ideas decorating your aquarium

ideas decorating your aquarium

hello there,welcome to yet another video. as per the request of some viewers i am goingto show how i made an aquarium dã©cor from teak wood and used it as aquarium dã©cor. normally driftwood is used to make aquariumdecors but i tried the teak wood and these wood also never decays in water. so they are perfect for planted aquariums. in fact you can just paint them with krylonfusion paints or nontoxic epoxy paints and they become as perfect as driftwood. these paints are costly but they do add someextra detail.

some wood decors like bonsai wood dã©corsare extremely costly like this one cost around 150$ or more on ebay. overall such decors are costly in the marketso why not make it yourself at home. woods of oak woods and other woods can beused as aquarium decors. basically driftwood are woods that washedto seashore or river shores by various environmental events…. ok so any wood can be used in aquarium providedthey don’t decay in water. here i am using the teak wood. making a wood aquarium dã©cor involves twostages.

stage one is preparing the woodfirstly for making a teak wood dã©cor i searched my near plot of land where some teak woodtrees were cut. i selected some artistic looking wood logsand began peeling off the outer wood as they are corrosive in water and decays fast. after removing the outer cover of the woodi got the inner thick wood which is often used for furnishing. now i began polishing the surface of thiswood log with blender that i had in my home. once the polishing is finished wash the woodpiece with water thoroughly. and stage one is almost complete.

it’s now time to heat the wood dã©cor. since teak wood contain lot of oily fluidinside the wood and also trapped air bubbles it is necessary to remove them or the entirewood dã©cor may float on water and also makes water dirty by releasing the oily they havein them. stage two is curing the wood and water loggingin this stage boil some water to high temperature and put the wood dã©cor in warm water in acontainer like this ….. that’s of metal and leave it for 12- 15 hours. then remove the residual water and add freshwarm water again. do this for couple of days or week.

until you see that water don’t have anyresidues in them and the wood is water logged and sinks completely in water. once you see such result your wood dã©coris ready to be used in aquarium. you can further remove the dirt or such watercontaminator off the wood dã©cor. such decors are best in planted aquarium thanin normal cichlid aquariums. but you paint and design the decors in wellshapes then it can be used there as well. you can use the paints i said earlier. that’s it for this video i hope you likedit and found useful. leave a thumbs up and check out my other videosand channels on my channel page.

also connect me on social networks. i will be back with another video make sureyou subscribe the channel until next video bye and take care andthanks for watching

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