[music]thanks to bath fitter there's no needfor demolition inside the bathroom,in fact bath fitter reps install everything themselves in justone day-- without the hassles andheadaches of traditional bath remodeling. start tofinish for this job is going to take usprobably six or seven hours, and youliterally have a brand new

bathtub,bathroom wall, fixtures when we're done. [music]you had a great consultation with bathfitter, they do everything for you, so wedon't need a whole bunch of volunteersright. so tell me about theprocess like, so you are almost like thehomeowner right?

you were consulted with,you gave them your design choices-- theirwebsite was really easy to read and like gothrough it, so i picked out differentfinishes-- it's kind of like a step by stepprocess-- and then by the end it just allmakes one design concept. wellyou know the timeline. it's almost as ifyou didn't need a designer, but

i'm going to fool myself and saywe do. but the bestpart is, like you said, done in one day. these guys come in, they preparethe surface that they're gonna applythe materials - there's no grout,there's just a few lines that have to becocked up, so there's a very littlechance of water intrusion, and it looksbrand-new

and beautiful. it's gonna beamazing, i'm so excited. and how about thetub? theylaser measure it, they created in theirfactory, and then they just tweak the fitwhen they get it here. did yousee it done, it was pretty amazing.

i'mexcited like i can't believe that it canall be done so quickly. one day andlisten it's a permanent solution because ofthe high quality materials. yeah and soin this one i chose the subway tile,which is very on trend, but there's allkind of

finishes and styles. and youknow hilda's gonna have her master suite,she's gonna be able to relax and have herown space but the best part is, lowmaintenance. andyou know what gunny always says, you gotto have a good rain room if you're gonnado a makeover, he calls it the rain room.

oh i miss gunny man i wish hewas here and not you. thanks, appreciatethat, you could always be stuck withryan. [music]

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