-what a year. what a year.everything you're having. i mean, there's so muchto talk about. congrats on everything.and thanks for being here. -thank you. ohm... [ laughter ] -"cardi b."where did that name come from? -my name come from --you know what? my sister name is hennessy.-mm-hmm. -you know what i'm saying? mysister name is hennessy, right?

so everybody used tocall me bacardi. so i always called myselfbacardi, right? and then it was my instagramname. like bacardi, bacardib. but for some reason my instagramkeep getting deleted, and i think it was bacardi thathad something to do with it. so i just shortened itto cardi b. -so cardi b is the jam.and i love that. now everyone'scalling your name now, pal. -yeah.

-you are from the bronx? -mm-hmm. euymmm. -are you -- sorry. are you -- wait a second. are you from -- are you going home forthe holidays, to the bronx? -yep. oh, yeah, yes. definitely.-you are, yeah. i follow you on twitter --@iamcardib.

and you said that you'renot getting any adults gifts this year for christmas. -no. because youwant to know something? everybody that i know got kids. and this is like --that's just a lot of kids. -so take care of -- -and i got new godkidsout of nowhere. you know,once you start making money, everybody wants you to be theirkid's godmother or somethin'.

-but i -- you did geta beautiful gift. actually you got a wedding ringfrom your fiancã©. you're engaged to offset there,from migos. he did that live? -ohh! [ trills tongue ] -i mean --[ trills tongue ] is right! yeah! i mean, it looks gorgeous.let me see that. let me see that ring.

look at that.-don't get too close, because i didn't putno lotion on my hand. -gotcha. i gotcha.-it's wintertime. -it's wintertime. i got you.yeah, yeah, yeah. did you know -- look -- that is the biggest diamondi've ever seen. did you have any ideathat he was going to do it? -no. i mean, you know, i was -- he always used to tell me,

"i'm gonna marry you.i'm gonna marry you." and it's just like, "hmm-mmm." it's the right thing to do. but, you know, i knowhe was gonna give me -- i knew he was gonna give mea very expensive gift, because he wasn't therefor my birthday. but i thought he was gonna giveme, like, a watch or somethin'. anyway, he just --he just went out his way. ohh. [ trills tongue ]

-[ laughs ]the grammy awards. grammy awards. january 28thhere in new york city. your hometown.are you nervous? -i am nervous.you want to know something? you want to know something?-yeah. yeah. mm-hmm. yes. -i already feel like a winner.-yeah. you are a winner. -you know what i'm sayin'? because it's just likei never thought me...

-you already are.-yeah. like, i already won.what's good? -you did. i mean, you've beenon our show a few times. but "bodak yellow" wasthe first number-one single from a female rapper since 1998. so already you justchanged the game. it went three times platinum. [ cheers and applause ]

everybody was singing that song.everybody was doing it. girls, women, men, grandmas. everybody's singing"bodak yellow." -yeah. i see.i'm so proud of myself. -it's got to feel good,though, right? -it does feel good. and it feels good because, you know, i reallyworked my ass off for it. and it's just like,ahh, it finally pays off.

i have been proven! -right. yeah. oh, please.you got more to come. there's more to come with you. but you're alsomaking some history. you're the firstfemale hip-hop artist -- i want to get this right -- with your first three singlesin the top 10 at the same time. cardi b! -i mean...

i heard that, and i was like[ trills tongue ] you know? and, uh... i totally was. i totally was. i didn't think i wasgoing to be, but i was like[ trills tongue ] you know? yeah. you have a new trackcoming out friday. -yes.-all right. and this is "bartier cardi."

"bartier cardi." -yeah, you know,i named it "bartier cardi." you know what i'm sayin'? because i don't wantcartier to sue me. yip-yip-yip-yip-yip! featuring 21 savage. okay? yeohw. y'all go get that. -no, we're gonna get it."bartier cardi."

i can't tell you how muchwe love you and they love you. i mean, come on![ cheers and applause ] cardi b! i love you, man.

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