i'm gonna be showing you how to install alaundry cabinet. the tools we're going to be using for this job are our drill, our holesaw pieces, our drill bits, safety equipment, our tape measure, our pencil, our screws,and our stud finder. first thing we're going to do is measure where our pipes are goingto come into the back of our cabinet. so what i'm gonna do is measure up from the floorto the center of where the pipes are. i can measure from the floor because my cabinetis going to be sitting tight against the corner. once i've measured up, i need to measure acrossfrom the wall. in addition to the pipes, i also need to measurewhere my wires gonna go through the back of the cabinet. we've had an electrician disconnectthese wires so that we can feed them through

safely without getting electrocuted. now,using the measurements that we've taken, i'm gonna sort out where we're going to cut ourholes for the pipes to go through. remembering that i need to measure from the floor up andfrom the side across. our next step is match up the hole saw to the size that we're gonnaneed to cut in the back of the cabinet. so just look which hole saw piece you need thatwill fit around your pipes. next i'm just going to drill out my holeswhere i've marked them. with our electrical wires, we're gonna need a slightly biggerhole saw piece to be able to put our electrical wires through. make sure that it's not sobig that the power socket isn't gonna be able to cover it. now we've got the holes, nextthing we need to do is measure up where our

piping is going to come up through the backof the cabinet. in order to measure to the bottom, i'm just gonna have to turn my cabinetsideways. using the same method as before, i'm just gonna measure up where our pvc pipeis gonna come up through and mark it out on the bottom of our cabinet. you'll need to change the size of your holesaw piece so that it can fit over the pvc pipe. next, we just need to turn our cabinetover and fit it into position. the next step is to just find where the studs are in thewall and secure the cabinet to it using some screws. now that we've found the stud, wejust need to drill a pilot hole in and then fit the screw into the hole. and that's howyou install a laundry cabinet.

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