to say that

if you bleach your eyebrows please bewarned do not leave it on for a long time because i by mistake did that onceand i ended up with bright orange eyebrows which is really not good luckguys so but yeah it's a really good it's very gentle on the skin and it'sbasically kind of a powder and a cream and you sort of mix it up and put it onthe screen a little bit on for 15 minutes and it's really great to kind ofbeach any kind of sort of faint facial hair that you might have next up arecleansing wipes and as you can see i have a whole stack of them but basicallymy favorite ones are these ones from johnsons they're actually extrasensitive baby wipes they're not

actually cleansing wipes but i reallylove these because cleansing wipes sometimes break me out so what i do isfirst i use my cleanser my tellurian cleanser then i use these and then i usea foam cleanser which i want to come onto but basically these ones a reallygood really gentle on the skin and you can use them for so many things otherthan to clean your face they are definitely wonderful next year i havethis serum from estee lauder and this is theclear different serum this is the advanced blemish serum and unfortunatelyi mean a feature of this one in my essay you'll a brand review video i will linkthat on the screen now i do love the

serum i honestly tried it because theydiscontinued the idealist brightening serum that i was using and the lady atthe counter told me this one was the most kind of similar dupe but i have tosay it hasn't really worked for me it sort of dries out my skin too much ithink it's good for oily skin with a lot of breakouts but for me it just dries itup way too much and my makeup this ends up looking sort of flaky and cakey ontop so i sort of have half the bottle left and i'm really gusted because itwas really pricey and i haven't used it next up is this skin clay goddess maskfrom charlotte tilbury i absolutely love this mask it's one of my favouritemosques it's basically a clay mask but

it's a really hydrating clay mask so itdoesn't kind of dry me out i really love it because it sort of clears my skin butit doesn't leave it feeling stripped it's still hydrating it doesn't break meout even more because some clay masks actually break me out more because theystrip my skin so much so i really love this one and yeah i've been having itfor a long time and it's really really good like all charlotte tilbury productsand it's one of those masks that i literally use pretty much every weeknext up is this monoi polynesian radiance oil from the body shop biopsylove this i use it sometimes to nourish the ends of my hair it really goes acuticle oil you can use it on your body

it basically smells absolutely amazingit has like a really kind of sweet floral smell which i don't normally likebut actually in this oil it's really nice and it's really great for your hairand it's amazing at the cuticle oil so you can use it pretty much foreverything it's a really good one to have and it's from their world spa rangei then have a little mini here of the chlorinedry shampoo which is really handy for when you're traveling and then next up ihave this 8 hour sun cream which i have spoken about before basically this is mysunblock that i use when i'm gonna be out in the sun i don't use this on adaily basis because i think the sunblock

that comes with my bb cream is more thanenough but yeah if i want to be out in the sun and i'm going to the beach thenthis one is a great and i think i came it's kind of nice andsmall and because i don't use it on a daily basis otherwise i find that theykind of bling around in the cupboard for way too long and then i also have thishydra phase intense mars from manataj today it's amazing as a hydrating maskthis was actually purchased on a recommendation of lisa eldridge and likeeverything she recommends it's absolutely amazing it's really hydratingbut at the same time it doesn't make my skin oily it's just quenches the skinand i really love this one you leave it

on for about 10 minutes and it's greatuse this almost every week because it's really good to hydrate especially thisarea as you probably know from my videos that i've done beforei love masking it is my favorite thing to do and i have lots of mass that i'mshowing you here but these are the ones that i used sort of every week moving onto the third shelf now i have my a few nail polishes there - felt like costthem almost raw and i don't know why i don't throw them out basically i don'tdo my nails at home ever but i like to have them just in case i need to kind ofgo the tip if it chips or something but basically i have this which is one of myfavorite ones which is ballet slippers

i've had it for a long time although nowi'm using the essie to arrange there's a much better i finally lost ruby long soif you want a long lasting manicure definitely go to the se kachou rangethey are really good and the topcoat is amazing and you can actually use thetopcoat with normal polishes as well you can get the top coat and boots and it'sa really good top coat so definitely a recommendation for me i love this kindof creamy milky pinky shades that's something i have similar on my nailsright now but yeah i have this one and i've had it for a long time so probablyshould throw it out there i then have this small one from l'oreal and i likethis one in case i'm doing my nails in a

dark color because if they check thenyou can definitely see this this one's really nice fucking dinky little bottleand this isn't the color 4:09 it doesn't really say what color it is but it'sbasically from the l'oreal range i then have this one here from opi and this oneis the my first knockwurst and i absolutely love thiscolor it's like a milky movie color i absolutely loved it and i ordered thisone online but i wore at once and literally it checked within one dayi'm really disappointed with opi nail nail polishes i've used them a few timesbefore and they always chip really easily so unfortunately i wouldn'trepurchase i then have a topcoat from

special beat now they've discovered thecouture topcoat i don't use this one anymore but otherwise there should bewas my favorite top coat i also have here one of these nail buffers and thisone is from models and i just got this one from boots and i really love it it'sgot like a file on once i wish i don't really use but then it has like a bufferand a shiny bit here that if you're not putting any polish on your nails it'sreally nice to kind of buff them and leave them looking really shiny with atiny polish next up i have this cream which is alsofrom pakeezah doors and it's themed restorative cream i guess that would bethe translation to english but basically

it's an anti blemish cream and i onlyuse this when i'm really breaking out i don't use it on a daily basis but it's agood night cream to use when you're breaking up because it literally drivesmy spots within like one or two days next here i have my armani primermoisturizer and i'm literally running out of this one there's like peanutsleft nothing left but this one's really really good i love this one i've beenusing it for a long time it's like a bomb it doesn't break me out it doesn'tmake my skin greasy or oily but it does really hydrating it's it's reallybeautifully under makeup and it leaves you like with a really beautiful glow iwas wearing about some before and i

really love it next is this askia londonmask and this one is the renaissance mask and i have to say this one wasquite pricey i got this from space nk and literally i have like and literallyi have pretty much the whole thing left i've used it about 4 or 5 times but mythey always breaks me out it's like a weird thing it looks simply use my skinfeel weally but it's not a hydrating mask i really loved it the texture it'slike a gel and it's kind of a cream color but when you put it on your skinit sort of goes into like a white sort of creamy texture and i thought it wasgonna be really good and doesn't leave my skin with a globe but at the sametime like a couple of days after using

it i always break out so i've stoppedusing it but i don't know guys we know you've tried this one what youthought about it next year i have my solid cleanser for my beauty blender andi actually use this to clean all my brushes it's the best soap to cleanbrushes it's a really mucky actually the packaging but bear with me guys but it'sa really really good soap to clean your brushes next year i have this sephorasugar body scrub and it looked amazing i really love the ones from a body shopand i'm gonna be talking about those in a momentthere's no supposed to be a purifying exfoliant but it's also meant to leaveyour skin really nourish i haven't

actually tried it yet but i willdefinitely report back when i try this in it's quite good actually you get like400 ml and i was ending like 16 or 15 euro so actually quite goodbadi for my next i have this sutton sunday right acne mask and i've spokenabout this in my last favorites video i absolutely loved this mask it was reallygood it sort of dried my acne but it didn't dry my skin or strip itcompletely and but i did notice that with him why don't you tease my acne i'ddefinitely dried up a little bit next up is one of my all-time most favoritemasks i know it said this literally about every mask i've mentioned but thisone definitely is it's the dermalogica

gentle cream exfoliant i use this alwaysevery week underneath like my mask before i use another mask i always usethis to kind of exfoliate my skin it's basically a chemical exfoliant andi find that the exponents that are like physical exfoliants really kind ofscratch my skin and they don't actually leave it like they actually make mebreak up more because they strep it and it's too aggressive and they make myskin go red because my skin is really sensitive but this one is amazing it'sso nice so gentle on your skin you leave it on for about 15 minutes like a maskand then just wash it off and definitely exfoliate my skin feels really smoothafter using it but it's not aggressive

on the skin it has lactic and hydroxyacid and it's basically an exfoliating mask for dramatic skin smoothing that'swhat it says on the packaging next up is this exfoliant from a brand called etheroh sure i don't think you can get this here in the uk but i'll try and link itbelow you can this is an actual physical exfoliant and you can actually feel thegrit but i really like this one too my lips i find it too aggressive to useit all over my face before my lips where i got a lot of dry skin this one'sreally nice it's been really kind of scrub and get in there and get rid ofall that dead skin next up is this cover mark magic leg i think that's sort ofcool it's basically makeup for your legs

it's actually a really thick in texturei don't know if you can see it there but it's like a really thick sort of creambut it's actually really good to cover kind of any scarring or any kind ofblemishes that i have in my legs or on my arms and it's really good becauseonce it sets it doesn't like transfer a bunch of anything it just stays put andit's got really high coverage as well next up is this bravo brow oil that imentioned in my last favorites video and i'm using this every night and like isaid it definitely makes different i can see like new little hairs growing myeyebrows which i'm super excited about and it's really handy comes in a roll-onjust kind of roll it over your brows and

i've been using this every night and i'mgoing to be loving it then i have this little serum from theordinary and it's the salicylic acid 2% solution and i've spoken about this inlike previous favourites videos i really like this i used to use it as a spottreatment on my blemishes but i have to say i've gone back to my dermalogicaclearing solution because it's actually better than this but this one's not badand it's actually really really affordable and finally for this shelf ihave these nice poor strips i know they don't really do much but once in a whilei would really like to put them over my nose i get a lot of blackheads on mynose and my chin area and i find that

this really kind of gets rid of a littlebit not everything but it definitely you kind of feel that satisfaction ofputting it from your nose and see we've gotta come up so i don't use them allthe time but maybe you know once every two three months about how to be able togo for a facial then i will use them and these ones are just from boots andthey're quite good actually i'm finally moving on to the last shelf i have a fewsamples of mouthwash that which i'm not going to talk to you about and mycontact lenses which is boring stuff then here i have my cleanser which i'mtrying out now this is a foaming cleanser i was talking about and i'vespoken about this in my favorites video

as well it's the ethical purifyingfoaming gel it's really nice it's like a gel it does firm up a little bit butit's very slight it's completely soap free and i'm literally breaking out somuch lately and this one has made a big big difference i find that my breakoutsdry really quickly and ever since i've used itbreaking out so much and it's made a difference to my black head so i'mreally loving this one i use it with my clarisonic device and yeah i really loveit behind it i've got this little tool from shore and basically this is a footbuffer you use it to like get back and rid of like the dry skin on your feetamazing you just turn it on and this

just rolls by itself um but i have tosay it i used it for a while but it's just really slow i actually prefer usinglike the manual ones because you can literally get in there and scrub it outin like a couple of minutes whereas this takes forever but if you're lazy andthis one's a good option moving on to my favorite all-time body scrub this is themediterranean sea salt scrub by the body shopsmoking about this like a million times i love that it's such a huge tub eventhough it's still a like quite pricey i think it's like 20 pounds and it doesn'tlast that long but i really love it i always use it once a week it's superhydrating it has like big granules in

this you can really feel it scrubbingyour skin and polishing it but at the same time it's got like shea butter soit leaves your skin super super hydrated and don't feel like that your skin iskind of pulling or tied after you've exfoliated so i really love to use thisin the shower i use it on dry skin and then i sort of shower normally and usemy skin beautiful and glowing and really moisturized up here i have a hair serumthat i use just on the ends of my hair i'm washing my hair at home as themiraculous recovery first ease serum by john frieda nothingtoo fancy but i find that it works and it leaves my ends looking a little bitmore moisturize and nourish so i just

use like a little dog bit and just putit through the ends of my hair if you want to see my hair routine i will makea video that i did here on screen now moving on to the next item this is myclarence blue orchid oil don't ask why so keep it in the box which is literallymucky by now but this is my favorite skincare item for my evening routine iabsolutely love it it's a special oil for dehydrated skin and it comes withlike a pipette i absolutely love this i rob this and between my hands and thenjust apply it all over my face i don't use it every night because i find that'sa bit too much for my skin but it's sort of alternative nights and it's reallygood it's left my skin really beautiful

when i put it on in the moremy skin just has a beautiful glow it actually works to kind of dry out myblemishes i never thought i would say this from an oil but i find that when iuse this my blemishes sort of decrease they i don't know they get hydrated andthey just look better and it's really helped with the flakiness around thisarea on my skin it's great for sensitive skin so i absolutely love this onebehind this i've got a couple of samples from the philip kingsley elasticizedmasks i used to love this one and i use it religiously every week to be fair ifind it a little bit too much of a faff to have to wipe my hair leave it on fora couple of hours and then wash my hair

because i hate having wet hair so i'veactually stopped using it so much but it's actually a really great mask if youwant to kind of recover your hair my hair is in a much better condition nowso i finally don't need it as much but when i was in a really bad conditionthis definitely really helped next up are these two serums from clarins and ilove these i mentioned them in lots of videos before basically they are theserums i use in my morning skincare routine and there's a little massagethat goes with it too kind of deep off your face they're basically deep puffingserums they are for your contours and basically wants to be eyes and ones forthe face and sort of need to press it

into your face and doing like a littlemassage so that sort of drains all the lymph glands around here in a reallydeep possible face especially in the bottom area it's all on my skincareroutine videos so go check that out if you want to see the little massage i dowith these but i love these and i use them religiously every day next time inthis luminizing charcoal mask from moss bar which i love the only thing is itcomes like in a sachet and getting it out of it is really difficult becauseyou can't get all the product out but it's actually really good at clarifyingyour blackheads but it still doesn't break me out doesn't strip me too muchso if you want a good chocolate musk i

would definitely recommend it althoughit is a bit of a faff to get out finally i have my beauty blenders up there andthese in busy baubles that i got you can get them in boots i got them in sephorai think that when i was out in dubai they're amazing i really love these theydon't pull at your hair they don't my hair is really heavy so i find that wheni tie my hair up in a ponytail sometimes it kind of drags it down it gives me areally bad headache but these are the really goodthey don't kind of total pulling your hair so they're amazing okay so this isthe other cabinet i have in my bathroom and we actually purchased this entirefurniture i'll talk about it in my home

tour basically we got this book as ididn't have enough space to store my stuff in the large cabinet that i showedyou earlier so here i have mostly haircut stuff but we're going to gothrough it basically in this top shelf i have like my hairdryer my hair brushesand a few sort of spare cotton pads here that i have in case i run out butbasically i bought this like kind of basket ii thing and this has like threecompartments and it's really good to kind of help keep things in place myhairbrush is kind of fit really nicely in this compartment and my hairdryerfits in this one and then i have this one for sort of spare stuff but thissort of keeps the shelf organized and it

stops from things sort of falling overeverywhere i also have in this shelf this mask which is a hand nourishingmask from i actually got this from our sellers but it's from a brand calledaroha you can get this in a lot of places i will link it down below becauseit's really really good if you have dry hands if i thought i'd let you knowabout it and then in this bottom shelf i have mostly like shampoos and stuff likethat firstly i have this product which is the repair rescue which i'vementioned in my hair care routine video and this is absolutely amazingespecially if you have colored hair it's basically like a little serum you put onyour hair after you've washed it just on

i only put it on like mid-lengths an endand it's really good to repair damaged and it stops them from splitting andi've been using it for a while it was recommended to me by the lovely despinawho covers my hair and honestly it's really really good and it has awonderful smell also here i have this muted a cat shampoo and actually i getthis from spain it's sort of a brand is doing but i'll see if you can get itonline it's super super good i basically have separate dermatitis on my scalpwhich is basically a condition that makes your skin flake off it actuallybleeds sometimes because it's sort of cracks and this is amazing i use thisonce a week and it's honestly helped my

scalp so much there is the uk versionwhich is called i think user all which is what i was using but i have to saythis one is much much better i also have my joy code blue shampoo which i use tosort of turn my hair i always use like one time who withor to shampoos with this and then one of these at the end i leave it on for acouple of minutes and it's honestly helped me maintain my color so well ireally love it it doesn't make you hair kind of go to to kind of tone but itstops it from going brassy especially designed for people with dark hair thati have it lightened and it's really amazing next up my carotene turn weeki've spoken about this so many times

it's basically a heat protectant but italso kind of helps your hair stops it from differing and keeps it really niceand smooth i didn't use this all the time but ifi'm going to like humid climbers i definitely make sure i put this on myhair i use it only on the kind of mid lengths and ends again use it on kind ofwashed hair and it's really good doesn't wear your hair down and doesn't make youkind of greasy or oily but really kind of keeps it from pressing up next up isthis shampoo that i have from matrix by a large and it is a color shampoo itactually doesn't wash as much like it's not as intense as these kind of shampooswhich are like clarifying shampoos but

it's really good helps maintain youcolor and if i'm doing a wash kind of maybe a couple of days after i'veinitially washed out i know you wash it twice a week but if i need to wash itkind of in between for a new visa this one's really good because it's verylight and it's really really good with your color another product for hair ihave my living proof restore mask treatment and i use this on a weeklybasis always on the mid-length and ends on washed hair before i actually rinseit out for the final time and it's amazing i've been using this for a longtime this i think is my third one um yeah get it at space nk and it's so sogood it really kind of keeps my hair

norrish and it stopped my ends fromgetting kind of really really dehydrated given that they're quite bleached i alsohave this olaplex heavy factor in number three this is a product to maintain yourown apply treatment i normally get an olaplex treatment done at the salon sortof once a month but to keep this kind of maintained at home i use this youbasically have to put it on like damp hair before you wash your hair leave iton for about half an hour if you can leave it on for longer and then sort ofwash your hair i have to say i struggled to remember to do this every week butwhenever i do you i definitely put it on and i can definitely notice thedifference when i use it next up is this

sponge that i spoke about in myfavorites it's the contact sponge from better i actually saw that you can getthese at a few places online and you can also get them at a whole foods it'samazing like i said it buffs your body but it's not kind of aggressive withyour skin it's really really soft but it really exfoliates and it leaves yourskin it's super super super smooth so i really love this one and i also haveanother new sponge mihir which is the kamyp so energy peeling mask and thisone's kind of a rough exfoliating mask on one side and then sort of a normalsponge on the other side i've been using these for a long time i love toexfoliate with this at least once a week

after i've done like my physicalexfoliant than the body shop i use this to kind of further exfoliate and if iuse both of them my skin is honestly super smooth and this really helps withlike ingrown hairs um i'm not sure if i would be able to replace this one withthis one now that i'm using this on a daily basis but we'll see next anotherhair product and it's this cc cream from kerastase and this is a great mask forwhen you're going to the beach i don't really use this in the winter but it'sbasically a color protection then it's really good when you're gonna get a lotof sun on your hair i leave it in when i'm going to the beach and then i stillwash my hair when i come back home and

it leaves my hair super smooth andreally well protected from the sun next is my overnight carry gel fromdermalogica i don't know why this is here and not with my other cover butbasically if you don't know about this it's honestly a miracle treatment ifyou're acne prone i basically use it as a spot treatment over any areas where ihave blemishes you can use it over all your face but i find it's a little bittoo drying on my sensitive areas but it's basically amazing you put this onuse box and within a couple of days they're literally dry next is thisellendale's moisturizer and this is basically a anti cellulite cream i'vespoken about this in my favorites i

really love this it smells amazing andit's a really and a really nice thing textured creamthat you can really easily massage i use it on like my thighs and my tummy areaand it's really good i have noticed a difference i use it sort of every daybut sometimes i do have to admit i forget you need to use it once a day anduse it in kind of circular motions sort of pushing upwards and yeah it's reallygood next is this cream which is amoisturizer and it's the one from paquita doors and it's one again from anatural plant it's a really good moisturizer especially if you have sortof oily skin because it doesn't kind of

it hydrates but it doesn't make you skinoily but i have to say since i started using the omani prima balm i sort ofhave forgotten about this one because that one's much better next is mymoisturizer i use this on a daily basis it's the dermis bar from dove and it's areally nice body lotion which has a little bit of color to it it's sort ofmeant to be like a gradual turn to be fair i don't notice much of a differencebut i really love how moisturize i'm gonna use my skin feels and it also beabsorbs very very quickly so i really like this and it doesn't sort of patcharound your knees or anything because the tinting is very very light so i lovethis one and i use it sort of winter and

summer all those meant to be more of asummer product let's here i have my venus razor and i actually love this onefor my legs and my underarms it's really really good i've been using these foryears and i sort of just keep replacing them but they're amazing i then have asample here of the moroccan hair rule and i haven't actually tried this oneout but do you let me know the kasbah later if you guys have tried it out andwhat you think of it next my contact lens solution not much to say about thisand then i have to here this little sort of exfoliant for your feet it'sbasically like the shawl thing i showed you earlier but this is actually in likea manual format it's like a little stone

and you just rub it on the back of yourfeet and i have to say that leaves it super smooth it's really cheap it's like1 or 2 pounds and it's much more effective than the shoulder vise this ihave here this hair growth inhibitor spray you meant to spray this onwhenever you kind of wax or shave and it's meant to kind of stop your hairfrom growing back so quickly and it's from skin doctors i have to say i'm usedto a few times and i have made a huge difference though it's sortof a redundant product but i don't know maybe i'm not using it enough i sort ofspray on once i've wax and then i sort of forget about it but it hasn't made ahuge difference to be honest and it was

meant to be good for like ingrown hairsbut again i haven't seen much of a difference with it next year i have thishair removal cream from vichy i cannot use the vite ones a to remove my hairi've used this felt like a little bit of hair i have at the bottom of my backit's really good really gentle with the skin i can't use the vite ones becausethey actually break me out and i get rashes so this one's really nice onelike sensitive skin i've been using it for years another hair product i havethis biological and this one goes together with this shampoo it's reallygood conditions you hair although now i hardly use conditioner because i alwaysuse a mask when i wash my hair but it's

pretty good and really good for haircolor next i have this daily conditioner as well from frizzies from john friedaand it's really good if you want to keep you hair d first but like i said inormally use a hair mask now and i don't use this that much but if you wanted tokeep you head you frizz and you want a conditioner this one is really reallygood and pretty affordable as well and finally this bronzer this is from vietum i don't know if you can get this in the uk but basically this is like a gelbronzer and i have to say that with a couple of applications you get quite anintense color it's not kind of patchy but it just kind of fade off patchy soi'm not a huge fan of self-tanner but i

did use it once and it's not bad but i'mjust not a huge fan of self-tanner in general the smell is sort of okay alittle bit biscuity but nothing too crazy okay and that's everything for meguys i hope you enjoyed going through my bathroom cabinets with me and findingout what i really love a lot of these products you'd already heard about but ithought it would be interesting for me to kind of review everything that i useon a regular basis so please do let me know in the comments below what othervideos you would love to see from me thank you so much for watching and i'llsee you in my next one bye

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