update the look of your bathroom with a newvessel sink. installation is easy – we’ll show you how. first, think about the height of your newsink and vanity. vessel sinks can be recessed in the counter or sit on top. pick a vanitythat supports the sink at a comfortable height – about 36 inches to the top of the bowlis typical. also, use a taller faucet with a long spout designed for vessel sinks. to remove your old vanity, turn off the watersupply and turn on the faucet to relieve pressure in the lines.loosen the nuts to remove the drain pipes, and disconnect the water lines from the valves.cut the sealant along the backsplash and remove

it. if your vanity is secured to the wall,separate the top from the vanity with a putty knife, lift it off and back out the screws.the vanity should now pull out. with the old vanity out you can make plumbingrepairs. it’s also a good time to paint, installwall tile or replace the floor. to install the new vanity, mark the heightand width on the wall to see the layout. then use a stud finder to locate and markthe wall studs above the outlined area. use a tape measure to transfer the plumbinglocations from the wall to the back of the vanity. then cut with a hole saw a littlebit larger than the size of the pipes. if your new vanity has drawers, make surethe plumbing won’t interfere.

position the vanity, and check that it’slevel. use shims to adjust. when it’s level, drill holes through theback into the studs, and secure the vanity to the wall with screws. if you can’t lineup the holes with studs use wall anchors for your wall type. attach the faucet on the vanity top beforeinstalling the top on the vanity. leave the faucet loose to make adjustments after thesink is installed. add silicone caulk or adhesive to the topof the vanity and position the vanity top in place. attach the backsplash; then caulkthe joint. apply a bead of clear silicone caulk to thebottom of the vessel, and position it over

the hole on the vanity top. (the overflowhole should be toward the front). then assemble the drain, aligning the overflow hole withthe sink. don’t over tighten. after the caulk has dried install the restof the plumbing. you might have to cut the tailpiece with a hacksaw to make it fit. whenthe plumbing is installed adjust the faucet as needed. turn on the water and check for leaks. finallyadd the hardware. consider matching the style your vessel sinkwith a new mirror and lighting fixture to complete the look. want more great ideas and how tos? go to click to subscribe.

next, learn how to install a tile backsplash.

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