ideas decorating quotes

ideas decorating quotes

in this tutorial i’ll show you 10 diy cardsideas, which you can make for your boyfriend, girlfriend, friends and family to show howmuch you love them. hey loves, we finally arrived into the holidayseason, which is my favorite time of the year. it's time when we send our good wishes toour friends and loved ones. but this year, instead of buying a bunch of greeting cards,i decided why not making them ourselves. so here i'll be showing you ten diy greetingcards ideas, not only for the holiday season, but also for valentine's, which is comingsoon, birthdays, or just any kind of day when you want to remind your friends and familythat you care for them. you don't have to wait for the international day of love tolet them know how much they mean to you. do

it today, i'm sure you'll make them very happy.ok, enough talking. let's get down to work! let’s kick off with this cuteness overloadwhale card! you’ll need some cardboard paper, blue balloon, googly eyes, tissue and a fewbits like pen, ruler, glue and scissors. cut two rectangle pieces one bigger and one smaller.i like to take a pointy object and run it across the middle of the bigger rectangle.this will make it easy to perfectly fold the paper along the line. there you go, that’show you easily get a plain card from a big piece of cardboard paper. but of course westill need to decorate it! to transform a balloon into a whale draw on his mouth andstick on a googly eye. every whale also has a blowhole on top of the head for breathing.ok, our whale is ready but he can wait a little,

because we need to draw the ocean for him- draw some silver waves on the black rectangle. to assure the whale will keep the desiredform, scrunch a napkin and glue it on the back. now we can finally put this buddy inthe ocean so he can swim. fold his tail upward and glue it in place. when whale breatheshe blows the air out through the blowhole, which may look like a fountain since he’sin the water. make a white cloud where you can write a message like happy birthday, ilove you, congrats - whatever the occasion, and stick it on the card. i really love howcreative and unique this card is. and also the fact that you can use it for so many differentoccasions. next we are making this adorable minion card!these are the things you need. googly eyes

are optional but they add a bit of textureand 3d feel to the card. for the minion’s glasses start off by cutting a thin blackpaper strap. then cut 2 black and 2 smaller white circles. i used a tape roll and a gluelid for a stencil to outline the perfect circles. we must not forget our minion’s hair! andlastly we need to give our yellow monster a cute smile. with a help of a tape roll iam sketching a shape of crescent moon and cutting it out. now we have all the partsready and we can assemble our minion. put the glasses together by gluing black circleson the black strap and the white circles on top. fold a rectangle piece of yellow cardboardpaper in half to get a card and stick the glasses on the upper part like that. add thehair and the mouth. for the pupils you can

simply use two small black circles or a pairof googly eyes like me. how flipping adorable does this little monster look like! but weare not completely done yet, we have to write a little quote on: you are one in a minion,like million but minion. get it? i think this card is so versatile, perfect for a birthday,valentines or just any day really. you can give it to your love, friend or a family memberand you’ll make them very happy for sure! let’s continue with this pretty candle card.we are going to need similar things as before but also four birthday candles. i like tosketch where i want to place each candle so i am drawing four lines on the black pieceof cardboard. you can use any cardboard color for this card, but i specifically went fora black background because i wanted it to

look like candles burning in the dark. sincethe candles are rounded they can be a bit difficult to stick on a flat surface. thereforei decided to scrap one side with scissors like so. you will get a flat side which willbe much easier to glue in place. for the flames i am drawing little silver hearts above eachcandle. i think this card is so beautiful. it’s perfect for valentines or just anyday and you can give it to your significant other or a friend. in the caption i'm writinga note "you light up my life"! i just want to virtually give this card to all of youwatching this, because you guys light up my life every day, you need to know is a lovely christmasy card! besides the usual, you will need some pipe cleaners,little colored cotton balls and three buttons.

sketch a triangle shape on a rectangle pieceof paper and stick it on the red card to get a nice framed front. take your pipe cleanersand start cutting shorter and shorter pieces so you can cover the entire sketched trianglewith them. i like to use a variety of different colored pipe cleaners but as you can see,i focus a bit more on the green. green represents the tree, while other colors stand for thechristmas tree decorations. for even more texture and dimension i decided to stick threecolored cotton balls on as ornaments. the tree would not be complete without a staron top. you can draw it, cut it from a yellow paper, but i decided to use a yellow buttoninstead. to finish of i am also gluing down two brown buttons for a stem. you can leavethe card like this or you can add a little

merry xmas caption next to the tree. and that’sit! what a cute little card for this magical time of the we are making a super cute and sweet butterfly lollipop gift. this time we usea lollipop and a pair of tiny googly eyes on top of the normal necessities. take a pieceof cardboard and fold it in half. outline a shape of a half of butterfly’s wings likethat. cut the wings out making sure that you are cutting both the upper and the lower sidesof paper. unfold the paper and there you have a perfect pair of symmetrical wings. if youwant you can decorate them, i usually cut four small circles from a yellow paper andglue them on. it’s time to write on a little note, which can be anything depending on whoyou are giving the butterfly to. if that’s

a boyfriend you can write something like istill get butterflies when i see you. if it’s a friend you can write something simple likehave a sweet day. make two short cuts on the folded side and slide a lollipop through thatopening – you get the perfect butterfly, see? if you want you can add a pair of tinygoogly eyes, but either way, this cutie is absolutely adorable and such a nice littlegift to anyone. it’s amazing how a little detail like this can make someone very really don’t have to spend a lot of money to make a person smile.let's now learn how to make this beautiful card with balloons in the sky. you mostlyneed similar things as for the other projects, but you also need some buttons and some the way guys, i'm really sorry for my very

weird voice today - i'm a little bit sick,but i still wanted to put this video on as soon as possible so i hope it's ok. then cutout a bigger rectangle and fold it in half. for the framed front, cut out a smaller bluerectangle and stick it on the white one. we need to decorate the sky with some puffy whiteclouds so cut them out from a white paper and glue them on the card. try to place theclouds more on the sides to leave some space for balloons, which are coming in a second.if you want to achieve that stitched effect you can draw short gray lines along the edgeof the clouds. see how the card gets that cartoony feel? cut some white thread pieces,place the first one on the card, add some glue on the upper end and put on a button.i have these cute buttons in forms of mickey

mouse, flower and a heart, but normal roundedbuttons would look just as pretty. collect the threads, tie them together by making ared bow and cut away the excess. customize the little note depending on the occasion,i wrote happy birthday, which i am soon having on christmas day, woohoo!! this card is alsoperfect for other celebration occasions for example graduation or getting a driving idea is again perfect for the christmas season. we are making this pretty card with3d presents. besides the usual stuff you’ll need a bunch of colorful tube beads. foldthe cardboard in half to get a greeting card and if you want stick on a square piece ofsome different colored paper. i am sketching two crosses where i want my two presents tobe and now we can start gluing the beads!

all you need to do is grab a bead with tweezers,dip it in glue and place it on the card. i went for pink and green ones. the green beadswill represent the ribbon and pink ones the package itself. i am putting the green oneson the sketched cross and pink ones around to form a square. lastly i also made a bowusing green beads on top of each pack. below the presents you can write a little note,i wrote i hope santa treats you well this year. i think this is such a lovely idea,sleek but with so much texture and dimension. yep i do hope santa makes all your wishescome true this christmas. because you guys deserve it!now let’s make something super quick and easy but still very adorable! for this projectthe most important thing you need is a stone.

yes you heard me right - so go outside andfind a stone you like. then cut a little rectangle piece of cardboard, i decided to snip awaythe edges to make it a bit more special. give a pair of eyes and a big smile to your stoneand glue it on the cardboard piece. how quick and epic is this idea, right? the only thingleft to do is to write you rock my world or simply you rock below the stone. i simplyadore this one. it is literally made in a minute and could be such a lovely presentto your friend and loved ones. let’s continue with the most famous snowmanout there – olaf. i printed out the stencil from the internet and i also decided to decoratethe card with some pretty snowflakes. start by cutting all the pieces out of the the way, i found this one by just googling

olaf stencil. for this greeting card i decidedto use blue cardboard. fold it in half and we are ready to start gluing. here come hislegs, body, head and in the end sticks for his hair and arms. before we let the snowcover this cute card, let’s write down a short note. i am going for olaf is sendingwarm hugs. another one of his quotes goes like this "some people are worth melting for".which would also work great here. to finish off let’s sprinkle this wintery card witha bunch of snowflakes. i got these for less than a dollar in a craft store but you cantotally cut them out from a white paper and they don’t even need to have this snowflakeshape. this card is just so adorable and it’s perfect for this time of the year. you canalso use it as a birthday card for friends

with birthdays during winter months.last but not least i have another christmas card idea with santa’s reindeers. besidesthe usual you will need two halves of a peanut shell and a napkin. i decided to make a framedcard front so i am just gluing a smaller green square on a red plain card. draw a pair ofblack eyes and a red nose to each of the two rudolf reindeers. then put some glue on theinner side of the shell, scrunch a piece of napkin and put it in. this will make it mucheasier to glue the shell on the card. i love using stuff in a non-conventional way, likeballoon, candles and pipe cleaners. i think it’s so cool finding an alternative wayof using things, you just need to think a bit outside the box. all that’s left todo is to draw a pair of raindeer ears and

horns to each of them. this card is supereasy to make and looks so adorable! i also think it’s so nice using peanut shells whichwould otherwise be thrown to waste. i hope you enjoyed watching this tutorial,let me know in the comments which card idea is your favorite. i think they are all socute, so it's really hard to decide, which one i like best. i wish you all an amazingholiday season with the people you love. sending you a big warm hug! i love you and i'll seeyou soon. instead of going to the crowded mall to buycards for your friends and loved ones, make them yourself. the time and the creativityyou will invest along the way, will surely reflect on that persons’ smile when theyreceive it.

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