>> becca pearson: my name is becca and i amthe funding and development officer at doncaster rape and sexual abuse counselling service. i have worked here for about three years nowand it’s my job to source and secure funding to keep the charity running on a day to daybasis. if there are any issues with the building,if anything breaks down or anything like that we ring rejus and they come out to us reallyquickly and give us a great service. >> matthew lynds: we first got involved withdracas via a call from dracas which was just to do a cleaning job for them.
>> becca: rejus have been cleaning for us for quiet a few years now and again becauseof the nature of the work we do here it does

require a certain level of sensitivity andprivacy and they can really accommodate that for us. >> matthew: and then that developed and wegot to know what dracas do, the problems that they have in the sector that they have andthe need that was there that they wanted to meet but were struggling to meet. it was avery easy thing for us to do and it was a wonderful opportunity to be able to make abit of a difference. >> becca: rejus have helped dracas in a numberof ways. they have supported us and helped us develop our basement area. the basementarea of the building, this is a old victorian building, was quiet damp and dark down thereand we couldn’t use it for anything and

it was a bit of a storage space. so we gotin touch with rejus to see if we could work together to try and develop this into a reallyuseful and valuable space for doncaster. >> matthew: what dracas have done is givenus the opportunity to do something really effective and to make a real daily differenceto people so that is a absolute no brainer for us and we will continue to do it and doit wherever we can. >> becca: when rejus were carrying out therenovation to the basement all their contractors and workers were really respectful of thesensitive nature of our organisation. >> matthew: with it being a sensitive natureof building it is important that we have the right people doing the job and known faces.

>> becca: we gave them our diary system sothey could tell when clients were going to be in the building, they would know what areaof the building so they would work in accordance to that. they were really flexible to ourneeds as an organisation. >> matthew: too many respects that is ourstandard service anyway so what we do fits just comfortably with the way dracas wantit done. >> becca: i’d like to thank rejus for theircontinued support and this isn’t just a one off support it is continued support andwe really value and appreciate the continued nature of it. i’d like to thank them forthe facility in the basement as it is already doing amazing work with some of the most vulnerablepeople in our community and if we didn’t

have the support of rejus it would have beenout of our price range, it would have been really difficult for us to be able to achievethat project without the support of rejus so we thank them for that.

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