![BATHROOM STORAGE CABINET HANGING BATHROOM STORAGE CABINET HANGING](https://cabinetshelves.club/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/hanging-metal-storage-cabinet-beautiful-bathroom-wooden-bathroom-storage-shelves-narrow-bathroom-storage-of-hanging-metal-storage-cabinet.jpg)
hi, everyone! so in this video, i’m goingto share with you guys how i’m organizing my bathroomcabinet. okay. so this is my bathroom cabinet. i’mjust going to quickly go up and down and show you guysand then i’ll explain in more detail. but if yousaw my last bathroom cabinet and you saw that it lookeda lot different from this, what i did was i wantedto come up with a new system for the new house andi also got rid of a lot of stuff before we moved, justlike stuff
i wasn’t using any more or stuff that ino longer needed. so this is pretty much like all of my bathroomstuff, with the exception of my make-up, which isa lot smaller in this house than in my old house,so i will have to show you my make-up and my linen closetanother time, but this is the majority of everything. so let me just show you guys what i did here.so when you’re organizing underneath the bathroomsink, like you’re always going to have that annoyingj-pipe
underneath the sink that you kind of haveto organize around and it’s so annoying and it’s sofrustrating and you really have to get creative with the space.so what i did was i got these stackable bins. i liked them because they’re open, likethere’s no like lid here, there’s nothing to open here,everything is just open, so you can just like come insidethe cabinet and grab what you’re looking for and thenput it back when you’re done. they come in different sizes, so i was ableto put
like the bigger ones on the outside and thenthe smaller ones toward the middle around thej-pipe, so you can kind of see that everything justfits really nicely. and what i did underneath here,which i don’t know if you can see here, but i putsome putty, let me see if you can just see itover here, there you go. so i put some museum putty,mounting putty, on the bottom of each bin so theydon’t move, so they stay in place. so these are plastic,lightweight bins and if you’ve ever had
a lightweightbin, you know that it moves, especially when you tryand get something out and you go like that, the bin moves.so the mounting putty just holds it in place reallysecurely and it doesn’t move, so that’s really nice also. okay, so let me show you guys everything ihave. so i have my hair tools down here, so thisis like my curling iron, my flatiron, my hairbrush ishere. this one is still empty for the most part,i think there’s
a nail kit in there. then this is everydaythings like face lotion, toothpaste, tweezers, scissors,deodorant, i have perfumes down here, i have lotionshere, then there’s advil, also. over here i havetampons, i have q-tips, i have soap, and then facialstuff for washing my face. there’s wipes for cleaningaround the sink, there’s razors, there’s wipes, there’spaper towels, toilet paper, and trash bags. so up here, this bin’s kind of hard to access,so i wanted
to put something up here that i wasn’t grabbingevery day, and so this is like extra trash bags to linemy trash can, i’m not really grabbing that every day,i’m just grabbing it every time i take the trash out. and then over the door, over the cabinet door,i have my blow dryer and then on this side i have allof my hair sprays, hair gels, creams, and anythingthat i need to make my hair nice. so my favorite thing about this system ishow everything
is just super accessible. like i love thefact that i can just get out of the shower, i can justopen up the cabinet doors and immediately grab like mydeodorant, my lotion, my face lotion, tweezers, anythingthat i might need to get ready for the day, everythingis just so easy to find, it’s easy to grab, easyto put back, it’s easy to maintain. and it’s just,it’s working for me! and another thing i like about this spaceis how the space is maximized. so you can see that i’vekind of,
i’ve organized across, but i’ve also organizedup, so i’ve maximized my vertical space andnot just like my horizontal space. i also like these cute, little labels thati made so i just took scrapbook paper and i cut it outand i put it behind the little label holder right hereand then i just took my label maker and then i puta nice, white, clean label so you’d know exactly what goesinside this bin. okay, so that’s how i’m organizing everythingin my
bathroom cabinet. i hope these tips were helpful,i hope you can use some of the things i’ve shared with you guys. if you want more information on the productsi used, you can check out my website, alejandra.tv.and if there is something that you want to share withus on how you organize your bathroom cabinet or justsomething in your bathroom, you can leave a comment below,or create a video response, upload it, and let us all see. so that’s everything i had for you guys,i will see you soon. bye!
for more tips checkout alejandra.tv