welcome to part two of our three partseries on how to clean and maintain your small space. in this video, we are goingto talk about how to maximize the square footage you do have, by coming up withsome interesting and unique storage ideas. i'm going to walk you through some of thecoolest storage products designed specifically for small spaces. you couldeither buy these, or you could look up diy versions for yourself. all right, let'sget to it. with small square footage, kitchen andbathroom storage certainly does come at a premium. i know because i did live in apretty small condo for a while, and i had to deal with that myself. something ididn't consider, but i kind of wish i did

were these shelf expanders. in a kitchenin a condo you've got limited shelf space, so you have to figure out how to maximizethat. these shelf expanders literally double up the space that you do have. soyou can store more plates, cups, cans and other dry goods. now, the thing to keep inmind here, is you don't need as much stuff in a condo that you have in a house. ifit's only one or two of you living in the condo, you don't need a full set of eightdishes. maybe just stick to four or six. for canned goods, don't grocery shop andget huge purchases. just pick up what you need, store it, and then replenish as yougo. you can pick up more expensive versions of these wire racks with plasticand rubber grips and pretty things, but

honestly these serve the purpose. they'recheap and i like them. now if you want to get really crazy anduse some space that would otherwise never be used, pick up one of these. it's anover cabinet storage basket, it just hangs on the edge your cupboard it gives yousome extra space. you can store saran wrap boxes, oil and vinegar, condiments, oranything else that will fit into this basket. the idea is, you're just gettingsome free space. next up on our quest for maximizing oursmall space, we are making friends with the back of our door. this is a reallycool unit that we picked up. it was about $40, and it actually extends all the waydown. we just only put it in half way, and

as you can see we hung it up on the backof this door using space we otherwise wouldn't have had access to. it'sproviding a whole bunch of extra storage for cleaning products, we've got our papertowels here, you can also use this for laundry. you can put your detergent anystain removers, any fabric softener products. this is great, and i also have ahook here which i'm using just to hang a cloth but you can honestly use it to hangother things like jackets, or if you have a mop with a hook handle on it you can usethat too. now if you want to get extra creative, andnot spend as much money, you can pick up one of these. a lot of people talk aboutthese. they are shoe organizers, they're

fairly inexpensive, and they will free upa lot of extra space for you to store all kinds of interesting things. again,maximizing that space on the back of your door. condos are notorious for super smallclosets, and you know what? we've got to make the most of what space we have. nowthere are tons of products that i could talk about. i'm going to cover them on ourblog so you can check out all kinds of ideas,including extra storage space going up, and storage space going down. but here,i'm going to talk about specifically, how to maximize your wire hanging rack. tokick things off, we'll talk about these

teeny-tiny, narrow little hangers. theseare amazing because per inch they get more hangers on your wire rack and who doesn'twant to store more clothes in their closet? i mean, i do. the next thing i love, are these s can pick these up anywhere, i got this idea from retail stores. they are fabulousbecause, you can hang multiple pairs of pants on there which is great. you canalso use them to hang bags and scarves, really brilliant and a very inexpensivesolution. finally, i really love these this is from my bedroom, it is a hangerwith six sub-hangers. so you can get extra clothing without taking up extra hangingspace. it looks great and streamlined and

slim and you look cool and you get morestuff in your closet. so i think these three things are really great to considerwhen you're figuring out your closet solutions for small space.i want to go back to the concept for a minute here about the fact that yes we'retrying to maximize our small space but at the same time we have to remember that we have to slim down our stuff before we go out and buy these storage solutions. so i've got up tonsmore ideas up on i couldn'tcover them all here today for you, but check out that blog post where you'll seelots more cool products, as well as some diy ideas. there's a button down therethat lets me know you care, so click it if

you liked this video. click this buttonright here to subscribe and begin your journey to a cleaner life. remember tostay tuned for the next and final installment of this series, part three andthat's coming up real soon! thanks so much for watching, and we'll see you next time! here we are at the end of the video wherei get to share with you two other videos that i think you're going to love so ihave two videos on folding. it is all about how to save space and how to foldneatly and efficiently. that is something you're going to need in a small space, soyou can check out part one and part two right over there. remember to check outour blog for all kinds of

cool cleaning information and remember tostay tuned for part three of this series. i know you're going to love it! see younext time!

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