how to organize bathroom cabinets - home organizingtips hi there, how are you? so i am here todayand itã•s our bathroom and i am going to show you how i organize the space under the cabinets,under the sinks and i hope this helps you. this is a tight space in many homes and thebest way to organize it to create storage for everything you need really is groupingeverything you have by types. i always say everybody has a family and every family hasa home. so letã•s try to see, how i did that. so here we are. i organized everything inbins and i buy this target i really like them. they have severed us well for many years now.i brought them at least from the last home in maryland at least for four years now withus. and here are my personal use items like

cotton and here i have all my hair productsorganized in this basket. i have travel sizes and i have the big jugs. they are cheaperthan buying in small sizes. and here i have again a little mug that i didnã•t use in thekitchen but i didnã•t want to let go. so i use it for blades and the shampoo for thechildren. and here i have soaps from brazil, i am a big brazilian soap fan. and i alwaysbuy both in natura and phebo. and they are my favorites. so here i have a quick basketfor nail care and if i want to just clean up and touch up so i have my favorite colorand i keep it here. back here i have some makeup that is not ofmy daily use but it is too ok for me to save. and i keep it all here. so as you can seeit is very simple and easy to store things

when you group them together in small containersand then you limit also how much you going to have because your containers can only holdso much. and i like that rule because there is only so much that you can use as moving forward here to the other doors. i keep our medicines here and i sort themby creams and ointments, like my nova era, a brazilian pharmacy and by pills and prescriptionthat stay in the back. and so these are baskets from ikea and they are actually for your dresserto hold socks and underwear but they were perfect for here. this is our hot bottle andsome medications. my sweet dad brings my husband always the shaving cream that my husband likesso much from brazil. so we store the extras here. dad is not allowed to bring so muchthe next he visits.

and one more sets of towels that i have onehere and one in use and that makes it very easy to maintain as well. it doesnã•t takethat much space. right, i am going to show you now, how to organize the drawers becausethat is another area that gives us so much grief right? so as you can see here you havethis container that holds everything in place. so nothing is dangling around when youã•reopening and closing the drawer and nail clippers and because we live in earthquake prone area,i keep whistles for an emergency in certain areas of the house. again here itã•s our travel size storage,because sometimes we travel my husband more than i do and glasses care and all my homeopathicmedication and some bach floral medication

that i use regularly. so itã•s emergency careand all i do really is group everything by type. and this boxes are again from ikea,they are super inexpensive and they last a lot. and down here itã•s what i called a dailyuse booboo kit and it has anything from band aid - that solves all the issues in the worldwhen you are five. and a cough homeopathic medication for kids neosporin and advil andtylenol so things that i may use more on a frequent basis i donã•t keep with the otherscontainers i showed you. and up here itã•s my drawer and thatã•s alli use really. this is from my great grandmother and i keep it here, it is the safest placein the house i figured out to hold. and a pair of scissors, i like to have scissorshandy and a flash light and my hair clips.

so up here it is the medicine cabinet andas you can see, i keep just my daily use products like facial products and hair products andsome quick medicine for the kids if they have a temperature or something like that. so that is pretty much it and as you see itis very simple to organize the space as long as you are keeping only what you need andthat you are willing to take care of everything on a weekly basis. i am always trimming andalways reviewing things. i donã•t let anything pile or accumulate. so i hope this trip helpsyou a lot. alright, have a great day. page | 2 00april, 2014

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