easy halloween house decorating ideas

easy halloween house decorating ideas

hey everybody, it’s amy from craftymcfangirl.com. thanks so much for joining metoday, we’re going to use recycled cardboard tubes to make some creepy candles for halloween you can find links for all the materials youwill need for this project in the description below the videoboth on youtube and at craftymcfangirl.com you will needempty toilet paper or paper towel tubes white acrylic paint a paint brush flameless battery powered tea lights

scissors mod podge and a glue gun and several glue sticks the first step is to paint your cardboardtubes white. you could also use tan or ivory paint. and i have also seen some creepy black candlesmade using this method. go with whatever color matches your dã©cor. once all of your tubes are painted and thepaint has dried completely, it’s time to add the tea light.

make sure that you have batteries in eachcandle and that they light up. heat up your clue gun for the next part. we are going to glue the candle inside thecardboard roll. if your candle fits exactly, just glue itin. if your candle is smaller than the tube youwill need to cut the tube open first. glue the candle inside. and then glue down the seam. once your candle is secure, it’s time toadd the dripping wax effect. use your glue gun to create a series of gluedrips around the top of the candle.

allow the glue to dip on it’s own for themost realistic look. then let the glue cool and harden before continuing once the glue has cooled and hardened, it’stime to paint the wax drips to make them look like they are part of the candle. also paint the top of the tea light to makethe entire thing the same color. make sure not to paint the flame portion ofthe tea light though. i made a total of five candles and cut themto varying heights so they would look interesting in a cluster. once the paint is dry on all of your candles,the last step is to give each candle a coat

of mod podge. this gives your candles a glossy waxy look. once the mod podge is dry, your candles aredone. ready to display for halloween. thanks for watching and have fun with thiscandle project. if you enjoyed this video, consider subscribing. and i’ll see you next time.

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