are you having a hard time figuring out whatto get for that thirtieth wedding anniversary present? my name is blake kennedy and i'mwith kennedy brothers estate services. the thirtieth anniversary is an awfully specialanniversary and on that anniversary, it's the pearls, the pearls are the gift that theysuggest. i have today a beautiful pearl necklace and a fourteen karat gold clasp. you wantto make sure, on your price point on pearls, that you're wondering if i should spend tomuch or how much should i spend? because the prices vary on pearls. if it sounds too goodto be true, when you're buying pearls, then check it out. the quick way to do it is totake a pearl and rub it against your teeth, if it has that gritty feeling to it, it'sa real pearl. you also want to make sure the
length of it, you might not want it too longof a pearl or too short or too tight around her neck, so make sure you find out what'sa good size when buying pearls. pearls you can purchase at any mall but you might wantto go to like a nice antique shop and make it a little bit special because you get, maybe,a better deal, you can negotiate the price when you're shopping for those pearls. a lotof people picture these old fashioned but i know a lot of women that are very excitedwhen they get a set of pearls on their anniversary. so, no matter what you buy for that thirtiethanniversary, make it a special one. my name is blake kennedy, thank you.