hey this is jr product manager for theeastwood company did you know rust cost americanconsumers twenty three point four billion dollars a year and maintenanceand repair cost rust occurs when oxygen combines withmoisture to attack the iron particles found in the house at least we have three methods to attackthis problem prevention treatment and eliminationlet's take a look how we can do that the first method is elimination there's two types of elimination of rustmechanical and chemical mechanical is

your abrasive blast or soda blasterglass cabinets and if you don't have any of those we offer these rust brushes these arereally cool to go right into your drill and the strip the surface rust right offnext method we offer is a web stripping disk he's coming four and a half inchfor your grindr up to seven th for your buffers we strip out rust paint take it down to bare metal real fastreal nice real easy to use next there are chemical options we haveare rusted solvers this is only been for about an hour sostressed right off and for your large

parts that don't fit in a bucket weoffer our jail rest his armor this is great for decades trunks roofs any bigflat surface or vertical surface of the gel can adhere to next we have our fast at your fastestremoves the rust and leaves a fun sport coated this coating is great foradhesion for painting and powder coating and if you need to store your parts thiswill last up to three weeks the next method we offer is rusttreatment we have a converter in the capsule laterwhat the converter does it converts the metal to a paintable surface simplyapplied to the metal

wait paint it you're good to go the nexttreatment option we offer is our rust encapsulator this is a great productgoes right over the rest uv resistant available black silver red and unlike alot of other products you don't have to cop code yeah and the final method we offer isprevention we offer a rubberized undercoating which has been around for40 or 50 years this is a great product if you spray itright over bare metal if you spray it over rust it's going totrap the moisture and the rest is going

to spread and you're never going to seeit well we came up with a solution for thatwe took rust encapsulator technology combined with flex agents to come upwith rubberized rust encapsulator this goes right over rust remains flexiblesuper durable great product another preventive product that weoffers are heavy duty and i rest this is a paraffin wax that really neverhardens it stays flexible is ideal for channels rocker panels getting insideareas or water can accumulate and the next unique product we offers internalframe coating this is a great product that protects your frame from the insideout

it's 425 of zeke it goes right overexisting rust and prevent future rust and the two foot extension hose makes itreal easy to get in the hard-to-reach places so whether you want to eliminate rusttree trust to prevent rust eastwood has all the products you need to do the jobright

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