hi everyone welcome back to my channelso today i'll be showing you storage ideas for beauty products in a smallbathroom but before i get into it i post new beauty related videos all the timeand if this is something that interests you consider hitting the subscribebutton so you can be alerted when i post new content seriously so welcome to myteeny tiny bathroom as you can see is cozy it basically only came with twostorage areas i have a medicine cabinet which i will show you shortlyand i have a vanity which ended up being completely unusable for beauty suppliesbecause i have to put all my cleaning supplies under there as well as can keepmy trash under there as well too and the

reason why i put it there is becausethis spot by the toilet where i would normally put it i had to put a catlitter tray because i share my apartment with cats so i'm going to take you for a tourand i'm going to show you some of my solutions for some of my storageproblems this is where i store anything that is bulky and i use regularly on thetop shelf i have a curling irons and straighteners this is actually a showercaddy that i originally purchased to go inside my showerit came with a spring-loaded attachment with suction cups to attach to the tuband the ceiling however as you can see the ceilings in my bathroom are reallyreally low so when i tried to get it

into my tub it wouldn't fit but iquickly figured out it could fit in the corner beside where my tub is on theoutside and i can use it for extra beauty storage so this little cornerunit has been a huge help to me it's not too bulky and i'm able to store randomaccessories beauty supplies hair sprays gels skincare i also own a ton of theselittle hair clips for my hot rollers and for like pinning my hair up when i'mstraightening it or when i'm dyeing my hair at home they can take up a lot ofspace and they can clutter easily if i leave them on their own which is whystoring them here it works out perfectly so over heremy medicine cabinet each shelf is

organized by commodity i tend to keep myfoundations and my primers on the top shelf and some random pallets i keep iproducts down here basically organized by commodity so i know where everythingis liners pallets primers mascaras and then i have all my lipsticks organizeddown here so for smaller items i picked up these little acrylic shelves at thedollar store which have been a lifesaver i have everything organized by commodityi know where everything is i keep on my eye products on my top shelf and all mylip products on the bottom shelf sorry guys i keep all my lip glosses and mattelipsticks over here and then on the other side i have all my creamsorganized by color and all my wet and

wild liquid lipsticks over here so rightbelow my medicine cabinet i have this little acrylic shelf i picked up at thedollar store also i bought it mainly because there's a lot of really annoyinglittle things that i need from day to day and with moisturizers face washesthat sort of thing that i use on a regular basis but i found that mybathroom counter was getting really cluttered and out of control so ithought this is perfect so i bought this to sort of lift the clutter off mycounter and keep it organized i don't keep a ton of products here but i likehaving them elevated off my cat i prefer to have my counter as clutter free aspossible but i really like this little

shelf it was affordable and i keep allthe things that i used frequently on top and the things that i used lessfrequently underneath so this is what the toilet is you don't need to do thatbut over top of it i picked up this little shelf from a hardware store it'si guess it's a towel rack and shelf combined you can hang towels here ichoose not to only because i prefer to dry my towels hanging over the tub butup here i store random things that are big and bulky and really don'tfit anywhere else i keep all my makeup brushes up here these little basketsagain i picked up at the dollar store they're great for storing my makeupbrushes and it gets them out of sight

out of mind and then when i need them ican just take them down up here i have an extra basket i don't have anything init yet but i'm thinking moving some of my makeup palettes in there i have tokeep toilet paper up there on the top shelf too because i have cats and andfor whatever reason they think toilet paper is a toy and if i dare leave itdown on the counter they will shred it into confetti everywhere all rightso welcome to my shower sorry the landing isn't great in here but it iswhat it is um so i picked up this little shower caddy again at the dollar storewhich has been amazing because they get all the bottles off the side of the tub aswell as it has hooks on the bottom half

where i can hang things like loofahsponges brushes as well as razors this thing has been great for tub storage ijust like to keep the size of my tub as clutter-free as possible because itmakes it easier to clean on a regular basis so those are my storage ideas fora small bathroom i hope you enjoyed this video and you found it helpful if youdid please give it a thumbs up so i know consider hitting subscribe button ifyou'd like to see more videos like this thank you so much for watching and iwill see you next time bye andoh

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